Thursday, November 18, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"I must mention here that globalists and their promotion of globalism can never be anything but contradictory. Their politics are marked by contradiction, hypocrisy and deception. "Human rights" is a term that originated with communism and was adopted by the United Nations and other proponents of world governance.

Someone, after all, must define and monitor exactly what constitutes 'human rights.' God-given, individual, natural rights must be strangled so that human rights (a collectivist term) can be instituted by all-powerful, collectivist governments."

Bob Livingston

"We often hear people refer to the 'mainstream' media, meaning the collection of leftist newspapers and television networks that once held sway over the dissemination of facts and opinions. In fact, there is nothing 'mainstream' about them.

Newspapers in Texas and around the nation are dying precisely because they are not in the mainstream. You might be able to say they were once mainstream, but they are not anymore. The legacy media does not sit in the 'mainstream' of political or cultural thought, but on the far-left bank.

Pretending they are 'mainstream' is to legitimize the illegitimate. The establishment media operations are little more than shills for the anti-American progressives.

The state of the media has caused handwringing about the downfall of democracy and other such blather.

In fact, the rapid decline of the corporatist, crony establishment media might just be what saves our republic."

Michael Quinn Sullivan

"Facebook, this revolutionary technology of democracy and free and open discussion among all peoples of the world, has been fundamentally transmogrified into a PR agency for the state. This will be its downfall. Yes, it will continue to exist for many years, but it won’t be trusted and it will be displaced. That is happening already as people hungry for information are moving to private sources, blockchain-backed sources, and uncensored platforms. 

We are what we know. Those who obtain their information from the most popular technologies of five years ago are walking in darkness."

Jeffrey Tucker

"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness."

Joseph Conrad

"If Biden and the globalists continue to push for medical tyranny in states and counties that do not want it, there will eventually be calls for secession. There will also be attempts by blue states to restrict the travel of people from red states using COVID passport checkpoints. We all know this is coming. All conservative counties should be organizing localized security through public militias, and state governments should be thinking along these lines as well. If there's one thing authoritarians hate more than anything else, it is suffering the existence of free neighbors. They will try to stop us from being free, and we must be ready to answer their violence with our own."

Brandon Smith

"China’s major capital expenditures, as gleaned as best I can from pubs covering these: highways, dams, bridges, very-high-voltage power lines, airports, rail, new high-tech 360 mph rail, five-g implementation, reactors, and semiconductor catchup.

America’s major capital expenditures: the B-21, F-35, Virginia-class subs, , Ford-class aircraft carriers, SSN (x) attack submarine. Biden says he will build infrastructure but, if history is a guide, he will pander to the woke, fight systemic racism, promote LBGQXYZ, become mired in congressional infighting, and the whole thing will devolve into pork. Want to bet?"

Fred Reed

"Real New Yoirkers chant 'FJB,' not 'BLM.'  And, unlike the BLM 'protesters' they peacefully protest 'public' health communism without committing acts of arson, looting, assault, and murder.  Not a single big screen TV was stolen from a single department store, nor were any 'Air Jordan' sneakers, again unlike the BLM/Antifa military wing of the Democrat party."

Tom DiLorenzo

"The last amendment to the Constitution — the 27th Amendment — was stenciled in nearly 30 years ago.

That is because the amendment process is arduous. It is lengthy. And many lack the patience to wait… or trust the people to push things through.

And so they have effectively turned the business over to the Supreme Court of the United States.

The abstruse and nuanced legal insights of these clergy are beyond our slender abilities to appreciate.

The 'penumbras and emanations' glowing from the constitutional text are visible to them. They are invisible to us.

That is, we are incapable of distinguishing Article I from Article II. We are incapable of distinguishing 'shall' from 'shall not.'

That is, we are disqualified from service upon the Supreme Court of the United States.

But the clergy has blown so much life into the Constitution, so much vitality… the thing is so alive… it is nearly dead.

New Testament beatitudes have displaced the Old Testament injunctions."

Brian Maher

"Covid totalitarianism involves the postmodern inversion of reality and morality. The vaccinated now need to be protected from the unvaccinated, even though vaccine was supposed to provide that protection. It is now 'moral' to demand that others take injections against their will and 'immoral' to resist such demands.

The covid regime involves practical postmodern science. 'The science' is whatever the authorities claim is true, and all other scientific inquiry is banned in advance. Those engaged in open scientific inquiry and debate are ridiculed and dismissed a priori, and their reputations destroyed.

Like the assembly of postmodern theorists, the covid regime is a convention of charlatans. Lord Fauci makes declarations ex cathedra, despite their contradiction of accepted epidemiological standards and his own earlier statements, while the medical establishment and the media go along for the ride.

The covid regime is a consensus of postmodern hysterics. The compliant observe superstitious rituals and direct their outrage at the unvaccinated rather than at the authorities responsible for their madness.

All of this adds up to the continual elimination of individual rights and the growing power of a delusional bureaucratic state.

Only a post-postmodern turn can bring about the overthrow of covid totalitarianism. The tide must turn against the practical postmodern consensus, leading to a reinstatement of the competent over the promotion of the unqualified, the reestablishment of legitimate science, a renewed regard for the value of truth, and the subsequent elimination of authoritarianism from the public sphere. In short, it will require the complete reconstruction of the social order."

Michael Rectenwald

"When poor people claim that spies are attacking their brains with high tech ray guns it’s called paranoid schizophrenia. When government officials say it it’s called Havana Syndrome."

Caitlin Johnstone

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