Monday, November 22, 2021

DC Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Regime’s Hired Killers are 'Coordinating' with Invader Smugglers

“U.S. Army National Guardsmen assist Border Patrol agents to line up the illegals and march them into the city of Roma, Texas for transport. This has become a nightly ritual.”

DC Regime Turns Every City in America Into an Invader Sanctuary

“Under a new policy, federal immigration law enforcement is now largely prohibited from arresting criminal aliens in your neighborhood if you live near a playground, a recreation center, a school, a place of worship or religious study, a location that offers vaccinations (such as a pharmacy), a community-based organization, any location that hosts weddings (such as a civic center, hotel, or park), any location with a school bus stop, any place ‘where children gather,’ and many more places that are common to most towns.”

Their amnesty will cost you and yours $122 billion over ten years, despite what lying Regime communists try to tell you.

DC Regime Hiding True Border Data

Here’s some honest numbers:

Invader apprehensions are up130% from last year.

Venezuelan apprehensions are up 9000%

"Mobs" of invaders are pouring into at least one Texas City

DC Regime Allows Invader Camps to Grow

Apparently, turning them around is still not an option.

Pedophile-in-Chief Sends $144 Million of Your Stolen Money to Middle East Thugs

For "humanitarian assistance."

Which brings up the question- He has what for brains?

Pedophile-in-Chief Continues Pushing Poison Mandates

This despite a couple court orders telling him to stop.

The outlaw DC Regime gets more arrogant by the day!

Exposed- At Least One of Regime’s Fake Vaccines Causes AIDS

And The Regime’s drug goons don’t want to disclose the data until 2076!

Exposed- Deadliest Batches of Regime’s Fake Vaccines Went to Pro-Liberty States

“…The majority of the deadliest batches were clearly sent to Republican controlled red states across the USA.”

Exposed- Regime’s Fake Vaccine is Deadliest in Human History

And the Regime-controlled media is working overtime to cover this up.

Regime’s Head Quack Scolds Texans and Americans for Defending Their Individual Rights

“Fauci cited what he sees as a “misplaced perception about people’s individual right to make a decision that supersedes the societal safety.”

Also, he’s "hopeful" he can start poisoning babies and toddlers next year!

Regime Communists Looking to Ban ‘Unvaccinated’ from Domestic Flights

And no, having "natural immunity" is not an exception.

Regime’s Disease & Drug Goons Look to Redefine Another Word

They have a new definition for "booster."

Just recently they redefined "vaccine."

Regime’s Disease Goons to Re-Classify Dead Vaxxed People as 'Unvaccinated.'

“Hospitals and laboratories are required to follow these rules and report official covid-19 data based on these rules. It appears that these rules were designed in a way to conceal the number of covid cases in the vaccinated and to conceal the number of deaths caused by the covid-19 vaccines.”

DC Regime to Spend $5 Billion More on Pills from Poison Peddler

And this just after giving $1 billion to another poison peddler.

Regime 'Health' Goon Threatens Dissidents

“Citing an onslaught of angry messages directed at Dr. Anthony Fauci, who Collins appears to believe is above criticism, the bureaucrat demanded that those responsible for such behavior should be identified and “brought to justice.”

Exposed- DC Regime Covered Up Deadly Air Strike Against Syrian Civilians

“Leadership just seemed so set on burying this. No one wanted anything to do with it.”

DC Regime Kills in South Yemen

There haven’t been "many opportunities" to kill their recently, so I imagine they’re happy about this… 

Communist/DC Loyalist/Fake Mexican/Violent Gun Grabber to Run for Texas Governor

Didn’t see that coming!

He still wants to take our guns.

Texians say, "get the hell out!"

Communist Regime Gangster Urges Destruction of Oil and Gas Industry

“I’m urging the administration to tap that reserve, get the prices down, and then we have to embark on a full-time campaign to get us away from carbon fuels altogether.”

Exposed- Regime’s Gestapo Activated 'Counterterrorism Division' Against Protesting Parents

“FBI’s Counterterrorism Division is compiling and categorizing threat assessments related to parents, including a document directing FBI personnel to use a specific ‘threat tag’ to track potential investigations.”

And their attacks are already starting.

Exposed- Regime’s Gestapo Withheld Evidence in 1965 Murder

Two men have been in prison for this since 1966.

Regime’s Education Goons Harass Texas School District

They’re being investigated for “civil rights violations” for refusing to teach racist, Marxist bullshit!

Regime Gangsters Pass $1.2 Trillion Worth of Pork

Anything and everything on the Communist wish list are now classified as "Infrastructure."

This includes billions worth of child tax credits for border invaders. 

Communist Regime Gangster Publicly Lies About 'Shooting'

“Frank McCall Jr., the police chief in Ferguson, Missouri, said ‘None that I’m aware of’ when asked if there were any recorded instances of white supremacists opening fire during the Ferguson racial protests several years ago in the manner described by Democrat Congresswoman Cori Bush.”

Exposed- Anti-Regime Dissidents Chemically Attacked in Prison by Guards

“The situation began when after a defendant refused to wear a mask, a family member of Kelly Meggs, who is being held in the D.C. jail, told Meggs’s lawyer. Prison guards then sprayed a chemical substance at the defendant described as ‘some kind of mace or pepper spray,’ according to a filing in federal court.”

Anti-Regime Dissident Gets 41 Month Sentence for 'Walking Through Capitol'

This occurred after he was allowed in by police.

Regime’s 'Education' Goon Refuses to Say 'There are Two Sexes'

Please read the exchange during questioning.

The Regime is full of reality-optional scumbags.

Regime-Controlled Media Busted While Following Jury Bus

“According to local authorities, the suspect was trying to photograph jurors.”

Communist Regime Gangster Pushes for 'Federal Charges' Against Innocent Man

The little midget is just butt hurt that the jury’s decision didn’t go his way.

"This wasn’t supposed to have happened!"

How many of these proven lies will be brought up yet again?

DC Regime Seeking to Expand Overseas Spy Base

“RAF Menwith Hill, America’s largest overseas spy base, located in the UK, is to be expanded, and for reasons we can only guess at – although they’re unlikely to be positive.”

Regime’s Hired Killers Demand Russia Explain Troops…on Russian Soil

“Russian troops and equipment are on Russia’s sovereign territory. It is the height of absurdity for U.S. officials to demand that Russia “explain” and be “more transparent” about its own national defenses. That speaks of a hyper-arrogance among American politicians that are deforming their ability to think reasonably.”

Regime-Controlled Media Claims Russia to Invade

“'The likelihood of a potential Russian assault on Ukraine is 'increasing as the weather gets colder,’ CBS News reported on Saturday, citing the customary unnamed US intelligence ‘sources.’ Quite why Moscow would choose the coldest months of the year, with the shortest days, is left unclear.”

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a "US?"

Isn’t it time for Texians to practice "DC-distancing?"

Secession, anyone?

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