Sunday, June 14, 2020

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"For a long time now, the fake, SOY BOY conservative movement has lacked a spine in confronting the left. 'Let’s compromise on this, and that…,' they said. 'Let’s not call out ANTIFA,' they said, 'for if we do, the lovely Democrats will call us out.' Lo and behold, look where we are now. If the conservative movement and the RepubliCONS ever posed a slight opposition to the left, all of them turned their badges in this week.
Conservatives don’t give a damn about promoting an ideology that reinforces liberty anymore. It’s all about clinging on to power as the left dictates the cultural landscape – at the expense of the rest of us."
Atilla Mert Sulker

"Like most of the rest of you I’ve spent some time in the past two weeks watching the Democratic National Convention on the TV news.  Frankly, I’m getting a little bored with the party platform on display: arson, looting, terrorism, burning police cars, throwing Molotov cocktails at the police, throwing bottles filled with cement at police, throwing hammers through residential windows in New York City, murdering police officers, calls for eliminating all police by rioters and violent criminals and all of the top Democrats, spray painting ugly graffiti all over public and private buildings in dozens of cities, calling anyone who criticizes any of this a racist, setting fire to churches, beating people senseless for sporting an American flag, streets filled with foul-mouthed raving lunatics, and worse.  I'm over it.  I’m switching to watching reruns of Law and Order and Criminal Minds.  I hope the Republicans are more creative with their convention this summer."
Tom DiLorenzo

"Now we know that it is suddenly OK to not anti-social distance if you are performing any activity ranging from peaceful protest to wanton mayhem and destruction, but it is not OK to anti-social distance for any other activity.  Like going to work, seeing your friends, having a meal out, going to church, whatever.
Now we know that it doesn’t matter if you prefer democrats or republicans, we know that they all play the same game for the same team – them (and those who want to control and own you) against you.
How much more obvious do you need them to make this for you?"
Bionic Mosquito

"It’s supreme irony that the government supremacists in Antifa, BLM and their Democrat party sugar daddies are calling for defunding the police. The very entity that makes all government shitholes enforceable under their inhuman rule."
Bill Buppert

"If the COVID Plandemic can serve any purpose, it’s to pull the mask off of our largely anonymous leaders at the state and local levels. Americans can see clearly just how incompetent and corrupt those who rule our lives with their laws, mandates, and restrictions, actually are. We are responsible for their salaries, much as we are paying police and firefighters. Most of them are making a lot more than the taxpayers who pay them. And virtually all have much better benefits and more lucrative pensions."
Donald Jeffries

"Police use of excessive force is not limited to black Americans.  According to official data, police brutalize and kill more white Americans than black Americans.  Most people don’t know this, because whites do not protest and riot when police use excessive force against white people.  There are two reasons for the lack of white protest. One is that white people give the police the benefit of the doubt, and the other is that there is concern that coming down hard on police will make it harder for police to deter crime and protect life and property. We are seeing the truth of this concern in the current destruction of property permitted by public authorities afraid of being labeled 'racist' if they use force against the violence."
Paul Craig Roberts

"The economy has been purposely destroyed in order to usher in a new world system. This economic destruction has made the citizenry even more dependent, and this alone will allow for much additional control. That control has already begun, and propaganda used to sway the public is in high gear, with calls for total surveillance, tracking, mandated behavior concerning distancing and masks, control of all travel, immunity passports (papers), and control of all business. Most small and medium sized businesses have been nearly eliminated, so now the big players that control economies have little or no competition, allowing them in the future to control most all goods and services. Food production and distribution have been decimated, setting the stage for GMO food companies to not only prosper and profit, but to take over all natural agriculture, leaving those that are not self-sufficient to depend on tainted and poisonous food supplies."
Gary D. Barnett

"This COVID nonsense is all about control. The fact that 100,000 people have died as a percent of the population is 0.0003%. The worst flu season in recent years was 2017-2018 where there were over 48.8 million illnesses, more than 22.7 million medical visits, 959,000 hospitalizations, and 79,400 deaths. We did not have social distancing, shut down all sports, plays, theme parks, and art theatre, nor did we destroy the economy. None of the mainstream press has even dared to question if what has taken place was an over-reaction."
Martin Armstrong

"The first Reconstruction had to be closed down because its excesses were giving rise to a guerrilla movement in the invaded and occupied South.  The second Reconstruction was the  integration of neighborhood schools by force rather than by persuasion.  Force required denunciation, and the white liberals enjoyed their self-righteousness as they sowed the seeds of racial hatred. In the South I grew up in there was no hate. People don’t employ people they hate to look after their children, cook their meals, run their households, and people who hate don’t perform these tasks for those they hate." 
Paul Craig Roberts

"Kneeling before God is common and spiritually sensible. Kneeling before any human being is submission to that person. That only is sensible if the person is an emissary of God, a vice regent of God. Kneeling to an idea is symbolic, but why kneel to an idea? If it’s a divine idea, it’s like kneeling before God. If it’s not a divine idea, then it’s a strictly human idea, and why kneel before anything strictly human unless one is forced to?
Whites kneeling for the forgiveness of black people is kneeling before an idea, the idea that one is guilty of some transgression. Black people are not priests. They don’t provide absolution. If one feels guilty, look to God for forgiveness, not to other human beings."
Michael Rozeff

