Thursday, December 30, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Trump’s stubborn, intransigent arrogance regarding the COVID VAX has solidified and made him impervious to how he was misled or deluded by the so-called "experts" from the biosecurity deep state led by Fauchi and his Big Pharma enablers. If Trump doesn’t admit he was duped by these criminals over the Operation Warp Speed experimental injection, then he’s complicit in the forced inoculation of children and hundreds of thousands of vaccine deaths."

Charles Burris

"By the end of 2020, the climate doomsters were proved wrong in their scary climate predictions 48 times. At 50-50 odds for each prediction, that is like flipping a coin 48 times and losing every time! The probability of that being mere random stupidity is one in 281 trillion!...

The global warming alarmists have a perfect NEGATIVE predictive track record — they have been 100% wrong about every scary climate prediction — so nobody should continue to believe them."

Allan MacRae, geophysicist

"Individualism and human liberty are opposite to democracy and any other form of collectivism. The collectivist mentality or the mass collective mind is the spirit of the New World Order. The collectivist man cannot oppose tyranny because he is himself tyranny. He is the reality of the supreme welfare state in its conspiracy of the ages to manipulate humanity against itself.

The collectivist mentality lures mankind to guidance from "higher authorities" (government). The crowd wants prepackaged truth and human freedom granted by government authority rather than being forced to use their own consciousness for making decisions and determining their own actions. Hence, they are easily deceived and manipulated by some altruistic nonsense."

Bob Livingston

"Nothing mutates faster than a non-virus, except perhaps Tony Fauci’s pronouncements about the 'pandemic.'

In early 2020, it all started with a 'virus' no one had isolated. Meaning a phantom, a fake, a con, a non-entity. NO VIRUS TO THIS DAY.

Now we’ve had fake variants of the fakes. Delta; Omicron from Africa.

The Stupidity Index—how stupid a person has to be in order to believe the official COVID narrative—is expanding. The more variants, the dumber obedient people have to be, to go along with the show.

At some point, as the number of variants grows, even people who resemble sloths living their lives hanging upside down in trees, will wake up."

John Rappoport

"A people enslaves itself, cuts its own throat, when, having a choice between being vassals and being free men, it deserts its liberties and takes on the yoke, gives consent to its own misery, or, rather, apparently welcomes it."

Étienne de La Boétie

"How serious is the tax problem in the long run? I believe it will become less, not more serious, despite the government’s increasingly high tax rates and draconian enforcement measures. The major long-term trend of society is toward decentralization and smaller-scale organizations. The US government will prove no more able to deal with a rapidly evolving economy than was the Soviet government. More and more Americans will see the government as meaningless and irrelevant, as serving no useful purpose."

Doug Casey

"In Mass-Formations people become radically intolerant of dissident voices. This person threatens to wake the people up and they get angry when confronted by the initial anxiety and discontent they experience by challenges to the official doctrine.

The crowd directs all their aggression at dissident voices.

At the same time they are radically tolerant of their leaders who pronounce the mainstream narrative. These people can lie and cheat and do everything they want and will always be forgiven by the crowd. All the lying, dishonesty and misbehavior is seen by the crowd as doing it for their own safety.

Similar to hypnosis, people in this hyper-focused state are narrowly focused. In hypnosis, only the hypnotized are focused in this way… In Mass-Formation, leaders emerge which are even more narrowly focused than the followers.

When people experience this mental intoxication it no longer matters if the narrative is wrong or even blatantly false. What matters is that it leads up to this mental intoxication. This is why they will continue to go along with the narrative.

The resistance to understanding the narrative is false or wrong is driven by the fear of returning to the state of Free-Floating Anxiety and wanting to continue to experience the mental intoxication.

This explains why arguing based on facts will not work. Facts no longer matter to them. Given the facts, they are unable to come to sensible conclusions, even in their own best interests."

Mattias Desmet

"In the US facts no longer matter. A country in which counterfactual claims take precedence over fact is a country soon to be bereft of scientific and technological capability.

Facts no longer matter across the spectrum from history to law, from language to mathematics. In America, law is whatever a prosecutor decides. For example, a federal prosecutor has decided that it is espionage for a non-citizen outside the country to publish leaked documents, as journalists have been doing for decades. The law being applied to Julian Assange does not exist on the US law books. But it doesn’t matter as law is whatever a prosecutor says, just as a person’s gender is whatever the person declares."

Paul Craig Roberts

"It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into."

Jonathan Swift

"Whoever would overthrow liberty of a nation must begin my subduing the freeness of speech."

Benjamin Franklin

"Our freedoms are more important than globalist agendas for centralization. Our freedoms are the greater good. Without them, our society dies, and as our society dies, millions more people will die from the inevitable collapse and tyranny that will follow; far more than will ever die from COVID.This is why nothing Fauci says has any relevance to us. He is so transparent in his corruption that he might as well be invisible. We will continue to ignore his declarations and admonitions and we will continue to fight back against the vaccine passports and restrictions. When all is said and done, if Fauci, Biden and other globalist puppets try to use force to impose their agenda upon us then there will come a day very soon when they will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity, and they will wish they were invisible then."

Brandon Smith

"When you do the math the conclusion is impossible to avoid: We the people of the Western world are under attack from a well-organized, well-funded conglomerate of governments, media, and government-privileged entities.  The mathematicians are the smartest and bravest among us who have dared speak out, and they range from highly-credentialed scientists to a second-grader in Florida.  The aggressors are smug in their expectation of victory, but we have the advantage if we choose to use it."

George Smith

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