Sunday, February 3, 2019

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

Where the federal government is concerned, the status quo is a myth. There is no rolling back the clock and returning the United States to the vision of the Founders. There is no way the put the genie back into the bottle. The federal government is on a course that will see every grievance multiplied and every ill intensified over time until every pretense of being a federative republic is finally abandoned and any illusion of a hopeful return to the way it was “supposed to be” is shattered. It is the natural order of things. 
Daniel Miller

You see, last year our Climate Hucksters told us a run of warm weather proved the planet is warming, which means we all have to give up our freedoms to a centralized government in order to save the planet. BUT… a run of frigid weather this year also proves the planet is warming and we all have to give up our freedoms to a centralized government in order to save the planet.
So no matter what happens, no matter how cold or warm or temperate it is, everything proves Global Warming is fer real.
You see, no matter what happens, no matter what the weather looks like, no matter how false their predictions turn out to be, no matter often they act as though they don’t believe in Global Warming, the Climate Swindlers still scream See! See! Toldjaso! — and almost always do it from a wildly expensive base of operations on the same coast they claim will soon be underwater.
John Nolte

Democracy is more a state of mind that evolves when the people and the state become one. I call it benevolent totalitarianism. Those who clamor for democracy clamor for their own chains — members of the ruling class. Note that in all authoritarian collectivist systems in which there are purportedly no class differences, the ruling class always get the plums while everyone else gets the crumbs and chains.
Bob Livingston

Socialism undermined the Roman Empire. It can and will destroy America too. A Green New Deal is another knife in the body, causing more loss of blood. Eventual death is predicted unless these attacks of socialism cease, the bleeding is staunched and the body allowed to heal.
Michael Rozeff

The whole politically correct [PC] culture has spread from universities, legislatures, entertainers, and the media into mainstream culture. Now, it’s reached the top of major corporations; it seems they all have “diversity officers” to ensure whites are put in their proper place. And if a corporation is involved in anything that impresses the morality police as even mildly non-PC, they don’t just abjectly apologize. They roll over on their backs like whipped dogs and wet themselves. It makes you sympathetic with Vanderbilt, when he said, “The public be damned.”
Doug Casey

Repeal that welfare law, and you will soon see a change in their manners. St. Monday and St. Tuesday, will soon cease to be holidays. Six days shalt thou labor, though one of the old commandments long treated as out of date, will again be looked upon as a respectable precept; industry will increase, and with it plenty among the lower people; their circumstances will mend, and more will be done for their happiness by inuring them to provide for themselves, than could be done by dividing all your estates among them.
Benjamin Franklin

Never mind the Scandinavian countries in question insist they are not socialist, never mind the atrocities of Stalin or Mao or Pol Pot, and never mind the overwhelming case made by Ludwig von Mises and others against central economic planning. Without private owners, without capital at risk, without prices, and especially without profit and loss signals, economies quickly become corrupted and serve only the political class. Nicolás Maduro feasts while poor Venezuelans eat dogs, but of course this isn’t “real” socialism.
History and theory don’t matter to socialists because they imagine society can be engineered. The old arguments and historical examples simply don’t apply: even human nature is malleable, and whenever our stubborn tendencies don’t comport with socialism’s grand plans a “social construct” is to blame.
Jeff Deist

It’s okay for the US to continue to interfere in the political affairs of foreign nations while it would be an unforgivable and outrageous “act of war” for a nation like Russia to do the exact same thing, because the US is countering the interests of the Bad Guys while Russia is countering the interests of the Good Guys. Who decided who the Good Guys and Bad Guys are in this argument? The US.
America’s constant military interventionism, election interference and other nastiness are painted as Good Things done by Good Guys to fight the Bad Guys. The argument, when you boil it right down, is that if America wasn’t constantly starting wars, invading sovereign nations, staging coups, sponsoring proxy conflicts, arming terrorists, bombing civilians, torturing people, implementing starvation sanctions on impoverished populations, pointing nuclear weapons everywhere, spying on us all with a globe-spanning Orwellian surveillance network, interfering in foreign elections, and patrolling the skies with flying death robots, the Bad Guys might win.
Caitlin Johnstone

The social engineers mistake statistics for people's lives and people's lives for their laboratory. One-size-fits-all government programs may move the statistics in a direction that pleases them, but statistics inevitably hide the individual winners and individual losers those programs create. Our lives are not numerical; they cannot be summed up.
Jim Kelly

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.
Ayn Rand

White + Trump = privileged + “racist.” That’s the common core math.
Karen De Coster

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