Thursday, February 7, 2019

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

And they didn’t even bother to tell them it was coming.

He sees this as a fair exchange- Impoverishing your children to feed The DC Beast.

She claims it’s your “responsibility.”

And the fact that they are crossing illegally?

Well, that’s just okay with her.

Her typical egalitarian confusion also prevents her from seeing that the taxation and regulations she creates is the theft.

The “rules” pertaining to capitalism are property rights and the rule of law. This Faux-Squaw has already articulated she has no respect for those “rules.”

Why? Because they militarily protect their own backyard. This creep is not aware that the Pacific Ocean is not Lake Amurrica.

“Do it for Allah!”

“Free hijabs for all!”

So now we’re just 10% from financial slavery. Aren’t Somalis adamantly against slavery?

He’s doing all he can to promote a disastrous civil war in a country that has suffered enough already.

They want to “legally” put nuclear missiles at the borders of Russia and China.

Years of death and failure can only be remedied by…..even more years of death and failure.

You’re “privileged” if you understand what type of sex organ resides between your legs. The mentally ill, reality-optional crowd seems unrelenting in their quest for acceptance.

Don’t you consider it a crime to be ruled by confirmed, deranged idiots?

If that same leader had given a comparable threat to the DC Emperor, his country would be a nuclear wasteland by the time you read this.

“No withdrawal, just a smaller number of occupiers. We need to protect our favorite Middle Eastern Terrorist State.  Oh yea, and to keep an eye on those Evil Persians.”

“Maybe someday……”

“The training is essential to ensure service members are fully trained and prepared to defend our nation overseas.”

Our “nation” is now “overseas?” Since when?
Did I miss the memo?

You kids should starve yourselves and dress in rags like good, little Maoists.

Gaia will be pleased.

One can easily prove that this collective has been socialist since at least 1913. And that degree of socialism has increased steadily since.

But as long as The Orange Lord repeats his sweet lies about “walls” and “greatness,” the Trump Chumps and loyalists will be happy.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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