Sunday, April 7, 2019

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"The current wave of extreme progressivism has a far more nefarious goal than simply higher taxes on the super-rich or carbon taxes to scrub down the environment.  Indeed, the long-run objective of the new socialists and the gang of social justice warriors (SJW) is to gradually delegitimize the very foundations of modern capitalism by obliterating conventional notions of property rights, fairness and justice.  If this sounds far-fetched you have not really been paying attention.
It is often assumed that capitalism is founded rock solid on economics.  Not necessarily.  Strictly speaking, economic considerations, though important, are secondary.  Instead,  it’s the relatively unique system of individual property rights that primarily legitimizes all capitalist institutions."
Don Armentano

"The idea of 'white privilege,' and blacks being held down as an underclass, is pernicious nonsense. Except, perversely, for the fact that white liberals are the ones who destroyed black culture by basically putting huge numbers of them on welfare, and essentially herding them into vertical ghettos in the inner city. White liberals, while claiming the moral high ground, are the ones who’ve turned the majority of blacks into an underclass, cemented to the bottom of society by the philosophy of Identity Politics, implemented by government programs."
Doug Casey

"It is interesting to hear certain kinds of people insist that the citizen cannot fight the government. This would have been news to the men of Lexington and Concord, as well as the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan. The citizen most certainly can fight the government, and usually wins when he tries. Organized national armies are useful primarily for fighting against other organized national armies. When they try to fight against the people, they find themselves at a very serious disadvantage. If you will just look around at the state of the world today, you will see that the guerillero has the upper hand. Irregulars usually defeat regulars, providing they have the will. Such fighting is horrible to contemplate, but will continue to dominate brute strength."
Col. Jeff Cooper

"Identity Politics gives us not only fake news but also fake history. Histories have been made up in order to instill a victim consciousness in women and blacks, the better to teach gender and racial hatreds. The hopes of the civil rights movement for an integrated and unified country are being defeated. Once unity is shattered, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put unity back together again. American society is headed for a split as serious as the Shiite and Sunni."
Paul Craig Roberts

"The goal of the elites is to eliminate borders, and to accomplish this it intends to swarm all nations — America included — with people of other races, from other cultures, nationalities and even religions, so that people of civilized and established nations lose their cultural and nationalist identities and become homogenized. The argument can then be made that, since a nation now has no cultural or racial identity, borders are irrelevant.
In a world without borders, people become world citizens. World citizens need world government."
Bob Livingston

"Life pro tip: If you find yourself cheering for the same 'people's uprising' in a foreign nation that the US State Department says you should cheer for, it's because you've been propagandized. Please revise your media consumption habits and critical thinking skills accordingly."
Caitlin Johnstone

"You only have power over people so long as you don’t take everything away from them. But when you’ve robbed a man of everything he’s no longer in your power — he’s free again."
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

"The U.S. government can be pictured as a mixture of socialist fronts. Each one is a battleground of capitalism vs. socialism. The resulting American economy and political makeup become complex, as a variety of forces determine the outcomes along the different fronts. In different fronts, unions win power, business wins power, the military-industrial complex wins power, deep-state bureaucrats win power, intellectuals win power, politicians win power, and so on. The forces of freedom are fighting many battles on many fronts simultaneously."
Michael Rozeff

"To launch an attack against the capital stock of capitalists of all wealth levels, is to undermine the very tool that mankind has in fighting impoverishment long term. If we want to overcome poverty, nothing is more important than investment into the structure of production; this is how goods are made more affordable to more people that have never before been to attain them. To siphon capital in preference for consumption is to siphon the very goods that bring mankind out of its natural state of impoverishment. In order to address the eternal struggle over scarcity of resources, we need capitalists and billionaires. They are the providers of a better tomorrow."
C. Jay Engel

"The pathetic Republicans are merely the Menshevik straight men for the Bolshevik comedy troupe prancing about as Democrats. Since the Mango Mussolini has been in the Offal Office, it has been my pleasure to see the mask fall off as the collectivists on the “left’ lose their minds and say what they’re really thinking. From infanticide to private weapons confiscation to wholesale seizure of economic sectors from nominally private hands, the parade of communist caterwauling and virtue signaling has been magnificent to behold.
And keep this in mind the next time you are chatting (is that possible?) with a government supremacist troll (friends, neighbors, countrymen!) and ask a simple question:
'Is there anything, one thing, in your agenda to recreate man in your image that doesn’t require violence to implement'?"
Bill Buppert

"Individual tolerance of one another without force of agreement is enough to promote a harmonious outcome between people. Differences in beliefs do not require hatred. No one should have to agree with or accept the beliefs of others, and no aggression is necessary given that individuals simply get along regardless of their differences. This all boils down to initial mutual respect without expectation or demand for conformance. Mind your own business, and leave others to mind theirs."
Gary D. Barnett

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