Thursday, March 3, 2022

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"While anyone with an ounce of decency deeply regrets and opposes the use of such massive military force as we have seen recently in Ukraine, if there is one lesson to be learned from this entire miserable chapter (and by 'chapter' I mean the entirety of post-Cold War US foreign policy) it is this: There are consequences that come with the belief that the key to peace and prosperity is to remake the world in your own image through the use of overt and covert, violent and non-violent means. That lesson should have been learned with the fall of Soviet communism itself, but the 'victors' were too full of hubris to pause for a moment of humility."

Daniel McAdams

"Yesterday Russia created a new world. The Hegemon is dead. Today Russia and China should begin their disengagement from the West, while remaining wary that the Satanic concoction is capable of striking with nuclear weapons while in its death throes. There is nothing in the West worth having.  The countries have already given away their most important industries to the Chinese and renounced the civil liberties of their citizens.  As the Covid mandates prove, the West no longer believes in the values that it mouths.  People who exercise, or attempt to exercise, their constitutional rights to free speech and freedom of association are branded 'domestic terrorists.'  Their voices are suppressed, they are fired from their jobs, their medical licenses are taken away, they are arrested and imprisoned.  The Western World has been transformed into a hellhole of tyranny."

Paul Craig Roberts

"Conduct critical journalism on an empire-targeted government: get a Nobel Peace Prize.

Conduct critical journalism on the empire: get a CIA plot to assassinate you."

Caitlin Johnstone

"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine."

Dr. Marcia Angell

"Six media giants now control 90 percent of what we read, watch and listen to. These corporations are large feeders at the corporatist, government trough, often receiving special dispensation — thanks to the lobbying efforts of former members of the political class — as bills are crafted, like the proposals to criminalize 'hate speech.' Beyond that is the revolving door between Congressional and Presidential staffs and government agencies and the major media outlets. These are primarily statists, progressives and neocons, ensuring that their fake phrases are continuously injected into the mainstream.

So when you read about organizations pressuring other organizations to 'take action' against 'hate speech,' you are seeing kabuki theater in action. It is virtue signaling for political correctness, which is the opposite of tolerance. PC is about conformity to government- and elite-approved thought, speech and deed. The government, its politicians and its idiot PC-preaching pawns do all they can to force political conformity."

Bob Livingston

"For years, [the] preferred censorship tactic was to expand and distort the concept of 'hate speech' to mean 'views that make us uncomfortable,' and then demand that such 'hateful' views be prohibited on that basis. For that reason, it is now common to hear Democrats assert, falsely, that the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech does not protect 'hate speech.'

Their political culture has long inculcated them to believe that they can comfortably silence whatever views they arbitrarily place into this category without being guilty of censorship.

Constitutional illiteracy to the side, the 'hate speech' framework for justifying censorship is now insufficient because liberals are eager to silence a much broader range of voices than those they can credibly accuse of being hateful.

That is why the newest, and now most popular, censorship framework is to claim that their targets are guilty of spreading 'misinformation' or 'disinformation.' These terms, by design, have no clear or concise meaning. Like the term 'terrorism,' it is their elasticity that makes them so useful."

Glenn Greenwald

"'Left' and 'right' are each descriptive of authoritarian positions. Liberty has no horizontal relationship to authoritarianism. Libertarianism’s relationship to authoritarianism is vertical; it is up from the muck of men enslaving man."

Leonard Reed

"Owning guns is about having something to use against the government when they come to put your family up against the wall and shoot them. Ask the Russians, Germans, Chinese, and anybody else in the world. The only thing preventing total tyranny right now in the USA is that there are 300 million guns out there and government doesn't know where they are."

Franklin Sanders

"Liberty and freedom are the conditions of man within a contractual society. Social cooperation under a system of private ownership of the means of production means that within the range of the market the individual is not bound to obey and to serve an overlord. As far as he gives and serves other people, he does so of his own accord in order to be rewarded and served by the receivers. He exchanges goods and services, he does not do compulsory labor and does not pay tribute. He is certainly not independent. He depends on the other members of society. But this dependence is mutual. The buyer depends on the seller and the seller on the buyer."

