Thursday, April 14, 2022

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence."

Charles Austin Bear

"Violent left-wing Marxist social justice warriors — disaffected, deluded by their lot in life, suffering from a hive mind collectivist mentality — are looting constantly and wantonly, now, in cities all across the country, and that's aside from fomenting chaos and disorder, starting fights and destroying property over historical statues and monuments.

Devoid of reason and morality, they are embracing a system — Communism — that has murdered hundreds of millions of people in order to erase vestiges of a culture that fought for liberty and self-determination.

Communism and its parent Socialism have attracted the millennials in droves based on the lie that capitalism is immoral but socialism is moral because it guarantees 'equality.' This is how we know people literally do not think their own thoughts. This allows cover for the ruling class and their nefarious activities.

It is part of the long-term war on liberty, independent thought and rural America and the attempted destruction of the predominantly white, productive American middle class to be replaced by docile immigrants who will do anything for a piece of the 'American dream' illusion."

Bob Livingston

"Initial victories do not guarantee the war will be won. Rather, they arouse the most dangerous enemy: the fatal hubris of over-confidence.

The important lessons come from defeats, not victories. But by the time those lessons are absorbed, it may be too late to make use of them: the second order effects won."

Charles Hugh Smith

"Freedom, as people enjoyed it in the democratic countries of Western civilization in the years of the old liberalism's triumph, was not a product of constitutions, bills of rights, laws, and statutes. Those documents aimed only at safeguarding liberty and freedom, firmly established by the operation of the market economy, against encroachments on the part of officeholders. No government and no civil law can guarantee and bring about freedom otherwise than by supporting and defending the fundamental institutions of the market economy. Government means always coercion and compulsion and is by necessity the opposite of liberty. Government is a guarantor of liberty and is compatible with liberty only if its range is adequately restricted to the preservation of economic freedom. Where there is no market economy, the best-intentioned provisions of constitutions and laws remain a dead letter."

Ludwig von Mises

"What is history but the story of how politicians have squandered the blood and treasure of the human race?"

Thomas Sowell

"One of the greatest responsibilities for the people of our time is to accept everything that he hears in the pro-government media as a lie and to investigate the truth from independent sources personally!"

Mehmet Murat ildan

"When it comes to vital issues that mean the difference between life and death—drug/vaccine-fueled destruction of human life; mistreatment and errors in hospitals; faked disease case and death numbers; inaccurate, meaningless, and deceptive diagnostic tests; the fabricated existence of a whole range of phony diseases and disorders and syndromes; the true numbers of medically caused deaths—medical authorities have been lying and sliming their way out of accountability for MANY decades.

And all this doesn’t touch on the history of public health declarations of epidemics that have turned out to be duds.

Nor does it include the overall history of Rockefeller medicine, which is based on the fatuous notion that there are thousands of separate and distinct diseases, each one of which is caused by a germ that must be treated by a profit-making drug.

Nor does it include the history of vicious suppression of innovative treatments developed by individuals who’ve worked outside the mainstream.

Therefore, suspicion is warranted. Is absolutely necessary. And 'suspicion' is a vast understatement.

I refuse to trust the researchers who simply claim they’re isolating viruses."

Jon Rappoport

"Once the number of implicitly seceded territories has reached a critical mass, and every success in one little location promotes and feeds on the next one, it will become inevitably further radicalized to a nationwide, municipalization movement, with explicitly secessionist local policies and openly and contemptuously displayed non-compliance with federal authority. And it is in this situation then, when the central government will be forced to abdicate its protection monopoly and the relationship between the local authorities that reemerge and the central authorities, who are about to lose their power, can be put on a purely contractual level, and one might regain the power to defend one’s own property again."

Hans-Hermann Hoppe

"The burden of proof is always on the party making the claim. It’s so weird how everyone will apply this standard to things like internet forum arguments and high school debates but not to immensely consequential claims by the most powerful institutions on the planet who have a well-documented history of lying.

Make a claim that could result in winning a Twitter argument and you’ll immediately be asked for proof. Make a claim that could result in thousands of deaths and it will be reported as fact by The New York Times."

Caitlin Johnstone

"Sanctions remain popular because they placate the voters who insist 'we' must 'do something,' and government officials are more than happy to engage in policies that grow state power and can be used to reward friends of the regime.

But having the regime 'do something' is a dangerous game, and if the voters want to signal their virtuous opposition to perceived foreign enemies, the voters can always take action on their own. If Americans don't like Russian goods and services, they're free to boycott these goods, just as Americans boycotted British goods during the Revolution. But embracing yet more federal power in the name of teaching foreign regimes a lesson tends to harm ordinary people in many ways few can anticipate, while also potentially placing many Americans in legal jeopardy. And all of this will be done, no less, with little hope of success."

Ryan McMaken

"After thousands of years of distinct individual history, this world became a singular entity of oppression and authoritarian rule almost overnight; a hell hole of domination over humanity, which caused a total loss of sovereignty of the individual. This of course has led to mass universal slavery, which is the desired outcome of the world’s ruling class referred to as globalists. To not have seen this coming is outrageous enough in and of itself, but continuing to hide from this reality is unforgivable. Those who do not fight back against this hideous conspiracy deserve no sympathy from those willing to risk all in order to be free, for inaction in the face of this reign of terror against humanity is unconscionable. While constructed division can be the enemy of liberty, there will have to be a break between us in the end, as those who are willing to fight to be free cannot afford to be destroyed by those willing to live in servitude."

Gary D. Barnett

"You can beat 40 scholars with one fact, but you can’t beat one idiot…with 40 facts."


"The ideological cornerstone of American statism is the Lincoln myth, concocted around the man who waged total war on his own civilian population in the Southern states, killing at least 50,000 civilians according to Lincoln cultist James McPherson.  The real number is bound to be much higher, coming from the 'dean' of the Lincoln cult.  These were not 'collateral damage' in a foreign country, but almost exclusively American women, children, and old men.  Then of course 'we' dropped Atomic bombs on two Japanese cities occupied almost entirely by civilians; firebombed European cities full of civilians; mass murdered tens of thousands of Plains Indians; killed some 200,000 Filipinos, thousands of Vietnamese civilians, Koreans, Iraqis, Afghans, and on and on and on.  But Boobus Americanus is now supposed to believe that only Big Bad Putin would do such things."

Tom DiLorenzo

"It’s often said that only Nixon could have restored relations with China because if a Democrat had attempted that, he would have been red baited and stopped. People trusted Nixon’s anti-communist credentials. This is what made that dramatic move possible. 

It’s the same with Trump and the lockdowns. Had Obama or Biden been in office in March 2020, they never would have gotten away with this. There would have been mass outrage. The Republicans would have urged universal resistance. The lockdown plans would have blown up even before they went into effect."

Jeffrey Tucker

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