Sunday, September 26, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"People in authority lie. People in authority will abuse every power we relinquish to them . . . this is the product of pharmaceutical driven bio-security agenda that will enslave the entire human race."

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"We don’t talk nearly enough about the fact that wealthy and powerful people are constantly pouring vast fortunes into manipulating the way we perceive our world and that this is the ultimate source of all our major problems.

Democracy is a meaningless concept when the primary factor in determining how votes will be cast is the wealth that plutocrats have poured into mass-scale media psyops to manipulate public perception of reality.

People babble about 'freedom' in a society where almost everyone’s mind is in a cage built by the powerful. Caged birds singing that they can do whatever they want inside their cage."

Caitlin Johnstone

"The quest for power and control requires the destruction of the individual and of individual thought, and the collective acceptance of rule. Because of this phenomenon, voluntary consent by the governed majority is necessary in order for any totalitarian system to exist or be sustained. So what is to be done to prevent the total devastation of freedom at the hands of the powerful few?

It seems consistent considering philosophy and reality that the more information and truth available to all individuals, the more freedom that will exist. With this in mind, it follows that unrestricted education (not schooling) of the masses as individuals is imperative, and censorship at any level is the enemy of the people. If the common man is not allowed due to state sponsored suppression of any opinion or fact, to see or hear all information that is available from every source, then oppression of the people is absolutely assured. This cannot be allowed to stand."

Gary D. Barnett

"Biden, like Obama and George W. Bush, is seeking to make 'democracy promotion' a redeeming theme for his presidency. But no Washington pundit, politician, or 'expert' who vouched for Afghan democracy should ever be trusted again. The U.S. government will continue meddling in foreign elections as long as American politicians think they can gain influence—or perhaps contracts for their friends or family members. There is no reason to expect Biden’s 'democracy promotion' to be any cleaner than his Ukraine policy during the Obama administration.

The collapse of the Afghan government settled any doubts about whether intellectuals are some of Washington’s biggest con artists. They profited mightily by pirouetting as experts with lavish government contracts that produced nothing except windfall profits for overpriced D.C. restaurants. Any think tank or research institute or Beltway Bandit that was honest about Afghanistan being a quagmire for democracy would have been banned from future contracting.

Americans also need to take lessons from the endless lies that Washington told about Afghan democracy. Are U.S. government officials more honest when they talk about American democracy than when they praise sham democracies abroad? Unfortunately, no one is talking of the peril of the 'Afghanization' of American democracy."

James Bovard

"Both truth and dissent — which may or may not be the same thing — are like kryptonite to the power elite. The Founders understood this. They also understood that propaganda was a powerful tool, but that it could be overcome only by allowing a free press.

Those who join in condemning 'misinformation' and seek to shut down freely exchanged information on the premise that those people are may be engaging in 'dangerous extremism' are advocating for their own slavery. If government can shut down even one thing it deems fake, it can shut them all down.

And then what are we left with?"

Bob Livingston

"Just as in the Soviet bloc, some covid citizens are living within the truth. They know that masks, lockdowns, and mandated vaccines have by no means been sufficiently scientifically validated. These dissidents constitute a not-so-hidden sphere, a counterpublic. They have begun to create parallel structures and a parallel polis to resist the covid regime. As in Soviet bloc Czechoslovakia, they are not aligned with any political program and hold to no utopian idealism. Although in the United States the majority are Republicans and lowercase libertarians, many are not. They represent a prepolitical formation. Rather than needing a pollical program, these dissidents seek community in 'the continuing and cruel tension between the complex demands of that [covid] system and the aims of life, that is, the elementary need of human beings to live, to a certain extent at least, in harmony with themselves, that is, to live in a bearable way … '

Yet their efforts may eventually assume a political character and may manage to create another world, and covid post-totalitarianism may be the crucible in which this other world is forged. They may be developing a more genuine way of living. And they may find that the 'brighter future' is not that distant after all. It was there all along, and only blindness and weakness had prevented it from being seen and developed."

Michael Rectenwald

"Great empires, such as the Roman and British, were extractive The empires succeeded, because the value of the resources and wealth extracted from conquered lands exceeded the value of conquest and governance.

Washington’s empire extracts resources from the American people for the benefit of the few powerful interest groups that rule America."

Paul Craig Roberts

"Bringing in an untold number of Afghanis, whom as I understand it have an average IQ of 85 or so, really won’t dumb things down that much more. We’ve already allowed countless Somalis- whose average IQ is even lower than that- to rise to positions of prominence in Minnesota. And given how submissive and clueless almost all Whites have been over the past few decades especially, it’s time to stop bragging about our IQs. Whatever the tests show, I am beginning to believe Whites are the dumbest race ever to walk the face of the earth. What other race of people have ever openly applauded their extinction, and engaged in nonstop self-hatred?"

Donald Jeffries

"The party that favors all these measures happens to be completely in power in the country at large: all three branches of the federal government. They are loving their monopoly of power, however temporarily it lasts. And they are using every bit of it to end everything about the American experience that is valuable. And they benefit from having a near-monopoly of power behind them, with the exception of a few newspapers and TV channels. 

What this means for people in open states is the dawning of a new consciousness. If they are going to keep their freedoms and good lives, they have to prepare for a new way of thinking. It’s a sense of independence and determination to avoid the hysteria, demands, and attacks from the party in power — and the media apparatus that works all day to bolster them."

Jeffrey Tucker

"The true heroic voice of reason concerning the past and present disastrous Afghanistan  quagmire is certainly not war criminals George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden.  It is 2012 presidential candidate Ron Paul. He remains the voice of clarity directing his Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

The principled constitutionalist and noninterventionist Ron Paul was right from the start about our disastrous preemptive imperial wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, right from the start about the destructive 'blowback' fomenting more hatred directed towards America, right from the start about the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies creating the housing bubble which led to the 2008 financial meltdown, right from the start about the War on Drugs, the USA Patriot Act, the invasive NSA surveillance, and the TSA imposing a police state upon the American people."

Charles Burris

"The issue of fear extends into the common mindset of the totalitarian and how they find safety. The idea of standing on their own two feet and standing by their principles in the face of opposition is completely foreign to them. They avoid these situations at any cost and the notion of risk is abhorrent to them. So, they instead look for a mob to blend into. This makes them feel safe in obscurity while also wielding force through collectivist action. They can feel powerful while at the same time being pitiful and weak.

These people almost always operate through large single-minded groups that punish any dissension in the ranks, usually with gatekeepers that moderate the motivations of the hive.

The mob itself is a weapon, its only purpose beyond the comfort of its adherents is to destroy those people that do not hold the same beliefs or values as the controllers. There is no defensive purpose to the mob; it is an assassin's tool; it is a nuclear bomb. And, as we have seen in every modern dictatorship from the Bolsheviks in Russia to the Fascists in Germany to the communists in Mao's China, the totalitarian mob is capable of murdering more people than any nuclear weapon in existence, all in the name of 'the greater good of the greater number'."

Brandon Smith

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