Monday, April 25, 2022

DC Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Regime to Send Bureaucrats, not Soldiers, to Defend Texas Border from Invading Criminals

“We are increasing our capacity to process new arrivals, evaluate asylum requests, and quickly remove those who do not qualify for protection.”

They’re not going to turn back the invaders, just "process" them more quickly!

Meanwhile, invaders continue to cross the US border, including over 221,000 in March alone!

While we fight abroad, we are invaded at home.

Turn them back or shoot them dead!

Regime’s 'Security' Goon Wants to Send More of Your Stolen Money to Bribe Countries that Produce Border Invaders

“This is how we deepen our coordination and this is how we make more progress in helping vulnerable people support communities and protect the security of our borders.”

As usual, he’s more concerned about their borders and not his own!

Turn them back or shoot them dead!

DC’s Maoists Now Protecting Border Invading Criminals 

“The illegals were quickly herded across the street into Union Station as black bloc thugs obstructed traffic and yelled obscenities at frustrated drivers and observers.”

Turn them back or shoot them dead!

Pedophile-in-Chief Wants to Return Forced Face Smothering

He doesn’t want his disease goons to lose the "power to smother" that they never legally had.

Other weekly crimes include:

Forgiving more loans held by deadbeats.

Promising to be more "eco-friendly" while the DC Regime invades, bombs, and kills people throughout the world

Exposed- Pedophile-in-Chief Broke Law Releasing Oil from Emergency Stockpiles

“Biden’s action violated the 1975 Energy Policy and Conservation Act which established the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR)… The law prohibits the release of emergency SPR stocks unless there is a severe domestic supply shortage, an act of sabotage or natural disaster.”

DC Regime Announces Gang Summit to Forcibly Inject People with Fake Vaccine

Big Pharma needs more cash flow!

Regime 'Health' Goon Admits His Vax Poison is Killing People

And the only reason he admits it because it is killing colored people at twice the rate of white people.

Regime’s Disease Goons Create New Overlords to Tell You What to Do

“We think of ourselves like the National Weather Service, but for infectious diseases.”

Exposed- DC Regime Allows Chinese Communists to Delete its Research Data

“A memorandum of understanding (MOU) of cooperation, signed between the Wuhan lab and the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch, makes it obligatory for each of the two labs to delete ‘secret files’ or materials upon the request of the other party.”

American Universities Have Been Bribed with Millions of Your Stolen Money

“In 2021 alone, the eight colleges of the Ivy League – all considered “private” – received a staggering amount of $3.8 billion dollars from the Federal Government.”

Regime’s Head Quack Believes His Disease Goons Should Have the Power to Create Law

“For a court to come in, and if you look at the rationale for that it really is not particularly firm, and we are concerned about that, about courts getting involved in things that are unequivocally public health issues.”

Regime to Send $800 Million More of Your Stolen Money to Ukrainian Nazis

This is now a weekly event.

It includes more artillery to kill more civilians.

They’ve also thrown in another $500 million for "economic assistance." And DC’s Treasury goon proclaims this amount is "only the beginning."

Exposed- DC Regime Admits it has 'Almost Zero' Ability to Track Weapons it Sends to Ukrainian Nazis

“…we have fidelity for a short time, but when it enters the fog of war, we have almost zero. It drops into a big black hole, and you have almost no sense of it at all after a short period of time.”

The Regime’s spy goons are creating a new al-Qaeda.

DC to Create Mob of 40 Other Gangs to Send 'Long-Term Military Assistance' to Ukrainian Nazis

“It’s all about modernizing and making sure that the Ukrainian army is always powerful and able to function in the future.”

DC Regime’s Nazi Puppet Wants $7 Billion Per Month in Subsidies

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Thursday that Ukraine needs $7 billion per month in financial assistance to make up for the economic losses from the war.”

DC Regime Gangster Wants to Send His Hired Killers to Ukraine

“Coons said the Biden administration and Congress should ‘come to a common position about when we are willing to go the next step and to send not just arms but troops to the aid in defense of Ukraine’ …”

Regime’s Hired Killers to Train Ukrainian Nazis

And typically, they are sneaky about it:

“The Pentagon is planning to teach Ukrainian trainers how to use the new weapons sometime in the coming days in an unspecified third country, an anonymous US defense official told reporters on Monday. This way, the Ukrainians would train their colleagues on how to use the US weapons, while Washington would avoid having ‘boots on the ground’ in Ukraine itself.”

