Thursday, December 16, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Let me tell you what the most dangerous policy action in the world is.

It is to decide that a phenomenon such as climate change is our No. 1 problem, that we need urgent action on it before understanding who is going to control the policy discussion and implement the solutions. Build a consensus that man-made climate change is our No. 1 problem and I assure you that our mystery governance system will use it to achieve a global taxation system and more centralized control."

Catherine Austin Fitts

"Democracy equals socialism equals communism equals fascism. They are all totalitarian forms of collectivism demanding self-sacrifice and total allegiance to the state and are all anathema to life and liberty and property.

However, it's naïve and wholly inaccurate to ascribe this philosophy only to Democrats. Almost all politicians, Democrat and Republican, embrace socialism in many forms.

Always remember: The government has nothing good or nice to give to you. The government is in the business of shrinking freedom (and wealth), not expanding it. Politicians regularly espouse human liberty and democracy at the same time. This is impossible! Human liberty is not available in a collectivist system. Human liberty is only available to the individualist."

Bob Livingston

"The timid civilized world has found nothing with which to oppose the onslaught of a sudden revival of barefaced barbarity, other than concessions and smiles."

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

"Fauci and his ilk, like Klaus Schwab on the global side, are modern government-backed mythmakers, latter day creators of legends that are not based in human or scientific reality.  Frankly, we the people ought to be pro’s by now, in catching what’s wrong with this picture.

If these spokespersons – for an elite-designed planet, complete with 24/7 controllable human assets, all doing what they should and nothing the elites disallow – are telling us a long bedtime story, what might  be keeping us up at night?

For me, it’s simple.

Liars lie.

Authoritarian sociopaths don’t care about skin color, health, or intellect or happiness of those that exist to serve them, except as these and other things can be used as a means to increase control and reduce risk to the authoritarian program."

Karen Kwiatkowski

"…it has always happened that tyrants, in order to strengthen their power, have made every effort to train their people not only in obedience and servility toward themselves, but also in adoration."

Etienne de la Boetie

"You’ve chosen to ignore the destruction of freedom by vaccine mandate, by lockdown, by devastating financial ruin for millions of people. You’ve kept your mouth shut. You’ve settled for protection by obeying the rules and taking the shot in the arm.

A curtain of lies has been raised all over the world. The fraud is awesome. The fear is mindless.

You sided with the wrong people. They are promoting an absurd religion of ceremony and ritual. 'First you do this, to protect yourself. Then you do that. Then, the third step is this. Then you’ll be blessed. But actually there are more steps, and if you take them, you may or may not be protected…'

These priests keep telling you they’re changing their minds about what is necessary because new data are emerging—and you believe them. You believe they and you are following science. It still hasn’t dawned on you that all this is about CONTROL."

John Rappoport

"Taxes are destroyers of civilization and society. They impoverish the average man. They support welfare programs that anchor the lower classes at the bottom of society. They underwrite a gigantic bureaucracy that serves only to raise costs and quash incentive. They pay for public works programs (once called 'pork barrel projects,' but now rechristened 'infrastructure investment') that are usually ten times more costly than their privately financed counterparts, whether needed or not. They maintain programs that cause huge distortions in the economy (such as deposit insurance for banks). And they foster a climate of fear and dishonesty. The list of evils goes on. But the simple truth is that anything needed or wanted by society would be provided by profit-seeking entrepreneurs, if only the tax collector would retire."

Doug Casey

"In America today heterosexual white men, that is, totally normal people, are subject to every epithet known to mankind.  They are demonized relentlessly.  They cannot protest hate speech or hate crimes against them.  They cannot exercise free speech.  They are totally dispossessed of their rights and humanity.  But they are "privileged."

This attack on white men was an attack on the basic strength of the country.  Amazons are a fanciful story, but women have always been dependent on men, and the pretense that they are not, now institutionalized throughout American society, is one great delusion.  It is the stupid feminists who are turning men into misogynists."

Paul Craig Roberts

"When questioned about the movement for socialized medicine the late Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman responded by saying that a certain syllogism seems to explain it.  The syllogism he offered is this:  1) Socialism has failed miserably everywhere it has been implemented; 2) Everyone in the world knows this; 3) Therefore, we need more socialism.

This syllogism is also a perfect description of Phony Fauci and all of his comrades in the communistic 'public health' profession today:  1) Lockdowns, mask mandates, and 'vaccines' have failed miserably; 2) Every thinking person in the world knows this; 3) Therefore, we need more lockdowns, mask mandates, and 'vaccines'."

Tom DiLorenzo

"Leftists are adamant about their ideologies, and they are keenly interested in demanding other people die for the cause. But, when they are forced to face personal risk to achieve their directives, they will usually run. You can see this in the mob confrontation with Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha; a horde of leftists was perfectly willing to chase him down with the intention of killing him, but when he turned to fight and a few of them got shot (including a convicted pedo), their enthusiasm suddenly evaporated.

Why do they run? Because their religious fervor for Marxism is an act. It's not real. Deep down, they don't even believe in what they are doing, and this is what separates freedom fighters from all other armed forces. We accept the possibility of death and fight in the face of overwhelming odds because the goal of freedom is worth it. Most authoritarians and useful idiots, when faced with dying for their ideology, will abandon the cause. They have entered the fight with a built-in disadvantage."

Brandon Smith

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