Sunday, April 12, 2020

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"On an average day in America 8,000 people die, or 2.9 million per year. When that perspective is placed in context next to the 2,400 deaths in the month of March from the coronavirus, you have to question the necessity of shutting down the entire country. Now the panic and fear will be used as an excuse to further take away more liberties and freedoms. We’ve been playing their game and following their rules, and they remain in control of the game."
Jim Quin

"New York City is reported to be home to 560,000 undocumented immigrants.  When the word 'immigrant' is mentioned, that points to tuberculosis, not COVID-19 coronavirus.  Tuberculosis kills far more people than any coronavirus.  What triggered these deaths months after the initial spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus?  Obviously, the quarantine.
So, is the CDC attempting to keep the masses vulnerable to COVID-19 so they must be rescued by some future vaccine that many biotech companies are racing to develop?
Health authorities at the Centers for Disease Control certainly must be aware of the volumes of published data showing 'sunlight deficiency' is the primary inducer of seasonal influenza and tuberculosis.  If the CDC is ignorant of this fact, they need to turn in their badge.
So, is the CDC intentionally trying to produce hospitalizations and deaths?  There is something going on here that is very covert and deceptive.  How does India, a country of 1.2 billion people, close down its economy over 53 COVID-19 deaths while an estimated 435,000 annual deaths due to tuberculosis are reported there?  (April 3, 2020) Somebody is pulling strings worldwide.
The COVID-19 plannedemic perfectly achieves objectives of globalists.  Stop using paper money because it is a vehicle to transfer the virus – use credit cards instead.  Voluntarily stay away from other people, so there can be no public assembly dissent.  Obey your political leaders, or else you won’t be allowed to resume business.  For the sake of public safety, volunteer to go out of business so you have no remaining wealth and you will become totally dependent on government for survival."
Bill Sardi

"The entire affair has been helped along by extremely well-produced graphics, GIFs, aesthetically stimulating tracking tools, live-charts, and social media hashtags (#socialdistancing, a marketing tool that would have impressed Huxley, is being printed on state and private announcements and posted everywhere). Under the guise of 'keeping us aware,' it is actually unifying the global narrative and drowning out rational thought. How can an investigative essay compete with masterful visuals in an age of the maleducated and overstimulated?
It’s quite obvious that the hysteria around us would have been similar if they had done the same marketing and live tracking and statistical tools on influenza viruses. We are now obsessed with tracking all these little details about the virus, how many have been exposed, who has it, how many have died, and the prospects of the death of millions. The Entertainment Class has trained us well."
C. Jay Engel

"There's a reason the legacy media organizations are going under, and it has nothing to do with newspapers 'taking a huge financial hit because of rapidly dwindling advertising revenue caused by coronavirus uncertainty,' as Jones claims. The legacy media are going under because they've replaced pretending to cover news with outright advocacy for every lunatic leftwing cause of which a communist can conceive. 
And they're no longer interested in serving the public good, if that was ever their mission (hint, it wasn't). If they were they'd realize that now is the time to keep their paywalls down so that the people who find themselves out of work because of the policies they promote can still access news on the very thing that caused them to be out of work. 
They'd also do something the alternative media are doing and that is take a look beyond the numbers the government spits out every day and investigate some of the lies we're being told about where the virus originated, how it's spread and how the numbers are being compiled. And they would actually question whether the course the government has embarked on makes the cure worse than the disease. Instead they're cheerleading the government's actions and calling for an even more draconian response by President Donald Trump, essentially asking him to become the dictator they once complained he was."
Jay Baker

"And the type of guidance we’ve received?
Absolutely abysmal.
(A timeline in six lines.) 
Masks don’t work. 
Masks work only for healthcare workers. 
OK. Masks could be a good idea for the public. 
OK. Yes. You should wear a mask. 
Chris Campbell

"Think of everything you have ever learned about government at the local, state and federal level, about the Constitution, federalism and the separation of powers, and how it is substantially being altered after the brief course of a few weeks. Government leaders and their administrative staffs have fully endorsed and are implementing the progressive view of broad executive powers unrestrained by constitutional prohibitions and directives. They have adopted the authoritarian extra-constitutional position of Theodore Roosevelt that government, at the federal, state, and local level, can do anything not specifically prohibited or forbidden by their archaic and obsolete Constitutions that they took a solemn oath to preserve, protect, and defend."
Charles Burris

