Wednesday, January 13, 2021

DC Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

DC Regime Murders Unarmed Patriot

This brave lady is the first member of the US military to actually give her life for her country (and not her criminal government) since at least 1812.

She should receive the Medal of Honor and a hero’s burial.

Next, the Stinkin' Lincoln Temple should be knocked down and replaced by a memorial for her!

To any communist scum reading this: "Say her name!"

It’s Ashli Babbitt!

Regime’s Praetorian Guard Holds Anti-Communist Dissidents Hostage

You’re not even home and they want to lock you down!

Regime Controlled Media Calls for 'Cleansing' Anti-Communist Dissidents

They claim you are "responsible for and complicit in immeasurable suffering."

Regime Controlled Media Demands Arrest of Anti-Communist Dissidents

Once you’ve been cleansed you won’t have anywhere else to go but jail, correct?

Regime’s Gestapo Calls for Snitches to Identify Anti-Communist Dissidents

The snitches are encouraged to report anyone who seems to have "blatant and appalling disregard of our institutions of government."

Regime Gangster Working with Communists to Prosecute Anti-Communist Dissidents for 'Sedition'

Sedition: "Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state."

What’s more “democratic” than that!

Regime’s Airport Goons Look to Ban Anti-Communist Dissidents from Flying

Their Aviation Goons are guilty of the same crime!

Communist Regime Gangster Wants Dissidents to be Treated Like 'Negroes'

Political persecution of white people is very hip now in the US Communist Collective.

Regime Promotes 'Unity and Healing' with Purging and Arrests of Anti-Communist Dissidents

One thing you can count on with communists- they always mean exactly opposite of what they say!

Regime Controlled Banksters Cancelling Anti-Communist Dissidents

They’re going to "review" you and see how you "acted" during the election protests.

Marxist/Ex-Spy Chief/Regime Terrorist Demands Apologies from Anti-Communist Dissidents

Tsk, Tsk- You "failed the test of citizenship."

Oh my, I feel so ashamed!

Emperor’s Second Banana Praises Work of Murdering Cops

Pence’s luxurious highlife and luxury is preserved by murdering an unarmed woman.

See why I call them "DC Demons?"

Pedophile/Emperor Openly Makes Racist Speech Against White People

Only colored people have a "priority" in his world of "unity and healing."

Welcome to your glass ceiling, inferior white people!

Pedophile Empire Nominates Full Blown Anti-White Bigot to Be Injustice Goon

The "civil rights" movement will continue until all white people are in bondage.

People with more melanin, after all, are superior!

Regime Virus Goon Lies About 'Mutant Strain'

But the propaganda has already been dispersed and part of their lying narrative.

Regime’s Vaccine Poison Causes More Suffering

And it’s already killed a doctor.

Regime’s Disease Goons to Require a 'Negative' 'Virus' 'Test' Result for International Travelers

You must prove that you have tested negative (through a scam testing method) to a "virus" that doesn’t exist!

Welcome to Clown World.

Regime Clown-in-Gown Strengthens Asylum Scam

Expect claims to become even more frivolous and ridiculous.

DC Regime Kills in Somalia

The Regime claims the killing is part of their commitment to their unnamed "partners."

Regime’s $13 Billion Warship is a Piece of Junk

The whole world is laughing at them!

Regime’s New Media Goon Supports DC Propaganda

He seems to be supportive of censorship, as well. He'll fit right in.

Pedophile Emperor Names Baby Killer as New 'Health' Goon

But Joey, you’re killing thousands of children that you could be sniffing!

Regime Communists Hatch Still Another Goofy Conspiracy Theory

The evil Russkies are guilty of complicity once again according to these deranged sociopaths.

Maybe such craziness has something to do with the earth spinning faster.

Regime Prick Waves Iran

It’s a little different this week- Their fellow terrorists from The House of Saud joined in the fun.

And what’s this? DC’s favorite bogeyman is back into the fear narrative!

Regime War Goon Threatens China with More Economic Warfare

"The United States will not tolerate the arbitrary detention or harassment of U.S. citizens."

It’s too bad he doesn’t care about such harassment of US citizens in their own country!

Regime’s Tax Goons Send Counterfeit Money to Wrong Bank Accounts

And you thought they only sent their counterfeit script to dead people!

Regime’s Gestapo Assisting with Election Fraud Coverup

Companies who make shredders should have a banner year…

DC Regime Wasting Billions on Nukes

"They sell nuclear weapons like Kellogg’s sells cereal. It’s not a question of whether we need the product; they just need to convince us to buy it."

Newly Installed Regime Communists Have All Sorts of Plans on How to Enslave You

Here are just 25 of them…

Communist Regime Gangster Coming for Your Guns & Ammo

The bill requires that people have to get licensed to own a firearm, licensed to have ammunition, ban certain ammunition, and require guns to be registered.

Regime Broadcasting Goon Coming for You and Your Children

Make sure to pack a few of the kid’s toys for the trip to the re-education camp.

Some good news for the resistance:

Regime Gangsters Imprison Themselves within Wall

Excellent! We won’t need to suffer the expense of new jail space to imprison them after their trials!

Evidence of Regime Crimes May Have Been Gathered During Capitol Peaceful Protest

The DC Demons call them "national security equities."

Let’s hope we can soon download all those "equities" from Wikileaks!

Imperial City Occupies Itself with Its Own Troops

The beautiful optics of such a siege show a dangerous, unattractive city not worth visiting, not worth being associated with.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a "US?"

Isn’t it time for Texians to practice "DC-distancing?"

Secession, anyone?

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