DC Regime’s Treasury Goon Pressuring Other Countries to Begin Economic & Financial Warfare Against Russia

“The Treasury official said Yellen is ‘deeply concerned’ about the impact [destroying economies in poor countries] but said the US is ‘firm in our resolve to hold Russia and its leadership accountable, and have imposed crippling sanctions’.”

DC Regime Bans All Russian Ships from American Ports

“No ship, no ship that sails under the Russian flag, or that is owned or operated by a Russian interest, will be allowed to dock in a US port or access our shores. None.”

Ex-DC Regime Goons Promote Preservation of Their Tech Terrorists

“…pending legislative attempts to restrict or break up the power of Big Tech monopolies — Facebook, Google, and Amazon — would jeopardize national security because, they argue, their centralized censorship power is crucial to advancing U.S. foreign policy.”

DC Regime’s War Goon Wants DC’s Hired Killers in Taiwan

He wants to send more of your stolen money there, too.

Any chance of that military aid being sent to protect the Texas border?

Nah, not interested…

Regime Gangster Prick Waves China

“Lindsey Graham is at it again. He is one of the leading Neocons who has supported the Ukrainian Neo-nazis and the war against Russians. Now he pulled off a surprise visit to Taiwan playing the very same game promising US support for a war against China should they invade”.

Regime’s Hired Killers Want More Money for Their Arctic Terror Cells

They need more "climate resilience" against fake climate change.

Regime’s Tax Slaves to Pay Even More for Crappy Jet

Of course, it’s Putin’s and the fake virus’ fault…

Regime’s Supreme Clowns-in-Gowns Shut Down Oil Pipeline

“The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected to review a case filed by a St. Louis-based natural gas company concerning a lower court’s decision that could shut down a pipeline that runs about 65 miles from Scott County, Illinois, to St. Louis, Missouri.”

Regime’s Supreme Clown-in-Gown Wants to Ban Knowledgeable Jurors

"Facts are racist!"

Regime Clown-in-Gown to Allow Communist State to Loot Oil Companies

“The suit, which dates back to 2017, is seeking damages for more than 30 companies, which the anti-oil San Francisco Chronicle said fossil fuels producers “profit from products contributing to rises in temperatures and sea levels.”

DC Regime Goons Shake Down UPS

“Attorney General Merrick Garland successfully shook down the United Parcel Service (UPS) for the alleged ‘crime’ of ‘discriminating’ against a non-citizen by asking for too much proof of his legal status in order to work.”

Regime’s Gestapo 'Invests' Millions of Your Stolen Money to Spy on Your Social Media

“The software licensed by the FBI is called Babel X, which allows users of the application to search social media sites within geographic and other adjustable parameters.”

Exposed- DC Regime May Have Embedded the 'Swiss Army Knife of Malware' into Critical Infrastructure

“And just as the Plandemic was publicly forecasted amongst its conspirators months before its rollout, so too it goes with the coming Cyber Warfare predictive programming of the flip of the Power Grid Kill Switch.”

Regime’s Weather Goons Pushing More Climate Kook Propaganda

They have more "models" (which have always proven to be false) to offer you to keep you in fear.

Ex-Emperor and Ex-Communist Regime Gangster Join to Censor Your Speech

“Of course, Hillary Clinton funded the Russian disinfo dossier that Obama's administration used against Trump, and the former British spy that was paid to fabricate it pushed it to major news outlets which peddled the misinformation as long as they could squeeze blood from that stone.

What was that about misinformation, Hillary?”

Exposed- Regime’s Tech Terrorists Censored Emperor’s Critics 646 Times Over Two Years

“Most of the censorship cases, 232, surrounded criticism of Biden’s inappropriate behavior around kids and women. In one of the cases, Facebook deleted a post featuring three photos of Biden kissing his granddaughter on the lips. Facebook claimed the post violated its policy on ‘nudity or sexual activity’.”

Some good news for the resistance:

Regime Gangsters Shit Their Pants in Fear Over False Alarm

The DC Demons are notoriously mentally and spiritually weak.

They are quite aware that their tyrannical power is not long for this world.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a "US?"

Isn’t it time for Texians to practice "DC-distancing?"

Secession, anyone?

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