"Stay at home orders cannot be enforced indefinitely. They will appear to be obeyed for awhile, because people will cooperate up to a point. But there comes a point where what seems to be not essential in some minds is regarded as essential in the minds of others. Nothing but trouble and conflict is going to result from these kinds of disagreements and frictions.
This is a time for optimism, not pessimism. This is a time for advancing and not be cowering in our caves or hunkering down. This virus is a bad thing. It is costing human lives and years, and these human losses are highly regrettable. But we still need to go on. We still need to keep our perspective. There are many diseases out there and many causes of death, and this virus is not the worst of them or the worst of what we human beings can do to each other and have done.
There has been an enormous and undue over-reaction from governments in the form of blanket lockdowns, when what was needed, among other things, was an educational campaign of how each one of us could and should handle the risk of infection."
Michael Rozeff

"The Ordinary Totalitarian Virus (TOVID-20) is more contagious than that other royal one. It can spread without physical contact since it is passed simply by believing in bad ideas."

"On March 24th, the CDC issued an alert stating that doctors should classify 'probable COVID-19' or 'likely COVID-19' as Covid-19 deaths. Perhaps that explains the seeming drop-off of pneumonia deaths this year and the simultaneous spike in Covid-19 deaths as some researchers have reported.
The BBC reported last week that, 'At present in the US, any death of a Covid-19 patient, no matter what the physician believes to be the direct cause, is counted for public reporting as a Covid-19 death.'
Does that sound like a scientifically sound way of determining how deadly Covid-19 really is?"
Dr. Ron Paul

"Call it common core science being dictated by common core math of the erratic models and simulations from Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx. Most medical care is shut down in the country to deal with the flow of COVID-19 patients predicted by their models. Then when those models fail to materialize and hospitals are empty from the mythical surge, outside of a few hot spots, medical personnel are furloughed and we are left with the worst of both worlds.
We are told by our new dictators that destroying the entire country from head to toe was worth it in order to save lives of those afflicted with COVID-19, mainly in the New York City area. But what if, in addition to the destroyed jobs and economy and all the lives being lost as an indirect result of the virus, we are also directly destroying lives of other health care patients who cannot get care because of the overbroad and arbitrary shutdown?
In nearly every state, 'elective' medical care has been shut down. Now, that might make sense in New York City, where you want to marshal your medical resources to combat COVID-19. But in most other parts of the country, not only are they not overrun with patients, but thanks to the government’s circular logic of shutting down other medical care, they have no patients and are now furloughing staff. At a time when we need to build up our medical personnel, we are actually cutting them, in addition to keeping many Americans in pain."
Daniel Horowitz

"Seeing those 'spontaneous' gatherings of people singing 'God Bless America' and cheering EMT workers on television reminded me of a story my old friend Yuri Maltsev once told me.  Yuri spent the first part of his life in the Soviet Union (he was an economic advisor to Mikhail Gorbachev before he defected).  The story is about a neighbor woman who almost every day would open her apartment window and shout praise to the Communist Party.   'Why do you do that?' Yuri asked her.  The answer was something along the lines of 'So they don’t suspect I am not loyal and obedient.'
Reminds me of the recent 'spontaneous' singing and cheering here in the new Union of Soviet Socialist American Republics (USSAR)."
Tom DiLorenzo

"Bill Gates is the single greatest threat to your future. His entire agenda is to outlaw all gatherings until you are vaccinated and chipped so they know you are vaccinated. This man is conspiring to take down Western culture. The Left has jumped on his band-wagon so rapidly, this is an unquestionable coup with the VERY SAME objective of the Global Warming he also has been pushing. We are in a very battle for our own freedom. He is wiping out the economy and all jobs unless you accept his agenda. He has destroyed small businesses and pushed his personal agenda to deprive people of their livelyhoods and he has suppressed the poor even the worst. They were living pay-check to pay-check.
This is exactly the approach of Adolf Hitler took before he turned against the Jews. He was systematically killing invalids and war veterans who had been handicapped during World War I. They were inferior and this is what Gates is proposing with his vaccines that you are inferior without it. You either accept his chips, or you will be permanently confined to your house and starved to death I suppose because you will be unable to hold a job.
Hitler took the physically and mentally handicapped and viewed them as a threat to his Aryan race and these people were deemed as 'useless' to society, and, ultimately, unworthy of life. There are countries already considering bans on entering the public unless you have been vaccinated. It is one thing if we were facing the Black Death with 50% death rates. We are running 10% of the death rate of the flu. So what is going on? This makes no sense for a virus. There will be many more so do we need a chip for every disease? Refuse and we are a threat to his great society? Sounds very Aryan race to me."
Martin Armstrong

