Sunday, April 21, 2019

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Many Northerners, both on the Left and the Right, have found in the South the cradle of all things good in American history and culture. The place makes the people. Every year, thousands of Northerners move to the South to escape the decaying cities, culture, and people of the North. The same can’t be said of Southerners. Who flies north for the winter or chooses to retire in Ohio? And for those who don’t like it here, as Lewis Grizzard said, 'Delta is ready when you are'."
Brion McClanahan

"The erasing of traditional sexual norms began many years ago and has been unofficial public policy in America for a long time.
It has been a gradual, almost imperceptible process that began when change agents began substituting the word 'gender' – a grammatical term – for the word 'sex' – a biological term – as a descriptor for male or female. The effect is to program the mind. It removes the biological component that distinguishes male from female and inserts an esoteric component that allows for the denial of reality and creation of an alternate reality."
Bob Livingston

"We never thought for one second that Trump stood a chance. The entire capital is against him — including over half his party.
He is simply out of his depth.
But even a George Washington would be out of his depth today. 
The termites have eaten too deeply into the floorboards beneath… and the rafters above.
How much solid timber remains?"
Brian Maher

"As far as I’m concerned, climate change has been around for about four billion years. And the biggest driver of it, by far, is the sun. Not carbon dioxide. Without the sun, earth would be a ball frozen at about two degrees above absolute zero. Not counting the effects of cosmic rays, the planet’s changes in orbit and tilt, the solar system’s rotation around the galaxy, and a score of other critical factors. But these [Davos] people don’t talk about that, because it has nothing to do with controlling the masses."
Doug Casey

"Why did the Marxists latch onto global warming as an issue in the early 1990s?  The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990 meant that suddenly, the left side of politics had no basis for existence.  Socialism was discredited by its failure, and so there was no need to rule the world, interfere in people's lives, and take income from workers and give it to bludgers.  So the threat of global warming was conjured up on no evidence — thus that last statement that a global warming treaty didn't need to be based in scientific fact.  Science fiction will do the trick."
David Archibald

"Ignorance is the prime root of Socialism. Not from a mathematical standpoint. My amusing math skills bear witness to my inability to accurately attempt such an analogy.  I am merely stipulating that the mind-boggling preponderance of Ignorance throughout the land, at all levels, within all demographics, has prepared the fallow minds of the 'average' voting age citizen (and God knows how many non-citizens) to be irresistibly attracted to the Socialist’s siren song of Free Stuff! Especially when Fed Gov will force the Evil Rich and Crony Corps to pay for it all from their exploitive and ill-gotten greed! Even those 'Unwilling To Work' are winners! How can the BSD (Basement Snowflake Dwellers) Coalition not love that?!"
Brian Wilson

"The U.S. government spills a lot of blood and spends a lot of taxpayer treasure to attain 'security'. It mortgages future generations up to the hilt as it claims to ward off dangers and threats and tries even to eliminate them entirely. The waste in this quest for 'security' is gigantic because the wished for “security” hardly ever, maybe never, materializes. Reducing dangers and threats usually leads to new dangers and threats that are even worse than the original ones. The alternative of doing nothing is appealing in important cases like that of the Iraq War. The alternative of simply living with various dangers and threats is really not a bad idea."
Michael Rozeff

"The othering works in both directions because I refuse to consider communists human beings anymore, I have made my own conclusion that they are no longer in the human race. They are Morlocks of the worst variety, a death cult.
Hence the technological de-platforming of dissident voices. I have been on sabbatical from Twitter but the most corporate harassment one would receive from that social media circus was any opposition to human slavery. The government and the big corporations it is married to in the shotgun wedding of mutual interests have the same goals: consolidation of power and the elimination of any competitive forces arrayed against it (them).
The Red Threat is not dead.
It is alive and well."
Bill Buppert

"When it becomes mainstream for men to be women, and women to be men, how far away are we from our own destruction? When the human condition is relegated to each individual or group being identified as black, white, brown, yellow, straight, gay, or trans, race and gender have become irrelevant, although it would seem otherwise with the hysteria evident in now progressive America. When everyone claims to be 'special,' no one will be special."
Gary D. Barnett

"The social justice warriors and the new socialists are not primarily concerned with economics as such. The tragic lessons of, say, Venezuela are not their concern. Instead, their objective is to continue to delegitimize the classical foundations of property rights and then implement, through legislation and the courts, a radically different theory of justice in social affairs. Whether such a program will be successful has yet to be determined."
Dominick Armentano

"In an ideal world, things would be very different. The natural state of things would be a deflationary environment in which the continual increases in productivity would drive the cost of living down further and further as competition and technology made life better for the masses. But our profligate politicians and central banks have insured that will never happen. The corporate monoliths that line their campaign coffers have no such interests at heart The 'powers that be' are quite happy to have everyone as debt slaves.
They have just dressed it up as 'freedom' and the uninformed masses are drinking that stuff up like free margaritas an hour before last call. You do all the work. They take all your profits and (barely) leave you enough to subsist. But they let you think you have a choice with bank A; credit card company B; and utilities C, D and E; and because they allow you to pick your master people believe they are free. The greatest feat the devil ever pulled off was to convince the masses he doesn't exist."

"You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way we can get anywhere. Because any decision making based upon lies or ignorance can’t lead to a good conclusion."
Julian Assange

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