Sunday, June 28, 2020

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"I used to hear Christians complain about Muslim women walking around in public wearing a hijab, niqab, or burka. Not any more. Now I can’t hear them say anything because of the face masks that they are wearing."
Laurence Vance

"The people pulling down statues are just starting their orgy of destruction. If they think that America is stained irreparably by its history, then there is almost nothing they won’t view as a candidate for destruction. It’s easy for the America haters to conjure up an endless list of persons, places and things that qualify for destruction. If by some moronic application of logic, it is thought that removing a statue of John Calhoun does some good in battling racism, then why not destroy his books throughout America’s libraries? And while doing that, why not destroy all the works of all the Founding Fathers and Framers? Book-burning is next. Why not destroy the Constitution? Why not destroy the Declaration of Independence? Why not destroy the Liberty Bell? Why not destroy anything by anybody who defended America? Why not desecrate graves? Why not then destroy living persons who have anything good to say about America? For America haters, the menu of targets for destruction is practically infinite.
Guarding everything and everyone in America is far too costly a task. That’s the reason why the vandals must be stopped NOW, not next week but NOW. How to stop them? It will take guns and bullets. Some vandals will probably be wounded or even killed. This will not be only to protect statues and stop crimes from being committed, but to stop a broader movement. That movement will become far worse if not checked now. That movement has the wider goal of destroying the country and destroying individual freedom.
The domestic barbarians condemn slavery, but that is a ruse. Their goal is to end freedom."
Michael Rozeff

"Thanks a lot, American parents, for sending your kids to all of these 'prestigious' universities over the past thirty years and paying no attention at all to what their minds were being filled with while there.  Unless of course your mind was already filled with Marxist mush by the last generation of campus commies."
Tom DiLorenzo

"If racism is 'bigotry plus power,' then as inanimate objects, statues have no power.  Therefore, statues cannot be racist, by definition.
But those attacking them indeed have power over them to topple them. They have bigotry plus power.
Therefore those toppling the statues – and not the statues themselves – are racist.
This is where their own tautological logic leads."
Rev. Larry Beane

"It wasn’t racist for the black king of Dahomey to create the black slave trade, but it was racist for European colonists to purchases his slaves.  
It is not racist for blacks to loot and burn white people’s stores, but it is racist for white people to attempt to defend their property.
Black people can use Ebonics, but it is racist for white people to use the English language.
If white people defend themselves and the accomplishments of Western civilization from attacks, they are dismissed as racists. Blacks do not encounter this problem, because white people are not permitted to criticize them.  To criticize a black person is to engage in hate speech and to commit a hate crime, just as criticizing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is proof that you are an anti-semite. 
Only the white vote can elect Joe Biden president. If white people elect Joe Biden, it will be an act of self-destruction. Biden has promised to ignore the Second Amendment and to disarm the population.  Of course, it will only be law-abiding whites who are disarmed.  Once they are disarmed, the next looting and burning will be in white neighborhoods.  
For decades the entire purpose of education has been to destroy white confidence and to build black anger.  It has been successful.  White people will now have to fight for their lives or be cancelled." 
Paul Craig Roberts

"While speaking of the ever increasing encroachment of government into every crook and cranny of life, it used to be said in jest that 'soon they will make it illegal to breathe'. Now they have.
Gary Turpanjian

"What collectivists don’t seem to understand about 'human nature' is that a group of humans is simply a concept that refers to an interaction between two or more actual, living, breathing, independently distinct individuals. While there may be such a thing as a 'group mind' in science fiction—The Borg in Star Trek—There is no such thing as a 'group mind' for real humans.
If you live, you live; if you die you die; if you thrive or fail or feel pain or love or anger you experiences those things. Others may commiserate or empathize with you but it is still you who individually do and feel those things. Why is this so incredibly difficult for collectivists to understand? Perhaps that is what defines their own peculiar human nature, separate from all the infinite definitions of individual human natures."
Garry Reed

"Abortion, murder and infanticide are public policies in America. Once a thing becomes public policy, it is actually government sponsored. Public policy is a high-sounding term that implies the people agree and desire certain action.
Change agents invented the concept of 'public policy' to disguise authoritarianism by making it seem palatable. But before something becomes official and 'public policy,' it begins as unofficial public policy."
Bob Livingston

"You must not let a technocrat run your life. You must not let a tech bro run your life. You must not let an expert in medicine run your life.
These are people who spend a great deal of time learning how isolated systems work and sometimes earn a great deal of money and prestige because of their expertise.
Anything that might be described as an executive function in your life or in society should not be held by such people. You must not let them dictate strategy or direction.
You are the one responsible for running your life. If you need big picture suggestions from the outside world, it is to be found in fields like philosophy, theology, ethics, and praexeolgy."
Allan Stevo

"It is perfectly acceptable to offend white people.  All is permissible. The governor of Virginia has ordered the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from Richmond, the Virginia capital that Robert E. Lee honorably defended for three years from being looted and burned by Union invaders. Thanks to Lee, Richmond escaped Atlanta’s fate, but Lee’s statue is being taken down. It was racist of Lee to defend his state and the property and lives of those in Virginia. The truth of the matter is that it is not blacks that have been genocided, it is Southern people and their history."
Paul Craig Roberts