"A time has come when all are told where they may go, what they are allowed to do, what they may purchase, what medical care they may or may not receive, how long they must remain in home prisons, and soon they will be told they are required to vaccinate with poison delivered by partners of the criminal state. Control over the population is almost complete, as government is stripping all individuality by eliminating or controlling by force our culture, religion, and independent views and thought, in order to bring about a new order. This order will be a top-down controlling governing system, and one that relies on a frightened and obedient populace. Life as we have known it will cease to exist, as total control of every aspect of societal behavior and economy will be executed by the few while all others remain in a cage of oppression."
Gary D. Barnett

"There is one thing that you can count upon: Just as COVID-19 was preceded by the Zika, Ebola, Swine flu, Bird flu, and other 'End of the World' viruses, COVID-19 will itself be followed by yet another, as-yet-unnamed virus. Indeed, are we surprised to hear already, while still well in the trenches of the current lockdown, about the inevitable next pandemic? In an opinion written by two deans at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and published by the establishment magazine Fortune, these two spokeswomen for the Elite state that  the global outbreak of COVID-19 is in no way an anomaly and that it is only a matter of time before the next pandemic strikes. Of course.
This next virus will be proclaimed to be even deadlier than COVID-19; and tyrannical measures put in place, all in the name of 'public safety,' will exponentially exceed the measures put in place now. So, how we, as freedom-loving people, respond to the current power grab will dictate how many of our freedoms will be left for us and our children in the near future. We all must loudly and persistently say 'No'."
Scott C.Tips

"Blind allegiance to a man or party is dangerous. More dangerous even than the worst bug China could cook up in a lab.
The number one goal of all governments historically is to control and dominate their own citizens. The more deceptively it can be done, the more complete and long-lasting the tyranny.
Modern tyranny has a new face. It is benevolent totalitarianism. Police state totalitarianism went out with World War II. The 'Gestapo' knock at the door in the middle of the night and barbed-wire detainment camps are history. Benevolent totalitarianism is an advanced stage of people control through mind control and mass psycho political manipulation."
Bob Livingston

"The State dismisses Christianity as a variant of the local stuffed-animal factory: its product pleases innocents too dumb to know better and provides some jobs—but it’s 'non-essential.' Temporal authorities thereby mistake their puny, passing power for the Church’s eternal might. And they demand that Christians embrace this delusion with instant, unquestioning obedience. 
Believers through the millennia have challenged this arrogance. And they briefly triumphed in America: a free people recognized government for the needless, impoverishing, and utterly wicked racket it is, disdained it, and strove to confine it. But a Progressive tsunami swamped them. And now, irony of ironies, Christians bow to one of Progressivism’s first and most anti-constitutional successes: departments of public health with their unelected bureaucrats."
Becky Akers

"The narrow and archaic vaccine-only paradigm to treat infectious diseases has left human populations vulnerable to a highly transmissible and potentially pathogenic virus with no approved drugs or vaccines in place.
Unprepared public health authorities should all have resigned by now.  Instead, they wield unelected power as they mandate countermeasures such as indoor quarantine that will further deprive the sunlight-deprived masses in the northern hemisphere of the natural vitamin D needed to prevent this seasonal infectious disease.
The power hungry must produce deaths to spread the fear needed to extend control over the planet’s human populations.  What looms is a decree for universal vaccination before the multitudes are permitted to return to normal life.  The supposition is that only health authorities know what is best for 7 billion hostages presumed to be medically ignorant."
Bill Sardi

"Now, several weeks too late, pols, journos, and pundits want to talk about the costs & benefits of the shutdown. Costs and benefits for your life. It was never their decision to make."
Jeff Deist

"One thing we have learned from the shut-down is that with very few exceptions, every governor, mayor, and congressperson is a totalitarian thug who revels in jumping at the chance of abolishing all civil liberties whenever given an excuse to do so.  Every single one of them should be immediately recalled, tarred and feathered, shunned by their communities, and their livelihoods destroyed, just as they have destroyed the livelihoods of millions of Americans with their emergency decrees and their shutdown-and-shut-up-go-home-and-lose-your-paycheck orders, enforced by armed local police who deserve the same fate."
Tom DiLorenzo