"Britain feels so alien to me right now. Woke spoilt brats have the free run of the streets while working people are prevented by law from going to their jobs or the pub. Young people with the correct PC views can gather in public, express themselves and even tear down statues with no consequences whatsoever, while everyone else is still being sternly warned to stay at home. Correct-thinkers can gather in massive crowds, while others can’t even visit a church, or attend a football match, or have a family gathering. This is the hierarchy of political correctness in action: if you have the right views, you can do what you like; if you don’t, then you are a second-class citizen who deserves to rot in lockdown and occasionally be shamed for thoughtcrime. It’s deeply sinister. There will be a pushback soon, surely, just as there was in the Brexit referendum. That mission to 'take back control' is far from over."
Brendan O'Neill

"I predict that the functioning definition of racism will evolve eventually into any action or utterance that white pro-constitution people do, including breathing and existing.
Victim cult psychos of diversity require a boogie man to blame all their personal failures and delusions on and also to rationalize their extensive protected class privileges and entitlements by law.
Victim cult psycho lust to demonize non-protected class people is similar to communism's systematic demonization of the bourgeois class and of Christian people.
Race categorization is a recently invented Politically Correct concept to distract people from ideas of substance, including ethnic behaviors and virtuous human cultures vs degenerate human cultures."

"Unfortunately, George Floyd's body has now been devoured as a sacrifice to the social justice cult. He has been turned into a morbid puppet for their benefit and entertainment. They have made his death about race politics. They have made his death a monument to their fantasy world in which 'systemic racism' and 'white privilege' is the cause of all their struggles and failures. So now, we are at an impasse.
One of the defining traits of the social justice method is that they are never satisfied. If you give them what they want they smell blood in the water. Fulfill their demands and they will draft more demands. Apologize, even when you have done nothing wrong, and they attack you with more aggression to make sure you know they own you. Once you placate these people to gain their approval, you will never be free.
The conflict is not rooted in white supremacy, the conflict is rooted in the leftist mob and its collectivist zealotry."
Brandon Smith

"Because of all the events dominating at the national level, people either are confused as to the source of their problems or are too tired from following bigger political issues to devote any further energy to local ones. This large central governing body has, in effect, created a shield that protects local politicians, the ones who have control and authority over the police departments, from any repercussions from the general public.
Because of the inability of the general public to simultaneously keep track of everything going on at the national and local levels, the unwillingness of activists to vote outside of their political tribe, and the deep pockets of police unions, the death of George Floyd is unlikely to accomplish anything beyond a few black squares decorating Twitter and a Wikipedia page that will be rarely visited a year from now. In the meantime, the political leadership will gleefully use the event to cement a few more spending programs and further entrench their power structure, with more incentive to keep the unrest going in the future."
Justin Murray

"Trump says that 'well run states should not be bailing out poorly run states,' he essentially is taking us back well over 100 years when states still had the right to be free and independent bound only by a few mutual interests and protections outlined in the Constitution. He seems to be advocating for a time before federal debt had ALL states beholden to the nanny state and perpetual debt.
I have been in opposition to many of the policies of the president and to be fair I have supported him often when appropriate. His statement, however, establishes the fact that, in his mind at least, states should not be tied to other states who choose to follow policies that bankrupt not only them but the federal government and thereby the other states in the form of the bailouts that inevitably will result. If we are to be intellectually honest, his logic can also be extended to the reckless management of the federal budget. After all, why should a state which is entirely capable of supporting itself, be bound to the inevitable insolvency that America is heading toward. Given the current trend of stimulus packages and bailouts, it is only a matter of time before America is also in the ranks of 'poorly run states'to use President Trump’s words."
Daniel Rice

"There are moments that define a person’s whole life. Moments in which everything they are and everything they may possibly become balance on a single decision. Life and death, hope and despair, victory and failure teeter precariously on the decision made at that moment. These are moments ungoverned by happenstance, untroubled by luck. These are the moments in which a person earns the right to live, or not."
Jonathan Maberry

"No serious sociologist any longer believes that the voice of the people expresses any divine or specially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. It is composed of inherited prejudices and symbols and clichés and verbal formulas supplied to them by the leaders."
Edward Bernays

"When politicians and bureaucrats talk about democracy and public policy, they speak with a forked tongue. They want you to believe that these terms refer to personal liberty. They do not, and the politician knows that they do not. They know that they refer to the police power and enforcement of state authority over the individual. 
They are code words for government force, which is a physical force. If you fail to file and pay your income tax, you will be introduced to the police power of the government. If you fail to 'stay at home' during some government official's order, you will be educated in the uses of police power."
Bob Livingston

