Sunday, January 3, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"If they could find this [Covid 19] virus in you, at all, the PCR, if you do it well, can find almost anything in anybody. It starts making you believe in the Buddhist notion that everything is contained and everything else. If you can amplify one single molecule up to something you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one of in your body.

A PCR is just a process to make a whole lot of something out of something.

It doesn’t tell you that you are sick, it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with was really going to hurt you."

Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR testing method

"You see, collectivists, Marxists, leftists, whatever you want to call them, they want submission more than anything else. They want thought control. They want you to want to be a part of the hive, and if you don't then you must be punished or reeducated. You cannot walk away peacefully and live in your own way.

Collectivists see any contrary ideas or principles or voices as a threat to their existence, and perhaps they are right. If you think about it, their ideology is so fragile that they have to silence or destroy any and all alternatives. The only way their cult can continue to survive is if people believe there are no other options. The moment people are presented with another choice, they will leave the abusive collective en masse."

Brandon Smith

"It's Congress that poses the greatest threat to our liberties. The framers' distrust is seen in the negative language of our Bill of Rights such as: Congress 'shall not abridge, infringe, deny, disparage, and shall not be violated, nor be denied.' When we die and if at our next destination we see anything like a Bill of Rights, we know that we're in hell because a Bill of Rights in heaven would suggest that God couldn't be trusted."

Walter Williams

"Senile, mumbling, bumbling, perverted old fart Biden showed the way:  Promise to raise taxes, shut down the economy, destroy the energy industries, abolish private medical care in favor of a Soviet-style government monopoly, force everyone to wear masks forever, promise to destroy constitutional liberty once and for all.

Local Demo-Bolshevik political hacks are catching on.  In Georgia the local TV stations are polluted with political ads showing radical Marxist extremist Raphael Warnock, who is running for the U.S. Senate, giving a speech saying 'Somebody has to open up the jails and let our children go!'  He also calls all cops 'thugs and criminals' and wants to do away with cash bail for criminals.   In all honesty, this doesn’t really sound like it would appeal to a majority of a red state.  However, I guess it doesn’t matter as long as the Canadian/Serbian 'Dominion' computer company, whose offices are in the same building as George Soros’s Open Society Institute offices, counts the votes."

Tom DiLorenso

"The knowledge and intelligence necessary for society to thrive is… decentralized throughout society, and comes to be embedded or instantiated within institutions… such as markets, supply chains, observations we make from the successful or unsuccessful choices of others that inform our habits and movements, manners and mores… interest rates that carefully coordinate the flow of money with our time preferences and risk tolerances, and… morals that govern our treatment of each other. All these come together to create a form of social intelligence that resides not in individual minds so much as in the process of social evolution itself."

Jeffrey Tucker

"One must appreciate that the extended order [of our civilization] resulted not from human design or intention but spontaneously: it rose from unintentionally conforming to certain traditional and largely moral practices, many of which men tend to dislike, whose significance they usually fail to understand, whose validity they cannot prove, and which have nonetheless fairly rapidly spread by the means of an evolutionary selection — the comparative increase of population and wealth — of those groups that happened to follow them."

Friedrich Hayek

"In the modern secular church of fakers, they tell us anger is wrong, outrage is wrong, acceptance in hypnotic sleep is what we must aim for.

Always bow to 'smooth transitions.' When there is disagreement, swallow your bile, give in, make peace with tyranny. The pain will only last for a little while. Then you will reach a higher understanding.

The authorities and their minions of the press have the final word. Our job is to fit ourselves into their scheme of things.

WE must be flexible. THEY can be inflexible.

If these rules seem backwards and upside down, that is OUR problem, not THEIRS.

This is the position of our would-be masters."

Jon Rappoport

"Our immune systems, with their antibodies and T-cells and persistent 'memories' vigilantly watch for new viral threats and suppress them.

Educating them in this process is exposure to the world’s array of infectious diseases. In the past, a new virus would move to a new locality and take it by surprise, causing a near extinction event. But with globalization, our immune systems became far more difficult to surprise and overcome.

In a great irony, the lockdowns created a new dark age that reversed the processes of globalization, travel, and trade that have not only enriched us… but that have educated our immune systems to recognize and suppress new viruses everywhere.

World population did not rise to some eight billion because we developed a vaccine for every successive threat of extinction, but because our immune systems learned to recognize viral threats from around the globe.

To lock up and disable our immune systems is as stupid as locking up and disabling our economies."

George Gilder

"The Western World emerged from the fall of the Roman World and the uncertainties of the Middle Age to become eventually a civilization based in science and evidence. But today evidence no longer counts.  What counts in the Western World today is emotion.  If you have the correct emotions, you are 'woke' and know that Western Civilization is racist and misogynist and imperialist and that its white inhabitants are 'systemic racists' who oppress black people for racist reasons. You know that the evil of the white race necessitates their overthrowing. If you are a white person, you are put in a position where 'social justice' requires you to be put into a lower legal class with less rights. It is not considered hate speech to declare that whiteness must be erased.

The problem for the Western World is that many white people agree with their indictment. Deracinated white people lack the confidence to defend themselves, their history, monuments, and achievements.

In a diverse, multicultural society, deracinated races have little prospect.  The defense of whiteness is defined as racist and this is used to prevent the rise of leaders who would restore white confidence."

Paul Craig Roberts

"Conscience is inherent, but it is also a choice. You have the free will to listen to it or ignore it. If a tyrant can convince you to ignore the voice of your own conscience, then the only other guide in life is your environment. And, if that tyrant dominates every aspect of your environment, then he now has the power to rewrite your moral code, at least temporarily. You can be made to do terrible things you would not otherwise do, or support destructive causes you would not otherwise support.

The ultimate totalitarian power is the power to make people forget their own inner voice. The ultimate tool against evil is to listen to that voice and to not be afraid of the supposed consequences.

The question of the facade of power is about to become the defining question of our epoch as the elitist establishment accelerates their agenda for greater centralized control of our lives. The truth they do not want you to understand is that they have no power. They have nothing. We could defy their mandates anytime we wish. We could do away with them tomorrow if we wanted. They are of no use to humanity, they serve no valuable purpose. They only seek to feed like vampires on the masses and fulfill their deranged fantasies of conquest Sooner or later they will have to be dealt with — the sooner the better."

Bob Livingston

"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."

Albert Camus

"The more power a government has the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects. The more constrained the power of governments, the more power is diffused, checked, and balanced, the less it will aggress on others and commit democide."

Rudolph Rummel

"The state is the ultimate enemy of all that is good, but the state can only exist as a power if the people allow it. Disobedience, especially mass disobedience, is the bane of all state control, and by simply withholding consent, by disobedience and non-compliance with state orders and mandates, the state’s power over us can be destroyed. This has been the case during much of the history of man, but rarely have the exploited masses realized that they by their own actions could eliminate despotic rule by simply refusing to obey.

In many cases throughout time, the ruled have waited too long to use simple disobedience to gain back their liberty, and have been relegated to servitude and terror at the hands of their masters. Because of weakness of mind and body, and complacency in the face of a dictatorial system intent on control, people around the world have been abused, beaten, locked down, tortured, and murdered by totalitarian monsters and their paid enforcers. We in this country are getting closer and closer to a point of no return, and few understand the scope of what is happening right before our eyes."

Gary D. Barnett

"Having grown up a Yankee and matured as a Southerner I’ve seen this descent of the American mythology from both perspectives. The eleven year-old me knew this day would come.

The Mythology of America is just that, mythology, worth using as the basis for the new story rather than a shackle keeping us chained down, staring at the Abyss and despairing at what was lost."

Thomas Luongo

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