Thursday, November 11, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"One reason Dems are so comically furious over 'Let's Go Brandon' is they understand it's the kind of thing that triggers preference cascades -- a moment when people look around and realize that huge numbers of their neighbors share what the ruling party claims is a fringe opinion.

The Left expends a huge amount of effort on making its adversaries feel marginalized. They mastered the dark art of making the majority feel like a fringe minority. The demoralization-destabilization-subversion strategy of the Left is designed to make normal people feel abnormal."

John Hayward

"Innovators and creative geniuses cannot be reared in schools. They are precisely the men who defy what the school has taught them."

Ludwig von Mises

"There are seemingly millions who will believe whatever pop culture tells them, including the mass-denial of natural health and immunity, while attempting to criminalize a knowledge base spanning millennia. Corporate pop prostitutes spew talking points for Big Pharma’s mRNA mystery cocktail as the only solution. And if the solution is less people, which is what the elitists have been saying for decades, then they are succeeding. Multiple studies conducted in the UK show that after the vaccine was introduced, COVID deaths increased by over 1000%. And more than half of all COVID deaths and hospitalizations are from the fully-vaccinated. The numbers in New York City are showing the same. Experts in the field, including the inventor of the mRNA technique being used, had been warning about this since the beginning—but silenced by the corporate media."

Greg Reese

"Historically there has been a symbiotic correlation relationship between agent provocateur groups, infiltration by police informers, and the counter-terrorism forces of the deep state. The repressive security state has molded and used such witting (or unwitting) terrorist pawns or drones in covert activities to create a 'strategy of tension' to instill fear and consolidate repressive power and control which would enhance strident calls for more intense police repression and clandestine surveillance of its subject general population. With countless decades of real-world experience and clinical research, masters of psychological warfare and mind control, expert manipulators and programmers of cult-like behavior, recruit those alienated arrested development post-adolescents and anti-social disillusioned vicarious thrill seekers who fit a susceptible psychological profile matrix and who relish vandalism, violence and destruction as a means of striking out at a world beyond the control of their misshapened lives. An ideological construct of direct action 'anarchism' or 'propaganda by the deed' is put forth as a purported justification for their aberrant thug-like terrorist behavior."

Charles Burris

"Strategic ambiguity has been US policy toward Taiwan/China for decades, but the new Biden China policy could be re-named 'strategic incoherence.'

The policy of 'strategic ambiguity' is foolish enough – who cares who rules Taiwan? – but advancing the idea that the United States is willing to launch a nuclear war with China over who governs Taiwan is a whole other level of America-last foolishness."

Ron Paul

"Nobody who supports internet censorship does so because they’re worried they themselves might consume dangerous words and believe them, it’s always to protect other people from dangerous words. It’s about the most megalomaniacal, emotionally stunted desire anyone could possibly have.

They see themselves as responsible adults who can be trusted to independently sort out truth from falsehood, but see other people as infants who cannot be trusted to do this. This is nothing other than garden variety narcissism."

Caitlin Johnstone

"Hordes of people from the Northeast are flooding Florida, Texas, Tennessee, and other much freer, non-Yankeefied Southern states.  My impression is that most of these migrants are leaving because they are finally fed up with the cold, socialist, Yankee North as its totalitarian impulses have finally gone off the chart.  If they want to turn Massachusetts (and New York, Illinois, California, etc.) into totalitarian communist hellholes, let ’em.  Just leave the rest of us out of it.  All of the migration to freer states is already a sort of effective secession.  We need to see it become more formalized."

Tom DiLorenzo

"Let me tell you what the most dangerous policy action in the world is.

It is to decide that a phenomenon such as climate change is our No. 1 problem, that we need urgent action on it before understanding who is going to control the policy discussion and implement the solutions. Build a consensus that man-made climate change is our No. 1 problem and I assure you that our mystery governance system will use it to achieve a global taxation system and more centralized control."

Catherine Austin Fitts

"If Biden and the globalists continue to push for medical tyranny in states and counties that do not want it, there will eventually be calls for secession. There will also be attempts by blue states to restrict the travel of people from red states using COVID passport checkpoints. We all know this is coming. All conservative counties should be organizing localized security through public militias, and state governments should be thinking along these lines as well. If there's one thing authoritarians hate more than anything else, it is suffering the existence of free neighbors. They will try to stop us from being free, and we must be ready to answer their violence with our own."

Brandon Smith

"The way the Democrats have rigged using US taxpayers’ money to finance their vote-buying scheme is to claim the Trump administration damaged illegal entrants by separating families and America needs to pay off the damaged illegals so they don’t sue. The immigrant-invaders law suits are being prepared against the American taxpayers by the ACLU, apparently with input from the US Department of Justice.

Biden’s deputy press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, said the payoffs were justified because separating illegal immigrant-invader family members was 'cruel, inhuman, and immoral.' Apparently, bombing hospitals, funerals, weddings, farmers, and children’s soccer games in the Middle East is OK, but arresting illegal entrants is not.

Of course, a non-citizen who has committed the crime of illegal entry has no basis for a lawsuit in a US court. If such lawsuits were possible by damaged foreigners, the US would be stone broke. Just imagine all the people the US damaged in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Pakistan, Vietnam. Imagine the damage the US has done to journalist Julian Assange and to many US citizen whistleblowers. Just imagine Democrats allowing any of these millions of damaged people to bring lawsuits."

Paul Craig Roberts 

"From the beginning of these lockdowns — along with all the masks, restrictions, bogus health advice from plexiglass to sanitizer to universal vaccine mandates and so on — I’ve written that there will be hell to pay. They wrecked rights and liberties, crashed economies, traumatized a whole generation of students, ran roughshod over religious freedom, and for what? There is zero evidence that any of this has made any difference. We are surrounded by the carnage they created. Someone has to pay."

Jeffrey Tucker

"There is no 'virus pandemic,' there are no 'variants;' there are only lies and propaganda spewed by the political class and their partners in crime. This government, its agencies, its courts, and the politicians are evil, corrupt, and criminal. They care nothing about you, they care nothing about your family, they care nothing about your children, and they care nothing about the well-being of the masses. They care not about anything of value, they care only about power and control. The only way to stop this is by mass disobedience, and refusal to obey any order or mandate issued by this abhorrent state."

Gary D. Barnett

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