Thursday, May 12, 2022

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Since 1630 and the arrival of the Puritans on the North American continent life has never been the same. They are the busy body 'Karens' at the grocery store, the woke willful idiots at the colleges and universities, the cancel culture bullies on Social Media, the insane hordes of bureaucratic petty tyrants throughout all levels of local, state, and the federal government. Self-righteous, abusive, and closed minded. The puritanical termites of progressivism."

Charles Burris

"The US empire’s real might lies in its tactics of economic and financial manipulation, and even more in its unparallelled system of international narrative control. The way it uses Silicon Valley, Hollywood and the oligarchic media to manipulate public thought is unprecedented. This is what I’m pointing to when I say people tend to overestimate the power of the US war machine and underestimate the power of the US propaganda machine."

Caitlin Johnstone

"The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates."

Alexandre Dumas

"One cannot logically argue that calling for a vote to leave a Union that one voluntarily entered is treason.  Consider, when a man and woman get married, the union they enter is intended to be for life.  There are terms in this union that each expects the other to keep and to which they vow.  In the event that one breaks the terms of that union in a damaging and destructive way, then it is rightly understood by all reasonable people that the union can, without remonstrance, be dissolved.  (The Bible is rather specific on this point.)  To expect a wife to remain with a brawling, drunken, abusive, adulterer flies in the face of all logic.  Then, to berate her as though she was the disloyal one, call her a coward for desiring to 'breakaway,' or lambast her as traitorous to her tyrannical husband is completely asinine.  Is not the principle of Texas and the United States parallel?"

Daniel Miller

"There is no such thing as 'Covid-19.' There is no pandemic other than the pandemic of mass ignorance, indifference, and gullibility. No such thing as 'Covid' has ever been isolated or identified by any person, scientist, 'health' organization, or any evil government. This fact alone exposes that no such thing as any 'Covid' variant exists or is even possible. Since the fraud called 'Covid' has never once been proven to exist, and the PCR testing has been proven to be a scam and completely useless in identifying anything called a 'virus,' how can so many continue to be fooled into believing in this delusional idiocy called the pandemic of Covid? Is it because of the ruling class, the government, and the mainstream media whores that are shills for the powerful? Or is it due to the claimed ‘truth-tellers’ that have taken up residence on both sides of this issue? All of these culprits are at fault of course, but the major problem is that the average human animal has not the inclination or ability to distrust the system, and question everything. When those pretending to be journalistic saviors are propagating on both sides of this supposed controversy, all that do not have the ability to think critically will remain confused, obedient, and in the dark."

Gary D. Barnett

"The Founding Fathers established the United States of America as a decentralized Constitutional Republic of independent sovereign states which delegated expressed powers to the general government reserving the balance of powers to the states and the people. The people were to govern and have their say and impact on their governance. It is today an oligarchy. It was formally established in 1947 as a National Security State (deep state) oligarchy. This deep state is beyond the Constitution. It is separate from the American government which we all learned about in school, composed of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The deep state has no restrictions on its extra-constitutional actions, no separation of powers, no checks and balances, no transparency or open accounting for its egregious and invasive behavior."

Charles Burris

"This is the world in which we live. No one is responsible for anything. Nothing. Everything that has happened to us is just stuff that happens, the trajectory of history, just purely a thing that goes on that no one actually did. No one shut the schools. No one closed the businesses. No one shut down travel. No one imposed mandates. You will not be able to find a single soul on the planet earth who will take responsibility for the collapse of the world we knew only two years ago."

Jeffrey Tucker

"Acknowledging this reality, the CDC is now rapidly revising its statistics, admitting that 'the pandemic' was a non-event health-wise.  The brilliant saints who recognized at the outset that 'Covid' was always the 2020 Seasonal Flu dressed up and repackaged for purposes of maintaining political control have now been vindicated.  The pandemic narrative was and is a story, a story that appears to have been authored in order to distract the public from the pain and discomfort associated with an economic decoupling from China.  It is now fairly clear that the Powers That Be (PTB) used the pandemic story to hold, gain, and consolidate economic and political power through an economic crisis that they knew was already upon us in January of 2020."

William Bernard Butler

"Collectivist movements associate with empathetic causes and many young people draw political conclusions based on emotion and empathy. It makes sense; most young Americans value empathy and charity above all else because they have only been on this Earth for a short period of time and they have thrived for most of those years because of charity and support from other people (like their parents). They move into the adult world wondering why collective support and centralized charity are not there waiting for them. It's the only system of survival they have ever known.

When mommy and daddy are no longer the primary means of sustainment they search for a proxy, and the government looks like a good replacement."

Brandon Smith

"It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms.

The so-called 'defense' corporations are multinational conglomerates that have no great loyalty to the United States. They are in fact no longer U.S. corporations but transnational entities loyal only to themselves.

The major function of secrecy in Washington is to keep the U.S. people from knowing what the nation’s leaders are doing.

The United States is cast in the role of Praetorian Guard, protecting the interests of the global financial order against fractious elements in the Third World.

Enemies are necessary for the wheels of the US military machine to turn."

John Stockwell

"Russia has been patient with Washington while her strength grew. Today Russia is a preeminent military power backed by another preeminent power, China, and Washington carries on in delusions of omnipotence.

This is a formula for catastrophe.

The situation can be defused extremely easily. Russia is not asking for anything but a sense of security. They have made it completely clear that they will no longer tolerate the sense of insecurity in which they exist. They are not demanding that Washington turn over Ukraine, or Eastern Europe, or Western Europe to them. They have simply said, 'Get off our doorstep.'

It is an easy demand with which to agree. President John F. Kennedy saw the necessity of this step many decades ago.

The fact that Washington politics together with neoconservative blind hatred of Russia has prevented this necessary step from being taken leaves open a range of possible miscalculations that could result in the death of life on earth.

The profits and power of the US military/security complex are not worth this risk."

Paul Craig Roberts

"The reason it is difficult is that we have been conditioned to laugh at conspiracy theories, and few people will risk public ridicule by advocating them. On the other hand, to endorse the accidental view is absurd. Almost all of history is an unbroken trail of one conspiracy after another. Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception."

G. Edward Griffin

"Government is always presented as noble, wise, and forward-thinking. It’s presented as the savior stepping in to stop the evil producers.

It is one of a number of false and horribly destructive memes stalking the earth today like spectres. The increasing belief in government as a magic solution to problems decreases the average person’s standard of living tremendously and creates all kinds of distortions throughout society. It’s turned the study of economics into a pseudoscience, and its incursions into science are discrediting the idea of science itself.

In fact, the two big hysterias plaguing the world right now both center on the State involving itself in science—or at least scientism. One is COVID, a relatively trivial flu blown out of all proportion. The other is AGW, anthropogenic global warming, which was relatively recently rechristened as climate change.

In my view, both will eventually be completely debunked and discredited. But if you run counter to the narrative on either of them right now, you’ll be canceled, fired, and/or ostracized."

Doug Casey

"If someone told you that TEXIT can’t happen, then you need to stop hanging out at the methadone clinic."

Daniel Miller

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