Sunday, December 6, 2020

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Perhaps the real problem with the current American political system is that elections are practically the last remaining source of apparent legitimacy. Presidents take an oath to 'preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.' But this has long been a nonbinding throwaway gesture – if not a laugh line for Washington insiders. Elections failed to prevent every recent American commander-in-chief from expanding and exploiting the dictatorial potential of the presidency."

James Bovard

"…the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated."

Thomas Paine

"You’ll notice wherever the U.S. government goes 'nation building' creating new neo-imperialist shit-pits, they don’t spread the 2nd Amendment while forming governments."

Bill Buppert

"I’m with the truckers and the bikers, and the millions of people who voted for Trump, not because of Trump, but because the millions who voted for him want freedom."

Jon Rappoport

"Sure, in the back of everyone's subconscious there is the fear that the good times are an illusion and that dystopia is just behind a thin veneer of economic stability and false optimism, but most people do not really think such catastrophes will happen in their lifetime. We are now in the midst of a deliberately over-hyped pandemic, strict national lockdowns, civil unrest, riots, aggressive tech censorship, intrusive government censorship, unprecedented corporate and treasury debt, stagflationary central bank stimulus and the collapse of massive financial bubbles. Yet, I still don't get the impression that the masses really grasp the extent of the danger; they still believe that the situation is going to heal itself without any effort or much sacrifice on their part.

This is the first lesson of power:  Entire societies can be easily influenced when they suffer from delusions that the bad times will be fleeting, and that government will keep them safe no matter what."

Bob Livingston

"Millions of Americans are virtual prisoners in their homes due to government lockdowns, government-instilled fear, or government-caused unemployment. Isn’t it strange that the more Americans lose their freedoms, the more that churches talk about U.S. soldiers defending our freedoms?"

Laurence Vance

"Although tyranny…may successfully rule over foreign peoples, it can stay in power only if it destroys first of all the national institutions of its own people."

Hannah Arendt

"My idea of rights is that there is only one, and that is a right to your own life; if you can keep it, and that right encompasses all other 'considered' human rights of freedom. In other words, each individual is responsible for protecting his right to life.  This can be accomplished individually or collectively, whether acting alone or with family, friends, neighbors, or community. If any acquiescence to the state or any ruling entity takes the place of the individual, all right to your own life ceases to exist. This in essence explains the notion that when the people in mass accept government, the destruction of freedom is imminent. All responsibility for one’s life, and therefore one’s liberty, rests on the defense of that liberty by each and every individual."

Gary D. Barnett

"Virus gonna virus.

We can either accept this, and take steps to protect those among us who are most at risk while others resume the one life they are given, or we can destroy our social fabric.

Meanwhile, we have families and friendships being torn apart over all this. You're a bad person if you reject the propaganda. Why, you don't care about saving lives! You're 'selfish'!

Never mind the countless lives lost by lockdown itself, a point I've made again and again. Those lives don't seem to count for some reason."

Tom Woods

"The Democrats are identifying and defining their domestic adversaries not as adversaries but as terrorists, as domestic terrorists, white supremacist terrorists, fascist terrorists.

The media has fed off this narrative and profited greatly off of it — that the Republicans and conservatives are not just standard political adversaries, they’re actually white supremacist and fascist terrorists trying to implement violent coups...

That’s going to allow agencies like the FBI and the NSA to investigate domestic dissidents against a Biden-Harris administration on the ground 'we’re not searching out our political adversaries, we’re searching out domestic terrorists'.

They’re also going to, in turn, pressure their friends at Google and Facebook and Twitter, who have funded them, to continue to censor their critics on the grounds that they’re not just critics but they’re national security threats."

Glenn Greenwald

"We have to face the facts. It’s over. We lost. Raise that white flag. Come out with your hands up. The fat lady has sung. Choose your favorite analogy. The corrupt and incompetent forces always win, when the game is rigged against disclosure, honesty, fairness, and common sense. Look at the people who rule us, from mayors like Lori Lightfoot to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Do you really think we can’t do better than that? No one can challenge and beat these absurd buffoons? Well, not if they’re denied the ability to run, or the votes aren’t actually counted. Or, perhaps saddest of all, if enough people are simply that stupid to elect them."

Donald Jeffries

"There is a lot of talk of another Civil War in America these days.  The reason for such talk is all of the violence that has been organized by what is effectively the military wing of the Democrat National Committee – Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  They have rioted, looted, committed serial acts of arson, and even murdered.  No one expects conservatives to behave in such a manner should demented Joe Biden prevail.  If President Trump succeeds with his lawsuits against the blatantly obvious, massive vote fraud that has taken place, the Democrats will no longer be dancing in the streets guzzling champagne.  They will escalate the kind of violence that they have orchestrated for the past six months or so, and it will likely be orders of magnitude worse.  They will have become the new Party of Lincoln."

Tom DiLorenzo

"The lockdowners keep telling us to pay attention to the science. That’s what we are doing. When the results contradict their pro-compulsion narrative, they pretend that the studies do not exist and barrel ahead with their scary plans to disable all social functioning in the presence of a virus. Lockdowns are not science. They never have been. They are an experiment in social/political top-down management that is without precedent in cost to life and liberty."

Jeffrey Tucker

"Welcome to the epic that other generations could only have dreamt of. You think the Revolutionary War was special? Or that World War 2 was special? This moment, is the most special moment in all of American history. It is not on a battlefield. It is not in a foreign land. It is in our minds, in our hearts, and in our homes."

Allan Stevo

"If taxation without consent is not robbery, then any band of robbers have only to declare themselves a government, and all their robberies are legalized."

Lysander Spooner

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