Thursday, October 21, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Soldiers under withering fire from the enemy, soldiers lying on top of their dead comrades in foxholes of mud, bleeding soldiers, soldiers rising up to make one last assault across open exposed land against the enemy’s position—a picture from the past. Now people are waiting for behavioral orders because they’re terrified of an invisible germ. That’s the modern measure of courage. They summon up all their strength to delete a message that contains information contradicting Anthony Fauci.

The Orange Man heaps praise on his Operation Warp Speed. The Gray Man wearing a mask who can’t find his way from the shower to his bedroom in the White House residence tells the population to take the RNA shot. They comply. They are thus heroes. They do the right thing. They use the deadly weapons of Twitter and FB to rain fire down on anti-vaxxer troops."

Jon Rappoport

"As a geologist, I love Earth observations, but it is ridiculous to tie this objective to a 'consensus' that humans are causing global warming when human experience, geologic data and history, and current cooling can argue otherwise. 'Consensus,' as many have said, merely represents the absence of definitive science. You know as well as I, the 'global warming scare' is being used as a political tool to increase government control over American lives, incomes and decision making."

Harrison Schmitt (American geologist, retired NASA astronaut, university professor)

"Some of the people may have voted for Joe Biden. No one voted for mandatory vaccines.  No representative of the people so voted. It was never put up for a vote. It was ordered. That is not America, anymore.

Americans are thus relieved of any obligation to obey.

The time has come to resist. Not with violence. With something more powerful.


We will not submit to this. It is not negotiable. You have neither the authority nor the right to order people to submit to any medical procedure, to take any drug. To force people to submit their children for medical procedures and to take drugs of dubious palliative value that are known to cause harm. We are not livestock, to be ear-tagged and injected at your pleasure.

And America is not a hospital."

Eric Peters

"Mankind is a fickle creature at best, and is normally content to not rock the boat. This is the collective philosophy held by the many, as it is mistakenly thought to be the easiest way to avoid any danger and strife. Reality is another matter, as weakness is forever present in the minds of men, and therefore tyranny and control are easily accomplished by those who understand that the common masses will always obey the dominate master class at the expense of their own liberty, so long as they are promised safety in return. This grotesque phenomenon will be the ruination of humanity.

All that is happening today is based on this premise, and the ruling 'authority' has taken control of the entire population of the planet by simply introducing the idea that a great crisis that does not even exist is present, and is an imminent and ongoing menace to society. In doing so, they claim to be a prophet, false of course, promising to defend the people, when just the opposite is intended. Instead of reacting in some sort of logical or sane manner, the general population en masse has acquiesced to the controlling power, and in doing so has taken the neutral position explained so well by Alighieri, all at the great expense of their own lives and freedom. This attitude is one of not only great harm, but exposes the worst side of humanity, as most hide and wallow in unnecessary fear while their very existence is threatened. Other than the children, those that take this position deserve no empathy."

Gary D. Barnett

"The rapid growth in these last years of libertarian ideas and movements has pervaded many fields of scholarship, especially among younger scholars, and in the areas of journalism, the media, business, and politics. Because of the continuing objective conditions, it seems clear that this eruption of libertarianism in many new and unexpected places is not a mere media-concocted fad, but an inevitably growing response to the perceived conditions of objective reality. Given free will, no one can predict with certainty that the growing libertarian mood in America will solidify in a brief period of time and press forward without faltering to the success of the entire libertarian program. But certainly, both theory and analysis of current historical conditions lead to the conclusion that the current prospects of liberty, even in the short run, are highly encouraging."

Lew Rockwell

"The jabbed still get sick. The jabbed still get hospitalized. They still die. And all of this happens in much greater amounts than people who have natural immunities through exposure. To be sure, it does seem like the vaccine helps but they have been wildly oversold. Meanwhile, you can’t eat a Ruben sandwich in a diner in New York City, or grab a coffee in a New Orleans cafe, unless you get the government-approved medicine.

This is unscientific. It’s actually immoral in the extreme to demand an entire population accept an invasive medicine that is not nearly as effective as natural exposure and also introduces potentially severe health risks. This is a scandal. And it’s on our political leaders. The outrage about what they have done should echo into eternity."

Jeffrey Tucker

"Article 3, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution defines treason against the United States as 'only . . . levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort (empasis added).'

