Monday, November 29, 2021

DC Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Invaders Still Being Apprehended at Texas Border

More than 28,000 were apprehended in just that one sector in one month.

Exposed-Tens of Thousands of Afghan Invaders Were Not Vetted

At least one has already gone on a violent rampage.

Pedophile-in-Chief to Host Scam Summit

He claims the event with discuss how leaders can "counter authoritarianism, combat corruption, and promote respect for human rights."

What’s more "authoritarian" than demanding his subjects stick Big Pharma’s poison into their veins?

Other weekly crimes include:

Considering sending weapons and killers to Ukraine.

Finding a backdoor way to deny Texians and Americans their religious liberties.

Recommending more fees and regulations for oil and gas exploration on DC-occupied land.

Banning travel from eight African countries because of the latest fake "variant," while continuing to leave the Texas border wide open.

Mandating "vaccine" poisoning for cross-border truckers but not border invading parasites.

Helping women to abandon caring for their children so they can be become working tax slaves.

Removing the terrorist designation of a Communist guerilla group.

Exposed- Regime’s 'Vaccine' Poison Injuring Tens of Thousands

“If we actually sued all of the pharmaceutical companies for all of the complaints it would actually impossible for all of the attorneys around the country, around 100, to handle all of those matters.”

Exposed- More People Dying from Fake Virus Despite Mass Vaccination

Watch the Regime’s Head Quack "duck and weave" while finding new ways to deceive.

Watch him childishly whine about criticism.

Exposed- Regime's Head Quack Did Experimentation on Orphans

Drugs "were often force-fed through nasal and gastric tubes to the children. I reported several deaths in children, and although the mainstream denied that any deaths were due to drug toxicity, they admit that over 200 children died."

Exposed- 365 Studies Prove Banned 'Virus' Treatments as Effective

Do you still insist the DC Demons are not trying to kill you?

Pedophile-in-Chief Keeps Pushing Illegal Poison Mandate

This despite continued court rejections.

Maybe his vaxx has poisoned him!

Regime-Controlled Media Now Spreading Fear Porn About Latest 'Variant'

This one is given a scarier name despite producing "very mild cases."

The Big Pharma criminals are already well on their way toward finding a new way to loot you!

Regime’s Head Disease Goon Praises Communist Lockdowns

“When health officials like Walensky fantasize about what they could do if the U.S. government was just a bit less constrained by civil liberties protections and human rights law, it is these repressive regimes that they seek to emulate.”

Regime Disease Goon Suggests Killing More White People

Because they are refusing the fake vaccine poison…

DC Regime’s Counterfeiters Suggest You Eat Soybeans Instead of Turkey

A nice distraction to keep you from properly blaming them for your higher food prices.

Next year, they’ll be demanding you eat bugs.

Regime’s Stasi Threatens Dissidents

They also have enough "holiday cheer" to deny an autopsy report to the family of a murdered dissident.

Communist Regime Gangster Admits Climate Scam is 'a Religious Thing'

She wants to be a "good steward" while she loots you, starves you, and lets you freeze to death.

DC Regime Prick Waves China

Just another "routine mission" to provoke a war.

DC Regime to Resume Warring on Afghanistan

They’re giving their latest murderous mission a snazzy, inspiring name- "Over-the-Horizon."

Here’s my suggested name- "GTFO!"

DC Regime Prick Waves Russia

Just another "routine mission" practicing nuclear strikes 12 miles from a country’s border.

They’re also moving missiles to Poland and have sent still another warship into the Black Sea.

And "all options are on the table" regarding their obsession with the Ukrainian/Russian Border, including sending killers and weapons.

Nuclear war is getting increasingly likely.

DC Regime Prick Waves Belarus

Would they send that kind of support to protect the Texas border?

Nah, not interested.

Regime’s Hired Killers Break Promise to Leave Iraq

“This once again reflects the Pentagon being tone deaf on the Iraqi public’s growing war-weariness.Even intending to not withdraw by December 31 didn’t have to be publicized, especially just days after Iraq tried to calm the situation.”

Exposed- DC Regime Supports 75% of World’s Dictators

“Please remember this the next time someone tells you the US should do X or Y because such and such a nation is bad…”

Regime Gangsters Support Making Mentally Ill Circus Freaks a 'Protected Class'

They call this a matter of "civil rights."

Regime’s Education Goons Want to Stifle Investigations of Sex Criminals in Schools

To be fair, such work is the responsibility of local and state governments, but The DC Regime is doing this to merely appease the teacher cartels.

Regime to Hire 80,000 More Tax Collectors

Will this lead to another "targeting" scandal?

We already know they won’t be coming after billionaires.

Regime’s Hired Killers Create New 'Task Force' for UFO’s

Expect more of the same cover ups and information stonewalling experienced in the past.

Expect more use of any actually released information as war mongering propaganda.

Regime Communist Gangsters Propose New Gun Grabbing Law

They continue to push "red flag" laws that first take away your guns before due process.

Some good news for the resistance:

95% of Regime Subordinates Have Injected Fake Vaccine Poison

I’m betting they’ll be dead in 3-5 years.

The DC Regime is thus deleted through suicide and American and Texian slaves save billions of dollars on paying federal retirement pensions!

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a "US?"

Isn’t it time for Texians to practice "DC-distancing?"

Secession, anyone?

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