"Mainstream reporters and editors and publishers are well aware that telling the truth would undermine a basic institution of society.
The media are there to give credibility to society and its structures. That’s why they’re called 'major' instead of 'minor.'
When hard rains fall, the media are there with an umbrella to hold over organized society’s head. To walk away in the middle of a downpour would leave the status quo unprotected.
'Defending the Crown' is another way to put it. The King may make mistakes, he may commit heinous offenses, but he is the King, and therefore his position must remain secure.
Young journalists learn this point quickly. If in their zeal, they cross the threshold and attempt to expose a central myth, fairy tale, legend, they’re put back in their place. They absorb the message. Journalism has limits. Certain truths are silent truths."
Jon Rappoport

"The only real human right is the right to be left alone.
You don’t have a right to free housing or free medical or free education or free food or a guaranteed income. You don’t have a right to any of these things because the question is: At whose expense? You’ve got zero right to make anybody give you things or do things for you."
Doug Casey

"We have lost interest in war.  The feminization of western society can create sheep, and sheep don’t fight well.  It is no accident that the language of 'war' has become ever pervasive, by governments, corporate and religious.  There’s something compelling about the dichotomy of social clarity in a time of war, even as confusion and destruction and randomness prevail.  That mix of clarity and fog interspersed makes our adrenaline flow, and adrenaline is a drug that all the other drugs want to be when they grow up."
Karen Kwiatkowski

"The government cannot insure a whole people against every contingency. Only a people comprised of hard-working and thrifty individuals can arrange themselves by themselves so as to do their best to insure against future risks and uncertainties. The government cannot insure against their mistakes, costly as they may be, without undermining their incentives to discover better ways of doing things. The best that any government can ever do is tend to a very limited set of activities, such as justice and protection. It cannot even do these 'best' and 'limited' jobs, however. It can’t handle public health. That’s for certain. It can’t handle and shouldn’t handle public education. It has shown itself incapable of handling military defense, instead transforming protection against clear threats that may have visibly emerged into constant warfare based on false imaginary threats and hopes of re-making the world."
Michael Rozeff

"Every single one of us was born free. We have to be brainwashed to accept our enslavement because no one would willingly give up half of the fruits of their labor on their own. No one would willingly submit to working their life away for others. No one would willingly submit to theft and the murder of people they have never met."
Mac Slavo

"All empires eventually fail, and cease to exist. This one is no different, except that it will be one of the shortest empires in history. The U.S. is the world’s only current empire, and without a forced stop to this madness, it will end in financial ruin, in riots and civil unrest, in war, and with more and more bloodshed.
Yes, the American Empire will fall, but it won’t be due to outside threats. It will be due to the abandonment of falsely espoused values, of internal strife and divisiveness, of mass corruption, of political upheaval, of monetary suicide, and of collective immorality. Collectivism breeds empire and allows it to flourish, and because of the loss of individual thought, it becomes the internal disease that leads to the extermination of that empire. This is the real America, not the land of the free and home of the brave, but a collective mob of ignorant sheep awaiting the slaughter due to their own weakness and stupidity."
Gary D. Barnett

"We must never forget that we may also find meaning in life even when confronted with a hopeless situation, when facing a fate that cannot be changed. For what then matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, which is to transform a personal tragedy into a triumph, to turn one's predicament into a human achievement. When we are no longer able to change a situation... we are challenged to change ourselves."
Viktor Frankl

"A crisis alters the fundamental conditions of political life. Like a river suddenly swollen by the collapse of an upstream dam, the ideological current becomes bloated by the public’s fear and apprehension of impending dangers and its heightened uncertainty about future developments. Bewildered people turn to the government to resolve the situation, demanding that government officials ‘do something’ to repair the damage already done and prevent further harm."
Robert Higgs

"The wisdom of the ages has always told us that it is not government inaction that leads to a mess. The people can handle themselves just fine. It is government action that leads to a mess."
Alan Stevo

"I do feel discriminated against. But it is not a covered discrimination. I feel like my country has been stolen or that I have been kidnapped and placed in some foreign unknown place that I don’t recognize as home.  
Perhaps it has always been true, but today if you live very long you outlive your world. As your friends die off, no one remembers it correctly but you as you watch your world disappear in misrepresentations to serve present day agendas."
Paul Craig Roberts

"The finance sector is supposed to be the servant of companies that seek to create products and services that allow you and me to improve our standard of living But nowadays, finance has become the master. Many companies organize their business models around pleasing Wall Street instead of Main Street."
Dave Gonigam

"In China,we are told, there is no freedom of expression. Well, actually there is, as long as you don’t say the wrong things about the wrong things. In America we have freedom of speech. It says so in the Constitution.
Well, we have freedom of speech as long as we don’t say the wrong things about the wrong things. We all know what we can’t say and who we can’t say it about. In many places, certainly in the media where you might influence others, you can lose your job for saying things that upset blacks, Jews, feminists, homosexuals, LBGQXYZs, Hispanics, or Muslims. In the media you cannot say anything if favor of the Second Amendment, against abortion, about black crime, against the military budget or the wars. You cannot doubt accounts of such events as the Trayvon Martin adventure. On the web, sites can be and increasingly are 'deplatformed' by the social media.
But as these are not formally part of government, we have freedom of speech. See? No unelected dictator decides what we are permitted to know or say. Mark Zuckerberg does.
This is very different from China in that…in that…wait. I’ll think of something."
Fred Reed

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