Monday, February 7, 2022

DC Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Exposed- DC Regime Gives Your Stolen Money to Charity to Assist Border Invaders

“Pimentel admitted that her organization has even bought plane rides for illegal aliens to help them spread across the country, further contributing to the demographic demise of America.”

Regime’s Security Goon Rescinds Deportation Order for Border Invading Killer

Driving drunk and killing a teenage girl is not enough of a "threat" to deport him…

Pedophile-in-Chief Demands More Censorship

"Bow to the official Covid narrative or be cancelled!"

In case you didn’t realize it, this type of action is illegal.

Other weekly crimes include:

Blaming the fake virus for 500,000 people losing their jobs in January.

Helping to send gasoline prices to record highs with his war mongering.

Displaying his dangerous ignorance of guns and the gun industry.

Pedophile-in-Chief Coming for Your Guns

He’s going to create a "cadre" of slimy lawyers to search for your "ghost guns."

Exposed- Pedophile-in-Chief’s 'Think Tank' Funded by Makers of Vax Poison

“BioNTech signed a licensing agreement in 2018 with the University of Pennsylvania, which directly funds the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.”

Exposed- Regime’s Vax Poison Contains Graphene Based Nanotech

“The most intrusive assault against humanity in all of recorded history.”

Over one thousand studies prove the vax is dangerous.

Regime Distributes 'Free' Contaminated Masks

How ridiculous is this?

Exposed- Banned Medical Treatment a 'Potential Anti-Cancer Drug'

My, my- Look at what information your DC disease goons have been holding from you!

Maybe they were just too busy wasting your stolen money on sadistic experiments.

Exposed- Regime’s Food & Drug Goons Scrub Important Document from Website

“The Summary Basis for Regulatory Action offered more details about how regulators reached the approval decision, and included references to an unpublished analysis that found the rates of post-vaccination heart inflammation were higher than any U.S. agency had found before.”

Regime’s Defense Goons Blame Rise in Vax Injuries on 'Glitch in Database'

“They go to the DoD – who I’ve got three different whistleblowers telling me in the last few days how panicked the DoD is over this, because the truth is coming out and it shows they’re aware that they’re killing our soldiers – the DoD comes out and says ‘Well, we made a mistake for the last five years.”

Exposed- Hidden Vax Data Suggests all Poisoned Pregnant Women Miscarried

“What we do know is that of 27 reported pregnancies (270 subtract 243), there are 28 dead babies! This appears to mean that someone was pregnant with twins and that 100 percent of the unborn babies died.”

Regime’s Disease Goons Coming for Your Poop

That’s how they “detect” the fake “variants” that they scare you with.

“What proof would I accept? What sort of proof would convince me that SARS-CoV-2 exists?”

DC Regime Back to Killing in Syria

“700 US troops are in the area, and if ISIS fighting continues, they could find themselves very busy. While the US had been transitioning troops out of the area, officials might decide to again reengage.”

DC Regime Kills Civilians in Syria

And, as usual, they lie about it.

DC Regime Gangsters Threaten 'Mother of All Sanctions' Against Russia

They’re going after Russia’s "oligarchs," "elites," and "cronies."

No comment on why they don’t instead go after the "oligarchs," "elites," and "cronies" in the US!

Exposed- DC Regime’s Prick Waves Against Russia More than Doubled in 2021

And that’s just the waving they did on the sea!

And no surprise- Russia responds in kind.

DC Regime Sending 3000 Hired Killers to Eastern Europe

And over 500 tons of ammunition arrives in Ukraine.

DC Regime Accusing Russia of Planning a False Flag

Please, watch this video to see just how comically incompetent and disgusting these DC Demons can be!

DC Regime Getting More Involved in Killing Yemenis

This includes sending fighter jets and a warship.

Middle East Terrorists in America Allowed to Spy on DC’s Hired Killers

“Operatives for the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, set up a laptop kiosk at a shopping mall near a U.S. Army base to sell laptops rigged with spyware to U.S. military servicemembers…”

Regime’s Transportation Goon Coming for Your Roads

He wants to spend billions of your stolen dollars to plant speed cameras and "re-engineer" your roads.

Regime Gangster Wants to Spend $1.5 Billion of Your Stolen Money to Steal Your Guns

Somehow, the largest shithole with the most stringent anti-gun laws in the DC Collective cannot stop murders…so spending $1.5 billion more of your stolen money will stop it…

Exposed- DC Regime Has One Billion Records of Firearm Purchases

“What always proceeds gun confiscation historically? A Registry.”

Texas DC Loyalist Lies About Lockdown

“Texans remember that pastors and business owners were threatened with fines, arrests, and suspension of their business licenses if they disobeyed the Fauci/Abbott lockdowns. We also remember that as our constitutional rights were stripped, Patrick didn’t utter a word of protest, often joining Abbott’s press conferences in a show of solidarity.”

Regime Maoists Spend $325,000 of Your Stolen Money for Their Security

…while working overtime to de-fund your local police.

Regime Gangsters Torture Dissident

Yes, being forced to answer questions for six hours by clueless, terrorist, DC Regime gangsters is torture. 

Regime-Controlled Tech Terrorists Censor Trucker Dissidents

“They like to silence people that speak the truth.”

Exposed- Regime’s Prison Goons Actively Prevented Investigation into Child Predator’s ‘Suicide’

“Along the way, evidence was distorted, material facts ignored, and key anomalies unexplored and unpublicized.”

Regime Gangster Wants to Deprogram and Censor You

You hold "unacceptable" views!

Regime Gangsters Bring Back Previously Failed Surveillance Bill

“The EARN IT Act could ensure that anything hosted online—backups, websites, cloud photos, and more—is scanned.”

Some good news for the resistance:

Imperial City May be Overrun with Truckers

“We’re done with the mandates, we’re done with the government telling us what to do, we will continue, and we will follow just like the rest of the world on these trucker protests, and they will be 100 percent legal, they will abide by the law.

America, it’s your turn. It’s your turn to step up and show what you’re made of.”

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a "US?"

Isn’t it time for Texians to practice "DC-distancing?"

Secession, anyone?

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