Friday, November 26, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"The difference between [Kyle] Rittenhouse and the vaxxx is that Kyle’s shots were effective."

Chad Prather, candidate for Texas governor

"The federal government has stood on the sidelines cheering cancel culture, the de-gendering of our vocabulary, and 'mostly peaceful' protests. It has taken every opportunity to bend the knee and subordinate itself to the whims of the Twitter mob.

And yet apparently all of that is still not enough. So activists left this warning message, right in the White House’s backyard: Expect Us.

This is supposed to be intimidating. They want us to fear them as some menacing threat. But that’s the wrong way to look at it.

Yes, we expect you. You’ve made it quite clear that we should expect you.

We expect that your entire position will remain hilariously paradoxical-- like how you believe Dr. Seuss is racist, but you tolerate the Chinese Communist Party’s ethnic violence.

And because your position is so comically absurd, we expect that you will continue to engage in attention-seeking criminal temper tantrums, including vandalism, arson, data theft, grand larceny, and assault.

We expect you will be protected by the media, which ignores your violent criminality and sings the praises of your moral righteousness.

We expect that, since your ideas cannot hold up to logic or rational debate, you will continue to demand suppression and censorship of any intellectual dissent.

We expect you to keep reinventing history, science, and even the English language, and to jam it all down everyone’s throats.

We expect you to indoctrinate children into your ideology through woke school curricula, peer pressure, and social media intolerance.

We expect you to try ruining the lives of anyone who opposes you.

Finally, we expect you to continue finding ridiculous reasons to be offended and outraged no matter how much your cause is advanced.

Yes, we expect all of that. But we’re not going to live in fear of it.

That’s what they want. They want you to be terrified and intimidated, that you’ll bend the knee and adopt the rituals and Newspeak of their movement, because you’re afraid."

Simon Black

"Not even Woodrow Wilson, not even FDR, openly raged against the political leaders and populations of other states in the union who dared to persist in freedom in the presence of federal imposition. This is what Biden is doing now, in complete defiance of the federal system. The dangers here are immense for the future of the American republic. We are supposed to have a federalist style system. But the crazed socialist ideology that is now in control of Washington seeks total power and will stop at nothing to get it. 

We are in for some very tough times ahead. The next 16 months to 22 months, until there is fundamental change, are going to be the hardest of our lives. We’ll see much worse before it gets much better. We will face challenges like never before, and the economic repercussions are going to be extreme. When the inflationary depression becomes obvious, this administration will not admit error but instead will double down."

Jeffrey Tucker

"When tyrants ask you to yield one jot of your liberty, and you consent thereto, it is the first link forged in the chain that will eventually hold you in bondage."

Sam Houston

"Wherever you see the word Jew or Jewish substitute 'unvaccinated' and you will see what kind of world we are living in."


"Joe [Biden], let me clarify this in the simplest terms possible so that you can grasp it... you are not important. You are not a lawmaker and you are not a ruler, you are an employee of the American people, that is all you're are supposed to be. And though you may wish to be a dictator, that's not going to happen. We will not allow it. I realize that you are a puppet and that your globalist handlers make most of your decisions and write most of your statements for you, so you can pass this message on to them as well: WE WILL NOT COMPLY. It's not going to happen. Get used to the idea.

We are peaceful people and always have been. But if you come after us, you will regret it. We will teach you an important lesson in humility. A lesson you and your elitist friends sorely need and will not enjoy. This is a promise."

Brandon Smith

"The opposite of woke is reality.  The word 'woke' is supposed to be slang for 'awoke,' meaning a 'woke' person finally caught on to what is really going on in the world (and doesn’t like it much at all).  The word stands reality on its head.  It means the opposite of reality.  It really means that someone is awoken to the idiotic fantasies and daydreams of the Lunatic Left.  Sorry Lunatic Left, but a man cannot become a woman by simply declaring himself to be a woman.  The world will not end in twelve years unless we are forced to pay $50/gallon for gas and have our electric bills quintupled with 'carbon taxes.'  Setting fire to police stations and courthouses, looting Macy’s, and beating Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard and chasing him through the streets of Kenosha with a loaded pistol in your hand is not 'peaceful protesting.'

Larry Elder is not 'the black face of white supremacy' as the L.A. Times called him, and neither is the recently-elected black Republican lieutenant governor of Virginia.  The country that elected a (half) black president twice, and which millions of black and brown people from Haiti, Central and South America and elsewhere are risking their lives to come to is not hopelessly and inherently racist.  (On the other hand, those of you who support race-based hiring and university admission and preach 'critical race theory' are racists)."

Tom DiLorenzo

"There is always, in any society, a minority whose instincts rejoice in the permission to persecute; it is a release from civilization."

Will Durant

"The Democrats in the latter half of the 20th and early 21st centuries transitioned from a reform party into  America’s worst enemy.  Essentially, the Democrats destroyed America.  They replaced the white population with Third World 'people of color' who have different values and different cultures.  Assimilation was halted. To assimilate immigrants was declared to be racist, cultural supremacy,  and hostility to 'multiculturalism,' which somehow became an overriding value.   It became more important to be a Tower of Babel than to be a united Nation. 

It was the Democrats who imposed disunity on America.  It was the Democrats who changed the immigration laws and overran a white population with people of color living off of handouts imposed on the white population.

It was the Democrats who invented Identity Politics and who institutionalized in the educational system Critical Race Theory and Systemic Racism that demonize white Americans.

It was Democrats who destroyed Equality Under the Law by violating the statutory basis of the Civil Rights Act and imposing racial quotas, a form of preferment before the law.

It was Democrats who sicced women on men.  Men became oppressors unless they were homosexuals.  If they were straight white men, they were triple-time oppressors—women, persons of color, and homosexuals."

Paul Craig Roberts

"There is one thing, and only one thing, that the draft is good for: giving governments a supply of cannon fodder to fight unjust wars.

Waging war in the actual defense of ones country, home, property, and family does not require conscription. If the United States were actually attacked; that is, if foreign soldiers actually landed on east or west coast beaches or crossed the northern or southern borders, the government wouldn’t have to conscript anyone. Americans would get their guns and flock to the coasts or borders and start shooting before the government or the military did anything.

Conscription is a form of slavery, regardless of what the Supreme Court says. No young man or woman should ever be drafted.

If young men and women want to enlist in the military, travel the world, meet interesting people, and then bomb, maim, and kill them for Uncle Sam, that is bad enough. But the government should never force any American to do so."

Laurence Vance

"Democracy is not necessarily a representative government, but it is an illusory participatory government. This is what your friendly elected class wants you to believe our republic is. People tend to think that democracy is evolved or modern republicanism. Democracy is truly a veil for a wicked government that places all matters, including personal and private ones, into the public view, for public legislation.

In a democracy, the vote becomes the single, all-important symbol of citizen participation in life. Thus, politics become personal, and all conversations revolve around something that should not be part of personal life at all."

Bob Livingston

"Internet censorship via monopolistic government-tied tech corporations isn’t just a problem because of free speech issues, it’s a problem because the way it’s applied is completely uneven and power-serving: politicians and the mass media circulate disinformation constantly without ever being censored. It’s not just silencing people, it’s actually shifting power upwards."

Caitlin Johnstone

"Tony Fauci does not do public health. He does pharmaceutical promotions."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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