"What we are seeing daily played out upon our streets, television and computer screens, cell phones, and in our children’s classrooms is the death knell of the leftist notion (and I especially include the neocons in this equation) of the US as a propositional nation, a nation united not on shared ethnocultural or ethnoreligious heritage but on adherence to the singular proposition of 'all men are created equal' (of course multiculturalism would expand that to all beings regardless of race, gender, or artificial status what so ever are 'equal'). Old school paleoconservatives such as Pat Buchanan have always hated and opposed this claim or viewpoint. What we are really seeing is the end of nationalism as a central driving force or ideological engine. The transnational globalists are finally getting what they have been working for over decades, both covertly and overtly. A technocratic New World Order of digital economic and political total control in a centralized, unified, totalitarian corporatist entity, with all pervasive surveillance and coercive regimentation."
Charles Burris

"Maybe you’re thinking you should get behind somebody like Ron Paul (I didn’t say Rand Paul), should such a person materialize. That would be futile.
Here’s what would happen in the totally impossible scenario that this person was elected and tried to act like a Lee Kuan Yew or an Augusto Pinochet against the Deep State:
First, there would be a 'sit-down' with the top dogs of the Praetorian agencies and a bunch of Pentagon officers to explain the way things work.
Then, should he survive, he would be impeached by the running dogs of Congress.
Then, should he survive, whipped dog Americans would revolt at the prospect of having their doggy dishes broken.
Remember, your fellow Americans not only elected Obama, but re-elected him. Do you expect they’ll be more rational as the Greater Depression deepens? Maybe you think the police and the military will somehow help. Forget it…they’re part of the problem. They’re here to protect and serve their colleagues first, then their employer (the State), and only then the public. But the whipped dog likes to parrot: 'Thank you for your service.' Which is further proof that there’s no hope."
Doug Casey

"To be GOVERNED is to be kept in sight, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right, nor the wisdom, nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction, noted, registered, enrolled, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, trained, ransomed, exploited, monopolized, extorted, squeezed, mystified, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, despised, harassed, tracked, abused, clubbed, disarmed, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and, to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality."
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon,

"The system, the progressive system that already suppresses freedom in countless ways, infiltrates and penetrates our lives in countless ways, visible and opaque. Progressive poisons circulate routinely through the bloodstreams of our society. We need to take the cure. This starts with refusing to ingest any more progressive food, stopping cold turkey, and allowing the body politic and social to purge the poisons.
People like [California Governor]Newsom, smooth operators, who promise new bottles of snake oil that contain the same old poisons are to be rejected and shunned. Let them set up their soap boxes on their web sites, but ignore their invariable nonsense. Their whole picture of the 'system', the reality of it, is grossly out of whack, which is why they are purveyors of anti-freedom, not freedom. Their belief in their own power and right via government to shape and reshape people, human beings, is their basic misconception. They do not understand that freedom is at the root of the entire universe and of the human being as an individual, and that this individual freedom is fundamental to our nature as individual beings. Freedom, by its nature, implies an unknown future that cannot be controlled and shaped and forced into a fixed or set social and political vision."
Michael Rozeff

"When dealing with people who have a bad religion, in this case The State, there is no limit to their demands. As a religion the State is merciless. It has no capacity for forgiveness. It dictates. We obey or eventually we get shot.
That’s what has been substituted in the West for Christianity. And Christianity, across nearly all of its sects, has failed to contain the State or provide the means and the frameworks to reinforce constructive behavior.
Boomerville is real folks, it’s on fire right now and our political leadership has taken a knee to the mob."
Thomas Luongo

"White people are so brainwashed that they do not even know that they are targeted.  Even when it is before their eyes they cannot see it. OnMyGod, it would be racist to acknowledge reality.
There is no doubt that whites have accepted their demise. Whites acknowledge their subservience to blacks  by serving as majority enforcers for punishments of whites.  It is so commonplace that it goes unnoticed. Nascar driver Kyle Larson has been fired for using the n-word.
Before the white Nascar representatives of black power will give Kyle Larson his livelihood back, he has to grovel and complete 'sensitivity training.'  
But blacks don’t have to show any sensitivity as they shout 'racist' and loot and destroy white property.
Meanwhile the police continue shooting to death more white people than black people, and no one protests."
Paul Craig Roberts

"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants."
Albert Camus

"Whether you believe in God the Creator or evolution or something else as the explanation for the human race, progress was meant to involve the individual coming out of the group and staking his claim to a life of his own making, according to his best vision of his greatest thoughts and values.
THIS was a struggle of blood and courage and intelligence for many centuries. THIS was the journey out of the caves and the clans and the brutal leaders and the mind control imposed from the top. THIS was where each one of us “came from,” that struggle.
And now, through every foul means available, elite controllers want to turn back the clock and take each one of us into the past."
Jon Rappoport

"All U.S. wars are wars of aggression. All wars of aggression are wrong and murderous. Most all reporting by the mainstream about war and intervention are in the context of non-existent national security, protecting freedom, supporting the troops, or spreading democracy. These lies are presented openly, but what is left unsaid is what is telling. What is left out about U.S. wars is the truth. That is that these wars are brutal assaults on the innocents of other countries for the benefit of the entire military industrial complex, including U.S. banking, corporate war profiteers, and the political class. Nationalism is promoted, while the real victims of war are ignored and left out of the news."
Gary D. Barnett

"Murder a thousand people and make a fortune selling their organs: You’re a monster.
Murder the same number of people for the same amount of money by selling the weapons used to murder them after lobbying for needless military interventionism: You’re a businessman."
Caitlin Johnstone

"Americans live in anarchy everyday and should embrace their inner voluntaryist.  If you are a government supremacist, you are neither an abolitionist nor anti-slavery.  The choice is yours and the belief in limited government is no more viable than believing in ghosts or the Loch Ness monster.  Unicorns are a fiction and government thinks and knows that freedom is a fiction.  Speak truth to tyranny and let government know that you know better and that the emperor has no clothes."
Bill Buppert

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