Sunday, August 1, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"If freedom comes with a caveat, it ain’t freedom. No matter how much you tell yourself otherwise.

The best vaccine for Covid 19 is the realization it’s all a load of bullshit.

It’s 100% effective against all future variants."

Gareth Icke

"As the amount and complexity of data grows, it’s natural to want an expert to sort it out for you. But experts are known for knowing a lot about a little, not for having broad, integrated knowledge. People understandably look to them to make decisions for them. That’s foolish. Better that you go to a philosopher than a technician when the time comes to decide on something important. But philosophers are in short supply today, so people listen to celebrities.

A celebrity is someone who’s famous for being well-known. People automatically assume that famous people must know something they don’t. The public doesn’t know much, but they know more about some celebrities than they do about their own friends, neighbors, and relatives. And that engenders trust. People trust a celebrity who endorses something he knows nothing about because they think they know him. It’s another consequence of mass media. The average person is much more likely to accept Google’s, or Wikipedia’s, or some celebrity’s opinion than to research something themselves. Critical thinking is hard work, and questioning authority doesn’t usually make you any friends."

Doug Casey

"The political State has not established order; religions have not made us more moral; education has not blessed us with wisdom; the mass-marketed affluence or our industrial system has not provided us with security; our ideologies have not advanced our understanding. Institutions are the principal means by which conflict is produced and managed in society. The success of institutions depends upon the creation of those conditions in which personal and social conflict flourish. In unity there is vulnerability, not strength."

Butler Shaffer

"I know logic. And evidence. And investigation. I’ve been doing it for close to 40 years. But underneath it all, I’m doing it to expose the castle they, the insane ones, are building for us. The castle of their dead language and their tattered false logic and their iron bands of materialistic control; their newspeak and lab speak and germ speak and protection-racket speak and payoff speak and robot speak and techno-speak and data speak and modeling speak and squeeze-play speak and propaganda speak and mapping speak.

All the languages that are separate from LIFE."

Jon Rappoport

"The virus was deployed as an excuse to exercise and bolster political power, at the expense of functioning markets, individual liberty, and limits on government. One cost among many is the long-term discrediting of many institutions, among which are the media that drove this and the public health authorities that enforced it. 

You might explain all this to the FEMA official who knocks at your door. Or maybe you can just put out a sign that says: No Soliciting. And pretend not to be home."

Jeffrey Tucker

"Wars are not for our freedom or patriotism or democracy, as we are propagandized. Wars are to kill and to benefit big business — which reaps massive profits from the killing and sacrifice of young men (lambs) on all sides of combat — and for the banksters.

And if we follow that line of thinking, knowing that the powers that be crave petro-dollars and power regardless of anything that happens beneath them, bringing Russia into the petro-dollar, not kicking them out and warring with them, accomplishes quite a lot. It helps keep oil prices higher because they will be able to control 'supply' better. They do not do this through production cuts, by the way. No one wants to cut production and stop the flow of money. They do it by manufacturing conflict that is then reported in the news which raises the speculative commodity price of oil.

That is why I am anti-war and oppose current U.S. foreign policy. When America goes abroad seeking monsters to slay among countries that have not attacked us and pose to us no real threat, and when we deploy troops to force government on people, when we foment conflict in the world, we act counter to our founding principles and take from others those rights we espouse to uphold."

Bob Livingston

"Wokism requires centralized control and political totalitarianism.  It is a socio-political crusade to save souls, albeit without a defined heaven and hell.  The articulators of the woke vision are elites and globalists.  Yet the perceived mass beneficiaries of the woke vision are a set of inchoate and unhappy people who feel like they are not where they should be and it isn’t their fault, who translate their fear for their own future onto the larger vehicle of the world’s future.  As with old-time Marxism, a good amount of jealousy and a false sense that we are not getting what we deserve is woven into the cloth. But the cloth holding the Marxist elites together with the inchoate unhappy mob was always threadbare."

Karen Kwiatkowski

"[The] video of the Capitol Siege clearly shows there were government agents involved and the people were yelling at them for their clandestine acts. We hear no word about that. Only civilians went to jail. There is evidence that there were other operatives of the government involved using the people as cover. The Democrats ignore that and it will never be exposed.

The Democrats are doing the very same thing as Hitler with imprisoning 450 people for entering Capitol Hill, taking selfies, and calling it an armed revolution even though the FBI confirmed there were no weapons found. Pelosi and Schumer lied called it an armed insurrection. They even appointed Liz Cheney to their committee who is a Trump hater because her father manipulated Bush to create the Iraq War. There is so much blood on her family’s hands it is sickening. This is the woman to defend the government? January 6th was another false flag."

Martin Armstrong

"The pandemic provided progressives with an all-purpose excuse to impose restrictions on risk and inequity against an unquestioned backdrop of compassionate public health care. Considering that, is it any wonder they’re reluctant to wave goodbye to the pandemic now? They had a good thing going.

The American progressive response to the coronavirus was so authoritarian, rushed and panicked as to raise a very serious question: Can the leaders of that ilk be relied upon to respond to any crisis without employing terrified, poorly reasoned, punishing repression of the citizenry? Does the left simply enjoy emergency powers so passionately that they should never be trusted to wield them when chaos calls again?

For now, perhaps progressives need to have a going-away party for Covid-19. They could bury their masks in a solemn ceremony and present the virus with cards and flowers – wishing it success in mutating toward something more difficult to vaccinate away. Then, to paraphrase the Bard, they could sit on the ground and tell sad stories on the death of the sweet, unquestioned power that came from promoting and clinging to unreasoning fear."

John Scott Lewinski

"All indications are that the state and its governing bodies are nothing more than an organized crime syndicate. It is even worse than this description, because organized crime (Mafia) works within its own area and networks, and of course uses and pays off politicians in order to stay in business, but it does not wage world war, and does not seek to gain control of all humanity and the entire planet. The state and government on the other hand, are certainly organized criminal organizations, but they want to gain control of everything and everybody. The state desires to control all money, all commerce, all property, all markets, all military, all theft, all health choices, all employment, all everything."

Gary D. Barnett

"America has failed itself as a country and its people as citizens. There is no community, no unity. White liberals in blue states look down on Republicans in red states as 'white supremacists,' 'domestic terrorists,' and misogynists. Blacks and 'people of color' are taught by white liberals to hate white people. Blue school boards require critical race theory—a denunciation of white people and Western civilization—to be programmed into kids in taxpayer funded public schools and universities. The private schools and universities also preach the evils of whiteness.

Today in the Disunited States the main function of public and private education is the demonization of white people and Western civilization. Instead of being enculturated, American youth are taught hatred of their country and guilt for being white. They are brainwashed against themselves and their country."

Paul Craig Roberts

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