Thursday, December 23, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."

Carl Sagan

"The Pentagon announced an update to rules about 'extremist' behavior that would be grounds for discipline and maybe even dismissal. Much like social media’s ever-shifting 'community guidelines,' the new rules don’t define extremism, but focus on behaviors allegedly in support thereof – such as liking social media posts. They were informed by recommendations from Bishop Garrison, a rabidly partisan activist appointed as 'equity' adviser by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. One doesn’t have to be a genius to figure out how these rules will be enforced by the same military that thinks it’s perfectly fine not to punish murderers of children, but cashier a colonel who dared ask for accountability.

The Democrats have had a strange obsession with civil war all this year. It is somewhat tpuzzling, given that they just fought and won one. What was last year’s 'fortification' but a culmination of a years-long effort to replace the old constitutional republic with a more 'equitable' Our Democracy, after all?

Meanwhile, the supposedly dangerous, armed-to-the-teeth Republicans basically rolled over, stupidly convinced the old rules were still in effect. Even if a number of them think Biden is not a legitimate president, they are not willing to challenge the system they still believe in. Yet in their very moment of triumph, the Democrats are about to launch a witch hunt that may push their opponents over that edge."

Nebojsa Malic

"While no such thing as 'Covid-19' actually exists, and has never been identified, the real threat that is the real pandemic, had been held aside for just the right moment, and early this year the 'vaccine' pandemic was released. The 'vaccine' is the bio-weapon, and the so-called non-existent variants a of a non-existent virus, are the result of the deadly 'vaccines.' In other words, the 'vaccine' is the pandemic, and all those who have voluntarily taken the injections will be the victims of this staged pandemic. Once the deaths from these jabs reach unprecedented numbers, and they will, the rest of society who have not succumbed to the idiocy of taking such a dangerous concoction, will be blamed. In effect, all will have been targeted by the criminal state, whether they got the injection or not. The 'vaccinated' group will be sick and dying, while the unvaccinated group will be hunted by the state. This is why this society has already been divided by stealth in order to pit those vaccinated against those who are unvaccinated; a sinister plot meant to solidify control of both groups.

This is a communistic takeover attempt, that has all the elements of Fascism, Marxism, and Communism rolled into one. It is the most dangerous time in history for the inhabitants of this planet, as it is an attempt to achieve a globalized takeover of all in order to convert to one technocratically controlled system, where there are an 'elite few' at the top, their enforcers and corporate partners below, including government, with the rest being a slave class known as the proletariat."

Gary D. Barnett

"Here is who the United States Department of Justice (do not laugh!) brands domestic terrorists:

Parents who object to certain school curricula they deem offensive.

At some point, perhaps not distant, we may all be branded domestic terrorists.

We pray upon both knees the day never dawns in our pristine and God-favored nation...

But will the point come when normal men feel they must spit upon their hands, hoist the black flag... and begin slitting throats?"

Brian Maher

"I often imagine what historians of the future will write about our times. The president who promised to make America great again actually believed it was a fine thing to do to tell everyone to stop working and stop producing. Just stop doing everything while he fought the virus, and we would all gather together in a few weeks and congratulate him on his stunning achievement. The arrogance and sheer idiocy of believing that just takes one’s breath away. 

And here we are with the very foundation of American productivity being gutted. People are the ultimate resource for any economy. We are now witness to the shocking disregard that the American left has for the very workers who were declared 'essential' only last year, people who are now being told that they are dispensable. Not even the US president can muster enough energy to pretend to care."

Jeffrey Tucker

"Should civil war erupt (and I'm positive at this point that this is unavoidable), leftists will not last long. The majority of veterans and a large portion of the military are not going to fight against their own people, and they may even step in to assist us. A large number of police and sheriffs are also conservative and are unlikely to intervene. So, the question is, who is willing to die for leftists and their cult? I suspect not many.

But the people behind the leftist movement have a vested interest in eliminating conservative ideals and heritage. Globalist institutions working with the Biden administration will surely seek to intervene. They will call us 'white supremacists' even though many conservatives are black and brown. They will call us evil nationalists, even though there is nothing wrong with a national identity that values freedom. They will say we are 'insurrectionists' even though we will be acting in self-defense against an authoritarian regime. They will call us terrorists while using terrorist tactics and false flags against us. And they will claim that we are far too dangerous to be allowed to maintain our own nation or our own states.

Their main rationale will fall to the U.S. nuclear arsenal. They will claim that a nation of terrorists cannot be allowed to possess nuclear weapons, and at the first sign that Biden (or Kamala) is losing control, there will be a call for UN intervention. Count on it. An international force would be organized to try to stop us from existing. This is where the real fight would begin."

Brandon Smith

"Government bureaucrats love crises like wars, hurricanes, depressions, pandemics, etc. because in times of crises millions of average citizens become child-like, their I.Q.s seem to be cut in half (at least), and they beg for a substitute mommy and daddy to protect them, their new mommy and daddy being the state.  All of a sudden they are willing to abandon all of their civil liberties and embrace totalitarianism like a drowning man embraces the side of a lifeboat.  This is exactly the behavior of millions of Americans since March of 2020.

The absence of a crisis, on the other hand, creates a crisis for government bureaucrats.  To the bureaucrat there is a crisis crisis whenever there is no real crisis.  It is imperative, therefore, that every government bureaucrat becomes an hysteric who is constantly trying to alarm the public with the perception of a crisis or an impending crisis.  He is professional liar, in other words, and can rely on the socialist indoctrination organs known as 'the media' to hype his crises.  After all, it’s perceptions that count in politics, not reality."

Tom DiLorenzo

"Think about that 4-starred quota-hired Uncle Tom moron who is Secretary of Defense and is imposing 'racial sensitivity training' on white soldiers.  Does this imbecile think any white heterosexual male will fight for him, for a country that conducts an unrelentless campaign against white heterosexual males?

Washington relies on Southern 'redneck racists' to fight its wars.  With the destruction of the statue of Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia, no real Southerner will ever again fight for the United States. Robert E. Lee as a person is so far superior to any person currently in Washington or Richmond, the Pentagon, state capitols, media, universities, wherever, that to desecrate Lee’s memory is to desecrate the country.  Now that America is self-desecratated, it has no future."

Paul Craig Roberts

"I will not comply with your illegitimate mandates. It will never happen. And if you think you can use leverage to force me to comply, threatening me with poverty and death through economic discrimination, then I will view your actions for what they are — an attack on my freedoms and my life. I will therefore respond in kind and eliminate the threat by any means necessary, and I will be justified in doing so, constitutionally, rationally, scientifically and morally.

COVID cultists should keep this in mind as they continue down this path. They think that the greater good is on their side, but this is a fantasy-driven by their own desperate desire for dominance. The question you need to ask yourselves is this: Do you really think your desire to force the mandates and your political ideology on me is greater than my will to stop you? Are you ready to risk death for the vax mandates? Because I am ready to risk death to end them."

Bob Livingston

"Government funding and power is nearly always misused, often creatively applied, and bureaucrats generally bend the rules when they believe they can get away with it. This occurs with intelligence and propaganda in support of unneeded and unjustified wars.  It occurs in the federal courts where whistleblowers or journalists embarrass the government or one of its cronies.  It occurs in the agencies and contractors involved in weaponizing and enhancing virulence in bats to human coronaviruses.

In complex scenarios, with lots of noise and diversions, always follow the money."

Karen Kwiatkowski

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