Thursday, March 24, 2022

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Far too many Americans do not comprehend the fundamental issues involved in this conflict. Of course, Ukrainians are fighting Russians, and the near-totality of the West is both condemning the Russians and aiding Ukraine. But Ukraine is only a pawn is a much larger global game. Our managerial and foreign policy elites, despite their professed anguish over the blood being shed tragically in that corner of Eastern Europe, do not actually care about the poor Ukrainians living in besieged Kiev or the poor Russians living in the war-torn Donbas. What is important to them is, above all, the major effort and push for a globalist 'Great Reset' using the Ukrainian conflict to finally accomplish their objective of bringing the entire world in accord with their plans for a New World Order. And to do that, Russia, which now stands athwart their designs, must be diminished and brought into line."

Boyd D. Cathey

"It is better to be an enemy of the Americans than their friend. If you are their enemy, they might try to buy you; but if you are their friend they will definitely sell you."

John Laughland

"This is no longer DC think tank speculation. Russia has a legitimate reason to oppose NATO on its doorstep. And that is not an endorsement of the concept of 'regions of influence,' which is dumb. It is simply the Russians understanding that the next regime change will be theirs. There is nothing in such a stupid policy for the rest of us Americans. Who cares who runs Russia? Who cares who runs Ukraine?

Here is the forbidden but true conclusion: it is not 'pro-Russia' but in fact pro-America to oppose nuclear war over insignificant Ukraine. Let Europe deal with its own border problems and how about we deal with our own as well?"

Daniel McAdams

"Yes, there’s always been conflict and disagreement. But dominant superpowers have stable, effective governments who can do what is necessary to solve problems. And they have societies whose people can coexist peacefully without being at each others’ throats all the time.

It might not be pleasant to think about, but these are all true statements about the United States. And like Rome, they are all obvious signs of decline. Simply put, the US is no longer the dominant superpower."

Simon Black

"We live in a one-party state. The ideology of national security is sacrosanct. The cult of secrecy, justified in the name of protecting us from our enemies, is a smoke screen to hide from the public the inner workings of power and manipulate public perceptions. The Democratic courtiers and advisers that surround any Democratic presidential candidate – the retired generals and diplomats, the former national security advisers, the Wall Street economists, the lobbyists, and the apparatchiks from past administrations – do not want to curb the power of the imperial presidency. They do not want to restore the system of checks and balances. They do not want to challenge the military or the national security state. They are the system. They want to move back into the White House to wield its awful force. And now, with Joe Biden, that is where they are."

Chris Hedges

"It is not only difficult to understand, but almost impossible to believe, that only a small fraction of mankind can produce what is described as most of the evil, while virtually all the rest of society voluntarily allows it. It matters not that most of the herd believes that mankind is basically good, for so-called good men do not stand idle while bad men pillage, plunder, and murder. Good men do not hide in the face of adversity or due to terror levied at the hands of the state monsters. Good men do not maim and kill on orders from warmongers and criminals in government without legitimate cause, of which none exists. Good men do not bend and comply to immoral mandates handed down by self-proclaimed elites and political scum. Good men do not succumb to cowardice. Those who do nothing in the face of evil then are not good men. So, is man really basically good, or is this just a falsely created myth meant to protect the fragile psyche of the masses so that weak and inadequate humans can continue to shield themselves from guilt through dishonesty, while doing nothing to prove their worth?

Man’s inhumanity to man has accelerated greatly, as the obvious evil among us, and those who willingly allow that evil to exist and prosper, are knowingly and unknowingly working together to bring about the destruction of mankind."

Gary D. Barnett

"Because the goals of the Great Reset depend on the obliteration not only of free markets, but of individual liberty and free will, it is, perhaps ironically, unsustainable. Like earlier attempts at totalitarianism, the Great Reset is doomed to ultimate failure. That doesn’t mean, however, that it won’t, again like those earlier attempts, leave a lot of destruction in its wake- which is all the more reason to oppose it now and with all our might."

