Thursday, November 12, 2020

DC Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Regime’s Mail Goons Assist with Election Fraud

Has mob rule arrived?

Regime’s Spy Goons Assist with Election Fraud

Why vote when the people who actually run things aren’t elected?

DC Regime Commits Cyberwarfare Against Foreign Countries to Prevent 'Election Interference'

Meanwhile, the homegrown mobsters get away scot-free!

Regime’s 'Justice' Goons Seize 27 Domains

The victims stand accused of peddling "Iranian propaganda."

Regime’s Hired Killers 'Classifying' Bad News About Forever War

“Embarrassing things tend to get classified in this town.”

Regime Hired Killer Pushing for War with China

He thinks it’s up to him to police the Indo-Pacific.

Pedophile/New Emperor to Enforce Marxist Biology

You are whatever sex your deranged mind claims you to be…and everyone will be forced to accept your lunacy.

Emperor Readies Still More Economic Warfare Against Iran

They promise new attacks on a weekly basis.

And then, who knows, maybe a covert ops attack before inauguration day?

Emperor Creates New Economic Warfare Against Syria

They think destroying Syria’s oil industry will somehow be blamed on their elected president. When has that ever worked?

Regime’s Hired Killers Get to Assist with Destruction of Free Speech

They call it "machine learning-driven capabilities."

Emperor-Elect Promises Increased Support for Unelected Regime Operatives

He can’t commit all the future crimes he has planned without "a strong healthy, supported federal workforce."

Emperor-Elect Will Force You to Wear a Slave Diaper on Your Face

You’ll have to check every town you drive through to see if they require a mask…or risk arrest.

Regime Controlled Media Threatens Your Job

"Accept your new Pedophile Emperor’s fraudulent election or we will notify your employer about your disobedience."

Regime Disease Goons Making Rules for Your Thanksgiving

You need to find a way to virtually eat turkey.

Regime Junk Science 'Advisor' Wants to Lock You Down

All lockdowns have failed up to now because you just have not been locking down hard enough.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Isn’t it time for Texians to practice “DC-distancing?”

Secession, anyone?

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