Thursday, January 27, 2022

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"The possibility of a Russian invasion of America doesn’t scare me because my country has been under the thumb of a hostile foreign power since 1865."

Dr. Benjamin Braddock

"Consider we still don’t have definitive answers to these simple questions:

Do masks really work?

Do kids really need masks? As an aside, our great friend Richard Rider reports that San Diego County—population 3.3 million—shut down its public schools for a year with one student death!

Is there asymptomatic spread?

Does the virus live on surfaces?

How long does immunity last after having covid?

How many vaccines will someone need to be 'fully' vaccinated? How many boosters? Annual?

Aren't delta and other variants simply the predictable evolution of any virus?

How do we define a 'case' or infection if someone shows no symptoms and feels fine?

Can covid really be eradicated like polio? If so, why haven't we eradicated flu by now?

And so on. We never get clear answers, but only fog."

Jeff Deist

"The collectivist movement of the present day derives its strength not from an inner want on the part of modern scientific thought but from the political will of an epoch which yearns after Romanticism and Mysticism. Spiritual movements are revolts of thought against inertia, of the few against the many; of those who because they are strong in spirit are strongest alone against those who can express themselves only in the mass and the mob, and who are significant only because they are numerous. Collectivism is the opposite of all this, the weapon of those who wish to kill mind and thought."

Ludwig von Mises

"So much of what we have known as 'science,' from the university research faculties to the research laboratories to the scientific journals, research that at one time was based upon applying theories and data to reach conclusions that were to be 'discovered,' as opposed to being predetermined, has become utterly rigged.

Moreover, science as much as possible was to be a meritocracy in which education, ability, insight, and perseverance determined the success of a scientist. Today, success depends more upon one’s ability to promote progressive narratives, and entry into the research fields themselves are now increasingly determined by one’s sex, ethnicity, and other characteristics that have nothing to do with one’s ability to conduct scientific inquiry.

These are situations that do not end well, for so much of politics is based upon lies and rigging outcomes to satisfy progressive political constituencies. And just as progressives have proven to be destructive at governance, they are equally destructive of science and inquiry themselves. Nothing that progressives touch remains uncorrupted."

William L. Anderson

"While this 'pandemic' is thought to be about a mystery virus, it is not, as the virus narrative is just the tool being used to accomplish the real agenda, which has its roots based in the guise of 'sustainable development' marketed through the idiocy of man-made climate change. This has been fully outlined in the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 30, and in the aptly named 'Great Reset' agenda described by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. In reality, it has but one objective, and that is to achieve total global governance and universal control over all. To be successful in this venture, many hundreds of millions, or more likely billions, will need to be murdered. The 'vaccines' are the tools of murder, so avoidance of these injections at all cost is imperative.

This is not a new threat, but it has been carefully manipulated to occur at this time in order to coincide with the people’s ignorance and indifference, their prepared division, their weakness and dependence on the state, and therefore their cowardice in the face of adversity. This 'vaccine' is the key to success for the evil and criminal rulers, so the fewer of us that take this witches brew, the more of us who will be able to fight back against this heinous attempt to destroy humanity. Our only hope is to remain non-compliant, to disobey every order, and to abolish the current governing system that has assumed dictatorial powers with the voluntary cooperation from the masses."

Gary D. Barnett

"That human beings seek their own well-being and that of those close to them is not an especially provocative discovery. What is important is that this universal aspect of human nature persists no matter what economic system is in place; it merely expresses itself in different forms. For all their saccharine rhetoric, for example, communist apparatchiks were not known for their disinterested commitment to the common good. They, too, sought to improve their own well-being—except they lived in a system in which all such improvements came at the expense of their fellow human beings, rather than, as in a market economy, as a reward for serving them."

Tom Woods

"I doubt seriously that Trump will ever bother to learn about economics, trade, enterprise, or anything else. He has been remarkably consistent in his belief that the real problem is too much global trade, plus too little in the way of his own personal power. It was that impulse that led to the lockdowns in the first place, the very decision that kicked off this disaster."

Jeffrey Tucker

"Why is it that customers can legally discriminate against businesses but businesses cannot legally discriminate against customers? Why is it that workers can legally discriminate against employers but employers cannot legally discriminate against workers? Why is it that tenants can legally discriminate against landlords but landlords cannot legally discriminate against tenants? Why is it that borrowers can legally discriminate against lenders but lenders cannot legally discriminate against borrowers? Although acts of discrimination may be arbitrary or unjustified, this doesn’t change the fact that no one has the right to any particular job, membership, residence, good, or service. In a free society, the practice of discrimination must be an option for buyers and sellers as well as property owners and patrons."

Laurence Vance

"The war arises when leftists and the trans people they exploit try to impose their ideology and their views on the rest of us. The fight is over freedom, not over trans people. If you want to control how I talk, how I think and how I live; If you don't respect my freedoms then I don't respect you. You are not owed or entitled to respect just because you were born or because you think you are special. You get respect by earning respect. You get respect for your actions, not your identity.

The world is not here to accommodate you or your pronouns. People are not here to adjust their speech to protect your feelings. Your feelings do not matter. Your pronouns do not matter. You will be measured by your accomplishments and by how much or how little you violate the rights of others. And if your goal is to manipulate or control how the rest of us speak or interact according to our natural biological preferences then perhaps you should start your own society somewhere else? Maybe somewhere far, far away..."

Brandon Smith

"No government wants their citizens to be well informed, for when the citizens are well informed and start thinking for themselves, governments will have nothing to do, hence the very concept of government will disappear from the face of earth. The very existence of government or state is predicated upon the stupidity of the citizens – the more stupid the masses, the more powerful the government."

Abhijit Naskar

"When the media of the entire Western World lends itself to blatant lies in order to boost Big Pharma profits, enhance governments’ destruction of civil liberty, suppress dissent, and perhaps facilitate a depopulation agenda, the Western World is lost. It is the corrupt Western media that has conspired with governments to destroy freedom and nazify the Western World to the point that Argentina has concentration camps for the unvaccinated and Germany and Austria intend to imprison the unvaccinated–all of this for a 'vaccine' that all evidence proves beyond any question does not protect against a virus, a virus moreover that has a very low death rate and is easily cured and prevented with HCQ and Ivermectin.

Western peoples need to understand that their enemies are not Russia and China but their own governments and their own 'public health' officials. It is these people who are the enemies of mankind."

Paul Craig Roberts

"I’m aware that authors have been presenting other reasons for people who have been getting sick and dying since early 2020. I’m not necessarily rejecting those reasons. But if some of them are true, they only represent part of the picture. Again, it’s not one thing that’s killing people.

There is a programmed impulse to say, 'If it isn’t X, then it must be Y. If X isn’t the cause of people dying, then Y must be the cause.' That’s the basic lie. It’s the basic lie of all so-called pandemics.

It’s also a con. At the highest levels of planning, propagandists (inventers of reality) know that people are willing to buy one explanation for one phenomenon.

But 'COVID' isn’t one phenomenon. There is no 'it.'

And there is no single cause."

Jon Rappoport


oooorgle said...

FDA will no longer use the term "full vaccinated." It's now "up-to-date" or "not-up-to-date."

Enlightened Rogue said...

To The Regime's food & drug goons, your body should be treated the same way as you treat the operating system on your computer...