Michael Rectenwald

"But here is the real problem for this new establishment. The vaccines have not ended the pandemic. Their lockdowns, masks, closures, and travel restrictions have not worked either. Nothing has. This year and last was a test of prowess. They have failed miserably. 

The trajectory of failure is only in mid course. The Fed is about to experience a devastating fall from grace. Politics in general. The whole establishment. This has led to a mass loss of faith in experts. Old institutions are being wiped out and new ones born. Where this ends up is anyone’s guess, but that this is a genuine crisis for civilization is no longer in question. 

Millions of people are right now being asked whether it is ok to lie to preserve their freedom. Many people have decided that it is just fine to do so. That’s a remarkable moment in our history." 

Jeffrey Tucker

"In the 1960s 'liberals” decried and denounced “the man' — the oppressive man. Yet they have since taken their long march through the institutions…

Goose-stepping through the professors’ lounges of the universities… through the halls of government bureaucracy… through the newsrooms… through the production studios… through the human resources departments of corporations… through the philanthropic organizations

Once safely inside, they raised the drawbridges and pulled up the ladders. The commanding heights were theirs.

Is it any wonder that trust in the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation is greatest among liberals?"

Brian Maher

"Here's the thing — a lot of conservatives wrongly assume that the political left has become some kind of autonomous force within our culture that has the power to influence massive government and corporate interests, bending these interests to their will. This is simply not true. The reality is that it's the opposite dynamic; it is government and corporate and decidedly globalist institutions which have direct influence and control over the political left. Leftists are tools of the globalist system, they are not some 'grassroots' movement 'sticking it to the patriarchy.' They are all slaves on the globalist plantation and many of them don't even know it."

Brandon Smith

"The 'hate speech' framework for justifying censorship is now insufficient because liberals are eager to silence a much broader range of voices than those they can credibly accuse of being hateful. That is why the newest, and now most popular, censorship framework is to claim that their targets are guilty of spreading 'misinformation' or 'disinformation.' These terms, by design, have no clear or concise meaning. Like the term 'terrorism,' it is their elasticity that makes them so useful…

This 'disinformation' term is reserved for those who question liberal pieties, not for those devoted to affirming them. That is the real functional definition of 'disinformation' and of its little cousin, 'misinformation.' It is not possible to disagree with liberals or see the world differently than they see it. The only two choices are unthinking submission to their dogma or acting as an agent of 'disinformation.' Dissent does not exist to them; any deviation from their worldview is inherently dangerous — to the point that it cannot be heard."

Glenn Greenwald

"The medical and scientific evidence is completely clear that the entire Covid narrative is counterfactual and that the authorities know it. Yet they still push, using coercion, for more vaccination.

Vaccination does not protect. It harms. So the only reason to enforce it is to kill people.

The inability of people to distrust 'authorities' and the inability of people to inform themselves and to think for themselves guarantees that millions will die from being vaccinated. When you see thousands of independent doctors and medical scientists damning the vaccine only to be ignored by bureaucratic 'public health' organizations, you have clear evidence that real authority is not speaking. It is being suppressed.

Anytime debate and information is suppressed, you know that something is being hidden and that a secret agenda is operating.

The orchestrated 'Covid pandemic' is a massive crime against humanity. Are we going to allow them to get away with it? Or will there be too few of us left to do anything about it?"

Paul Craig Roberts

"Antieconomics starts with abundance and works backward. It emphasizes redistribution, not production, as its central focus. At the heart of any antieconomics is a positivist worldview, the assumption that individuals and economies can be commanded by legislative fiat. Markets, which happen without centralized organization, give way to planning in the same way common law gives way to statutory law. This view is especially prevalent among left intellectuals, who view economics not as a science at all, but rather a pseudointellectual exercise to justify capital and wealthy business interests.

Antieconomics is not new; even alchemy might be considered a medieval version of the endless quest to achieve something for nothing. It holds enduring appeal in modern politics and academia, where communism, chartalism, Keynesianism, and monetarism all represent twentieth-century variations on the central theme of commanding economic activity."

Jeff Deist

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