Monday, November 8, 2021

DC Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

More Border Invaders Headed to Texas- DC Regime Does Nothing

Mexico can’t/won’t stop them.

Texas is doing whatever they can…

Isn’t it time for shoot-to-kill?

Border Invaders Get Priority Over Texans and Americans in Boarding Flights

And you are forced to pay for it!

Pedophile-in-Chief Claims Ignorance About Compensation for Border Invaders

His care givers had to set him straight. He now claims these criminal invaders deserve such compensation.

This level of senility should alarm everyone.

Other weekly crimes include:

Delaying full release of JFK assassination documents.

Proposing a $50,000 annual tax break for loyalist propaganda peddlers.

Announcing even more measures to destroy the oil and gas industry.

Regime’s Work Safety Goons Caught Encouraging Businesses to Lie About 'Virus' Data

“The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is tacitly encouraging employers to hide "adverse reactions" from COVID-19 vaccines, even as 80 million private workers face jab-or-job decisions due to an impending federal mandate that OSHA has fast-tracked under rarely used, special emergency powers.”

Regime’s Poison Peddlers Spread Propaganda to Children

“Pfizer is telling young children that their experimental mRNA covid injection will make them ‘superheroes’ and give them ‘superpowers’.”

Hospitals Overwhelmed with 'Mystery Illness'

The cause, of course is the vaccine poison. But don’t expect the media to admit to it.

Soon, The Regime's disease goons will blame the sickness on a "new Covid variant." Right now, as you read this, they're probably deciding what kind of scary name to give it!

DC Regime to Convene Meeting to Encourage World-Wide Vaccine Poisoning

“We will discuss efforts to accelerate toward vaccine equity and impact.”

Regime Places Anti-Masker on Terrorist Watch List

“TSA’s action placing Mr. Faris … on its terrorist watchlist for filing this lawsuit challenging the FTMM represents the absolute worst form of vengeance against citizens exercising our First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Exposed- DC Regime Meddled in Venezuelan Election

They "provided significant investment to train political activists in campaigning effectively online."

DC Regime Gangsters Push Economic Warfare Against Nicaragua

“What nerve must a government have to fund death squads and drug cartels in your country and then think they have any moral authority to speak on your elections.”

Afghan Forces Trained by DC Regime Now Joining Terrorist Group

How long before some Texan’s or American’s son or daughter is killed by a DC-trained enemy?

Regime’s Hired Killer Claim no Responsibility in Civilian-Killing Drone Strike

No "misconduct or negligence" found. It was just the good ol’ murderous DC Regime doing what it does best…

DC Regime Training Taiwanese Troops for Future Chinese Civil War

There’s lots of talk about "necessary interaction" and "exchanges."

DC Regime Prick Waves Russia

They were there to "to maintain safety and stability throughout the region."

How do you do that by increasing tension and creating the danger of violent confrontation?

Regime Goon Fully Supports Sacrificing Your Children to Defend Taiwan

"No question about that."

DC Regime Sends $650 Million Worth of Missiles to Middle East Terrorists

The missile sale is another example of the US continuing to support the brutal war in Yemen and is the second arms deal for the Saudis approved by the Biden administration.”

DC Regime Resupplies Occupation of Syria

They’ll have plenty of resources available to continue stealing Syrian oil.

DC Regime Harasses Texas Over Voting Law

“Five federal lawsuits filed in September have also been consolidated into a single case that involves more than two dozen plaintiffs represented by at least 60 lawyers.”

Regime’s Election Goons Rule Foreigners Can Finance Ballot Initiatives

This also applies to congressional redistricting.

DC Regime Harasses Texas Businesses

"You must take the clot shot…and still wear a face diaper!"

Regime Imprisons Texas Dissident

Her crime? She "illegally" entered Gangster Headquarters (after being allowed in by police) and shows no "remorse" for doing so.

Regime’s Gestapo Raids Truth Tellers

Journalists doing their jobs are now considered "criminals."

Regime’s Hired Killers Censure War Photos and Videos

120,000 photos and 17,000 videos.

Exposed- Regime Gangster Urged Police to Fire on Protesting Dissidents

"You’ve got guns. Use them."

Deplorable Conditions for Political Prisoners Exposed in DC Jail

They have also been denied necessary medical care.

Regime’s Supreme Clowns-in-Gowns Force Hospital to Create Circus Freaks

“The court ruling could potentially open up new possibilities for lawsuits that compel religious medical organizations to cooperate in abortions and other procedures considered highly unethical in the major religions of the world.”

Regime’s Communist Gangsters Approve $1 Trillion of Infrastructure Pork

This abomination includes $900handouts for electric bicycles, amnesty for eight million border invaders, and trillions in additional taxes and debt.

Regime’s Gestapo Admits 'Russian Collusion' was a Fraud

“Fabrication once again. A pattern is beginning to emerge. And it continues. The dossier made hay with claims of a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.”

Regime’s Energy Goon Believes Your High Gas Prices are 'Hilarious'

Covering up her incompetence by hackling hysterically reminds you of a similar such creature, doesn’t it?

Some good news for the resistance:

Mexican Forces Fire Upon Border Invaders

A precedent has been set. When is such necessary action going to begin on the Texas side of the border?

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a "US?"

Isn’t it time for Texians to practice "DC-distancing?"

Secession, anyone?

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