'United States' is in the plural ('them,' 'their'), as it is in all the founding documents, referring to the free and independent states, not something called 'the United States government in Washington, D.C.'  That is why Lincoln, the entire Union Army high command, and every Union Army soldier who was not conscripted/enslaved by the Lincoln regime were all guilty of treason.  They levied total war upon the Southern states, which Lincoln and the U.S. government always considered to have never left the union.

As for Senile Joe, it is impossible to believe that giving the Taliban more than $80 billion worth of American weaponry was not done on purpose.  If that is not 'adhering' to the enemy and giving him aid, then there is no such thing as treason or giving the enemy aid and comfort."

Tom DiLorenzo

"A conspiracy in open sight isn’t possible with an informed public. If we’ve learned anything else by this point, it should be obvious that the majority of the American people are not informed. At all. They are instead misinformed. About everything. And, like many stupid individuals, they are collectively mistaken at the top of their lungs. They’re proud of their ignorance, which their masters have convinced them is wisdom. We are the stupid ones, believing in our dangerous “conspiracy theories.” Their self-confidence, as they regurgitate some nonsense they’ve heard on CNN, or in a Hollywood script, is astonishing. Facts don’t matter in Identity Politics. Everything is based on emotion, not reason."

Donald Jeffries

"Often the most potent thing you can do to protect your freedom is having frank conversations with those who consider it their duty to limit your freedoms. That can be very hard for some people. Without that growth, such people will not be free. Freedom ultimately comes down to honest, face-to-face conversations.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil. That’s true at work, or with an attorney, or in your day-to-day steps through life. A lot of us, me included, have some growing to do in that regard. Freedom isn’t a theory. Freedom is a result of how you live your life. It is easy for some to speak about the theory, the reality of living life freely however can be very hard for some, almost everyone, in fact. It takes constant, moment-to-moment vigilance around your boundaries and values as you walk through life, literally being prepared to defend your freedom every second of every day, or put a different way — being prepared to defend your boundaries and values every second of every day."

Allan Stevo

"When you are dealing with psychopaths, there is no reasoning, there is no logic, there is no diplomacy, there is no empathy. They want control over everything, they will do anything to get it, and the only option is to remove them by force as a threat. This is reality.

The globalists are for all intents and purposes an organized cult of psychopaths. All of their behavior suggests this is the case, and the only recourse is to treat them as you would any individual psychopath. You lock them up and throw away the key, or you put them in the ground permanently."

Brandon Smith

"American wars last a long time because no one has an incentive to end them. American casualties are low, especially now with the killing mostly done from the air against peasants with no defenses. No important American ever gets killed. American wars are all class wars, with the dying being done by blue-collar suckers from Kansas or the deep South, not by Bush II, Hillary, the other Clinton, Bolton, Bannon, Obama, Blinken, Biden, Cheney, Kamala, Trump, and the rest of those not required to fight. The US public has little idea of what goes on in its wars because the corporate media hide them. the Pentagon having learned that the media are their worst enemy, not the Taliban. It would not surprise me if one unfettered camera crew, filming the corpses and mutilated children and devastation, could force an end to such a war.

Americans are not heartless but calculatedly uninformed. Wars are also extremely profitable for those who provide the bombs, fuel, vehicles, and so on. If the US loses a war, the contracts stop, and equally if it wins. Keeping it going for decades provides a steady revenue stream. What’s not to like?"

Fred Reed

"The defeat in Afghanistan has not forced a reckoning. The media coverage does not acknowledge the defeat, replacing it with the absurd idea that, by withdrawing, we defeated ourselves. The plight of women under Taliban rule and the frantic effort of the elites and those who collaborated with the foreign occupation forces to flee are myopically used to ignore the two decades of unmitigated terror and death we perpetrated on the Afghan people."

Chris Hedges

"What was the real message of 9/11 to Americans? Give up your freedoms for the false promise of security. It’s OK for the government to spy on all of us. It’s OK for the TSA to abuse us for the 'privilege' of traveling in our own country. We must continue to bomb people overseas. Don’t worry it’s only temporary.

So, twenty years on what have we learned from 9/11? Absolutely nothing. And we all know what the philosopher George Santayana said about those incapable of learning from history. I desperately hope that somehow the United States will adopt a non-interventionist foreign policy, which would actually protect us from another attack. I truly wish Americans would demand that their leaders learn from history. The only way to make us safe is to end the reign of the Washington killing machine."

Ron Paul

"Afghanistan has been captured by a tyrannical violent extremist group and I hear the group that’s replacing them when they complete their withdrawal is pretty bad too."

Caitlin Johnstone

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