Friday, December 10, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men."


"In the course of the past few months, this country’s citizens have fully acquiesced to the will of a totalitarian regime, and in the process, have laid bare their weaknesses due to an unfounded fear. Many believe there is safety in numbers, but that is only the mindset of herd animals, not humans. By voluntarily allowing for the death and destruction of part of the herd, the rest survive to live one more day, but when people accept this attitude, they also have to accept the death and destruction of their family, friends, and neighbors as normal for survival. If that is the case, it seems that the evolution of the human species is going backward, and that is exactly what collectivism is meant to accomplish.

With this comes the consequences of non-action, and under these circumstances, those consequences are always at the discretion of the tyrants. What has happened to date should be enough for anyone to see the folly of having confidence in any state or nation. What began with lockdowns and quarantines, led to business closings, job loss, extreme stress, supply line disruption, shortages, higher prices for goods and services, (inflation) and of course economic chaos. This in turn led to much more poverty, despair, and starvation, setting the stage for the next phase of this takeover. By this time, the people should have recognized the totalitarian nature of what was going on, but alas, they remained obedient and passive, and watched as their world was decimated."

Gary D. Barnett

"The willfully ignorant nihilistic mobs and savage looters are simply acting as pawns, the unwitting tools of the deep state 'strategy of tension' in creating the pretext for the elite’s implementation of a New World Order of a corporatist Social Credit economy (based upon the Chinese model) with centralized political control in a totalitarian technocratic entity, with all pervasive mass surveillance by facial recognition databases and coercive regimentation. These invasive actions are running parallel with the transition to a cashless society with all financial transactions monitored through digitalized biometric identification using such technologies as fingerprints, hand geometry and retina scanning — ultimately a microchip electronic device implanted subcutaneously (subdermally). This is the global governance of the Great Reset.

In this time of unprecedented planned chaos, each of us must steel ourselves to understand, discuss and analyze the crucial global dimensions of what is scheduled to take place and how it plays into the technocrats’ plan to control the world’s resources and the tentative forced evolution of the human species."

Charles Burris

"When a government claims to have the people’s interests at heart, you need to think again. In the entire history of mankind there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the well-being of regular people."

Christine Anderson, Member of the European Parliament 

"We find ourselves in an emergency situation. The world is tottering between two visions of human life. One centers on freedom and all its creativity, including cities, arts, friendships, technology, and great lives. The other centers on despotism and the relentless drive back to a state of nature: foraging for food, living in rural settings, stuck in one place, and dying young. 

Prosperity and human happiness cannot survive the second view. And yet the world’s most powerful people are today rallying around it. 'You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy,' says the World Economic Forum. The first part is possible. If that happens, the second part is impossible."

Jeffrey Tucker

"Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot—it confuses those who think straight. The Big Lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more emotional appeal in a cold war than logic and reason. While the enemy is still searching for a reasonable counter-argument to the first lie, the totalitarians can assault him with another."

Joost A.M. Meerloo

"The amount of strength attributed to leftists by some conservatives is a little bizarre. Certainly, their social power is extensive in that all major U.S. institutions aid them in their efforts to harm others. That said, when it comes down to it the left is a paper tiger, a mirage, a pufferfish bloating itself in the hopes that its much larger enemies will not take a bite out of it. In the event of civil war the political left would be annihilated easily."

Brandon Smith

"[T]he power which a . . . millionaire, who may be my neighbor and perhaps my employer, has over me is very much less than that which the smallest fonctionnaire possesses who wields the coercive power of the state and on whose discretion it depends whether and how I  am to be allowed to live or to work."

F.A. Hayek

"I thought of moral hazard the other day at the grocery store when an obese, beer-bellied older guy in front of me in line whose clothing reeked of cigarette smoke was pontificating about the 'vaccine.'  He and the chubby checkout clerk were talking loudly enough for everyone around to hear (on purpose) about  how proud they were that 98 percent of all the slaves in their town had taken the 'vaccine,'  even many of the kids.  They had those moronic, morally-superior smirks on their faces.

Like most Americans who believe that they can become obese, drink too much, exercise too little, eat way too much junk food, and then go to the doctor for a magic pill when they get heart disease or diabetes, people like this think the jab will protect them forever from any virus.  The jab itself encourages them to continue with their slovenly, immune system-destroying lifestyles, guaranteeing more disease, more sickness, and earlier death.  This is the moral hazard effect of the experimental gene-altering/heart-attack/blood-clot/miscarriage-inducing drug mislabeled as a 'vaccine.'  Big Pharma is legally immune from liability for its 'vaccines,' so what do they care?"

Tom DiLorenzo

"The Covid vaccinated are a grave threat to the unvaccinated, not only because the vaccinated 'shed' the virus, thus spreading the virus to others, but also because the vaccine enables the virus to mutate in order to escape an immune response. The immunity the mutated variant of the virus achieves from the vaccine also gives the virus protection against the innate human immune system. In other words, people who have not damaged their innate immune system by taking the vaccine could now be confronted with a variant that their immune system is less able to repel.

What Fauci has done by financing the creation of the Covid-19 virus and by walking Big Pharma’s 'vaccine' through the emergency use process is to create a Frankenstein virus capable of escaping immune responses."

Paul Craig Roberts

"It’s no coincidence that the people who don’t want to take the jab correlate strongly with people with conventional right-wing views, Trump voters, and cultural conservatives. The battle lines are drawn. It’s really turned into a class and ideological war.

They’re playing the health card with this COVID nonsense. They’re playing the race card and domestic terror card. They’re succeeding in delegitimizing American values and history, as well as masculinity in general and white males in particular. Next will be a reemphasis on the Global Warming scam. You plebs won’t be allowed to do anything, and most will go along with it because they’ve been indoctrinated over several generations to believe it’s right. The elite are doing everything in their power to ramp up fear. Fear for your health, fear of domestic terror, fear of the non-compliant, and fear of the climate destroying the planet.

As I discussed previously, fear is the most powerful tool that governments have to control the people. That’s what governments are all about. They thrive on fear. Fear is the health of the State."

Doug Casey

"Many Americans haven’t been paying much attention to their own country’s trendlines, thanks to Lee Greenwood and Toby Keith and ingrained fantasies of modern America as a cleaned up and less violent  1850s America.  In fact, America today is far more violent, and far dirtier, in body and soul, than she was in 1850.  Empire requires government, and government requires lies, and wars, and lies about wars, and the USG has gotten pretty good at it.

I suspect that if the critical race crowd and the white privilege folks and the rabid environmentalists actually understood how empire works, domestically and globally, they might add some real value to the antiwar, free speech, and sound money campaigns.  The fact that they do not weigh in on any of these topics in any organized or informed way tells me they are tools of a much larger effort.  Whose soldiers are they?"

Karen Kwiatkowski

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