Ludwig von Mises

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Frank Herbert

"A people enslaves itself, cuts its own throat, when, having a choice between being vassals and being free men, it deserts its liberties and takes on the yoke, gives consent to its own misery, or, rather, apparently welcomes it.

But O, good Lord! What strange phenomenon is this? What name shall we give it? What is the nature of this misfortune? What vice is it, or, rather, what degradation? To see an endless multitude of people not merely obeying, but driven to servility? Not ruled, but tyrannized over? These wretches have no wealth, no kin, nor wife nor children, not even life itself that they can call their own."

Étienne de La Boétie, "The Politics of Obedience"

"We don't need Hillary Clinton or John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani or John McCain, to 'run the country' (to use an infelicitous if unfortunately common phrase) or to make us prosperous. A free and responsible people can manage its affairs without the platitudes and paternal custodianship of a Great Leader, and exhibits no superstitious reverence toward the occupants of political office. Once a society begins to absorb this revolutionary discovery, it has already embraced the culture of enterprise."

Tom Woods

"It’s hardly controversial to assert that dominate superpowers don’t accumulate $30 trillion in debt (which, by the way, is 25% larger than the entire US economy).

But it’s not just the debt. It’s so much more.

Dominant superpowers don’t surrender tens of billions of dollars of military equipment to their sworn enemy, and then fly away with local civilians clinging to the side of their aircraft.

Dominant superpowers don’t abandon their own citizens abroad.

Dominant superpowers don’t engineer historically high inflation… and then ignore it. Nor do they embrace socialism, i.e. the literal opposite of the capitalist economic system that created so much wealth and power to begin with.

Dominant superpowers don’t send their government agents to harass innocent citizens, or tell parents they have no say in the education of their children.

Dominant superpowers don’t suspend their Constitutions because of a virus. They don’t give people incentives to NOT work. They don’t constantly make it difficult for small businesses to succeed.

Dominant superpowers don’t deliberately reduce their military’s physical fitness standards in the name of diversity and inclusion. They don’t prioritize 'equity' over national security. And they certainly don’t fire experienced intelligence operatives because of individual medical decisions.

Dominant superpowers don’t placate their adversaries and bow to their demands. They aren’t afraid to offend their rivals.

Dominant superpowers don’t create incentives for countless people to illegally cross the border and go live under a bridge.

And above all else, dominant superpowers are able to deal with challenges."

Simon Black

"The military’s woke drift is as tragic farcical as it gets, but there’s always a silver lining. People are now realizing that there’s nothing special about the military. In fact, it can be just as vulnerable to the cultural blight that’s become rampant throughout the West. Plus, the military’s degradation should disabuse people of the wrongheaded idea that there will be a return to 'normal.'

To move forward and avoid falling into the proverbial kitchen of civilizational decline, sacred cows must be slaughtered. The military will be one of those golden calves that must be put out to pasture."

Jose Nino

"We now enter a period of danger as the sleepwalkers of America awaken from their induced consensus trance and begin to understand how they were harmed, swindled, and robbed by a corrupt, criminal officialdom. It will hurt badly because the public wanted so desperately to believe that vaccines would make them safe from the mysteriously conjured Covid-19 virus — and, more than that, would cure their gnawing anxiety over the wreckage of American life caused by what appears to be leadership hostage to sinister forces.

I must say, I believe the truth of our predicament will grow a whole weirder as we stumble into springtime. The weirdest part of all will be when America learns exactly who and what have been the prime generators of our disorder. The disillusionment will be cosmic."

James Howard Kunstler

"First, there was the story of a virus. Then a story of a test for the virus. Then the story of case numbers. Then, the masks and lockdowns and distancing and blasting of the economy. Then the vaccine. Then the announced vaccine mandate. Hasn’t it occurred to you that this serial story, with each succeeding phase, is really the pretext for tyranny and dictatorship and takeover?

You have to start forging new alliances that go far beyond your workaday world; alliances with nurses, pilots, sheriffs, soldiers and others who are refusing the vaccine. Alliances with unions who are pushing back against the mandate.

It’s not, strictly speaking, your 'business,' but business in America is heading toward the edge of a cliff, in case you hadn’t noticed."

Jon Rappoport

"I fully support any American who wants to join Ukraine’s military.

Just can’t find any of them."

Mike Cernovich

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