Friday, October 1, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Ever since 1861-1865, the idea of secession has become toxic to most Americans because they associate it with slavery, even though it obviously bears no necessary connection to slavery.

We've also been propagandized into this 'one nation, indivisible' nonsense, which makes an idol out of the Union. 'One nation, indivisible' would have been news to Thomas Jefferson, who like all sensible people viewed the Union not as an idol to be worshiped but as a practical arrangement to be evaluated according to its results, and modified if the people's liberty called for it.

When two sides have irreconcilable differences, the humane solution is to separate, not for each side to take turns lording it over the other.

The very fact that secession is unmentionable among our media and political elites is evidence enough that it's worth considering."

Tom Woods

"The 'village' Hillary Clinton spoke of is the horrific corporatocracy that has been constructed in America; a marriage of government and business, which is the definition of fascism. The schools, television, movies, music, politicians, and clueless parents all play their parts. In the 1800s, this 'village' would normally produce fiercely independent, tough, and hard working individuals. Our modern 'village' produces 'victims' of various stripes. And victims can’t exist without predators. Bloodthirsty eugenicists; satanic, amoral creatures are our predators."

Donald Jeffries

"Imperial powers do not forgive those who expose their weaknesses or make public the sordid and immoral inner workings of empire. Empires are fragile constructions. Their power is as much one of perception as of military strength. The virtues they claim to uphold and defend, usually in the name of their superior civilization, are a mask for pillage, the exploitation of cheap labor, indiscriminate violence, and state terror."

Chris Hedges

"Covid could just as easily have been used to transfer wealth downward as upward. The only reason wealth has shifted to the wealthiest among us instead of the most needful is because we have systems in place which allow money to translate to political influence and policy making.

Without such vast wealth inequality the public would have the money to crowdfund their own political campaigns, legislative initiatives and media outlets. That’s why the rich actively work to keep others poor. It’s not so they can buy one more private jet, it’s to maintain power.

Because money is power and power is relative, the plutocrats have a natural incentive to use their financial clout to shape things so the majority remains poor. We have a system which makes you king if you’re richer than the masses; if everyone’s king then no one is king."

Caitlin Johnstone

"LIFE-FORCE is a unique drive within the individual to express vitality and energy and imagination in the world. When it flows, health flows.

Conformity is the 'we’re all in this together' lullaby for the mesmerized masses sitting in a decaying common pool of mind control. For five minutes it looks like a superhighway and then you’re in a blind alley at midnight up against a brick wall.

Who is this WE? What is the THIS in which we’re all together? Answer: The WE is rubber-stamped copies of humans that individuals pretend to be, and the THIS is a vapor of spiritual and energetic sedation."

Jon Rappoport

"For those that go above and beyond and cast aside all personal principle in order to further the goals of the system, they might even enjoy a modicum of wealth beyond their peers. You see, in a despotic society, the people who are most without honor are the people that get ahead. They don't need merit, or accomplishment or skills or even brains; all they have to do is sell their souls and do whatever it takes to catch the eye of the oligarchy. They don't have to be good at anything, all they have to do is be evil and for some people that's easy.

In this way, the system becomes a comfortable blanket that people can be swaddled in. They wrap themselves in it and luxuriate in its warmth. They are not concerned with freedom because freedom feels cold to them. Freedom can be isolating, and the existence of choice is terrifying. When all your choices are made for you, there is never any doubt or internal stress. All that is required is that you wake up each day and obey.

For weak and ignorant people, subservience is a gift instead of a curse. They believe that a cage is meant to be gilded, not escaped from, and anyone that seeks escape must be crazy or dangerous. If free people exist then the slaves are forced to question their own condition and their own compliance, so everyone must be enslaved to remove any and all doubt from society. The hive mind is placed above all else."

Brandon Smith

"It is dawning upon many states that the federal government is not going to pass any monumental reforms—whether immigration restriction for the Right or universal healthcare for the progressive left. The most hard-core of political partisans will simply have to come to grips with the reality that in many cases their ideological desires can only be realized in states that share their cultural and ideological profiles.

What we’re beginning to see is what I recently dubbed policy ghettoization, wherein states specialize in passing laws that the most fervent activists on the left and right, respectively, cannot enact at federal level. Instead of bemoaning how broken the federal government is, political activists of all stripes should blaze new trails by having their state governments realize the legislative desires that cannot be achieved on Capitol Hill.

We are now living in a time when people are paying more attention to their county commissioners, school boards, city councils, and state legislatures. A decentralization revolution could be upon us if people opt to muddle through and build creative political solutions in their political backyards instead of reflexively turning to the Beltway for the answers to their problems.

This is one opportunity Americans should not pass up."

Jose Nino

"The turn of the Biden administration toward vicious and direct assaults on Florida and Texas really are a new low in American life. No more is there any attempt to imagine that this is one country with liberty and justice for all. It feels very different. It feels like a civil war, one fanatical ideology setting out to disparage and deprecate any diversion from it. There is just now reconciling these two opposite visions of what American life should be like. 

Covid unleashed a part of tyranny in the United States. Through a surreptitious and circuitous route, they somehow manage to gain power for themselves. They want to use that power now to enact permanent change in the country. Right now, people, capital, and institutions are fleeing from them to safe and freer places, which only drives the people in power to madness. They are right now plotting to do everything to shut down the free states through any means possible."

Jeffrey Tucker

"If government can force people to take a potentially dangerous vaccine to protect against a hypothetical harm to others, the same reasoning would support the imposing of many additional liberty violations. These could include, for example, 'red flag' laws and other forms of gun control, restrictions on access to 'extremist' ideas, or a system of mass surveillance to prevent possible future acts of violence. The argument that government can use force to prevent hypothetical harms renders restraint on government power meaningless.

It is imperative that we support the growing resistance to vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. We must also expand the resistance to covid authoritarianism to resistance to all forms of government infringements on liberty."

Ron Paul

"We are the producers. Government is there to steal the fruits of it from us first by creating fiat money, which must go through the government where those in power receive it and use it before it is debased through inflation, and stolen from us again via taxation.

Fiat money is a lie that supersedes political party. It is now outside the law. The only way the dollar — or any currency that replaces it — will lose the power of control is if a currency exists outside of the corruption of the state and government."

Bob Livingston

"The U.S. military, instead of focusing on preparedness, turned its attention on a whole host of mission-irrelevant politically correct social justice concerns.  Perhaps that is all to the good if it lessens U.S. adventurism abroad.  Unfortunately, this is not bloody likely.  This institution is like a small weak boy who is mouthy and derisive: not a good combination.

What is the best way ahead?  Less social justice.  More plain old ordinary justice.  Then reduced statism.  'That government is best which governs least' is a truism for a good reason: it is tried and true."

Walter Block

"If people really want to be free, they must have a free market in money, and they must keep it private and away from the thieves mentioned above. Do not allow those determined to build by force a completely digital world in order to replace the natural order that exists. Tear down the Federal Reserve, and all central-banking systems. Tear down this political cartel called government, and rely on yourself and each other instead of blindly giving over all your liberty to masters bent on your destruction."

Gary D. Barnett

"Emergencies have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberties have been eroded."

F.A. Hayek

"I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life."

Osama bin Laden (October 2001)

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