"Bill Gates is obsessed with his theory on vaccines and is clueless with regard to the economy and all the loss of jobs. People should lose their pensions, their livelihoods, and crime has already risen by 22.5% in New York City. None of this bothers Gates. Then we have the Democrats who are so caught up in their hatred of the rich, they have lost sight of everything. They are opposing relief for small businesses and want the money to go to the workers. They cannot understand that if the small businesses fail, the workers will never get their jobs back. The Democrats and Gates have deliberately caused an economic crisis far worse than the Great Depression.
Gates even admits it will take years to get back to the same economic level. He does not believe in Democracy. The people should have no right to vote for this shutdown. He believes in authoritarianism and we are too stupid to understand what is best for us.
There is no way the economy will EVER return to normal. People like Gates will insist upon his vaccines to be allowed to even work. He wants us to be tagged like cattle. What’s next? Sterilization and permits to have children? If you do not have a base level of IQ, you will be denied? Is that how he will reduce his paranoia about CO2?"
Martin Armstrong

"The government will not be blamed, as the virus is an invisible enemy that only governments can save us from. When told to be obedient and to sacrifice beyond all reason, we shall do so.
Terrorism, Climate Change and the coronavirus are the New Propaganda: a triumvirate of demons that are impossible to pin down. They are abstracts that we have been assured will destroy us.
The message is clear: Our only hope in surviving them is submission to those in charge."
Jeff Thomas

"What this viral epidemic reveals is a disease-care system that is so self-serving, so despicable, so inclined via profit motives to deliver the highest-priced medicine, so narrow-minded as to deny natural non-patentable molecules are safe and effective, that any remedy that is allowed to 'cure' this highly infectious viral disease will have to line the pockets of billionaires, or else.
Zinc therapy produces antibodies against all pathogenic bacteria and viruses and results in life-long immunity (no booster shots).  By virtue of the fact modern infectious disease control ignores and shuns zinc, it only addresses the symptoms of infectious disease and not the cause.  As previously stated, nobody is dying of COVID-19 coronavirus, but everybody who dies does so because of weak immunity.  Spokespersons for modern medicine hog TV time and the ink on the printed page to espouse what first benefits them, not us."
Bill Sardi

"The Corona Walkers are more frightening than the zombies on The Walking Dead. The zombies will just eat the living.  The Corona Walkers, if they have their way, will kill their victims by a thousand cuts, destroying their dreams; driving them from their homes, their jobs, their livelihoods; isolating them from their friends, family members, religious communities, neighbors; saddling them with debt, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, criminal records, fines, and, yes, suicidal thoughts.
The study of the harms—and they will prove to be immense in both number and degree—brought about by The Flat-Curve Society and its 'curious, but authentic, inability to think' has yet to be done.  But I suspect that there will be numerous such studies that, hopefully, will receive the attention needed to dissolve the Society and prevent it from rearing its ugly head when the opportunism of Big Government and Big Media leads to the declaration of the next incarnation of the Black Plague.
As for the rest of us who have been turned into dissidents for daring to leave our homes:
We must never forget."
Jack Kerwick

"This crisis exposes a core flaw of the modern state: it is designed to preempt human responsibility at the point of action. Just follow the rules…”
Americans can achieve public goals much better if given room to take responsibility. This crisis proves it — both the red tape ineptitude at the start, and the heroic resourcefulness once the rulebooks were tossed. Real people, not rules, make things happen. It’s time for a spring cleaning in Washington."
Philip Howard

"Senator Dr. Scott Jensen of Minnesota came out to expose how the AMA is encouraging American doctors to overcount coronavirus deaths across the US. He showed a 7-page document coaching him, as a doctor, to fill out death certificates with a COVID-19 diagnosis without a lab test to confirm the patient actually had the virus. Why? Because of the package for this relief, hospitals are paid more to attend this virus. NOBODY is dying of the flu any more – only COVID-19.
The numbers will then be used to justify keeping the money flowing to misrepresent this as an epidemic. This fraud will then come back to justify keeping the economy locked down longer and the AMA is now contributing to the destruction of everyone’s livelihood, pension, and this exposes the corruption that always emerges with government programs."
Martin Armstrong

"When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: liberty, sir, was then the primary object….But now, sir, the American spirit, assisted by the ropes and chains of consolidation, is about to convert this country into a powerful and mighty empire….Such a government is incompatible with the genius of republicanism. There will be no checks, no real balances, in this government. What can avail your specious, imaginary balances, your rope-dancing, chain-rattling, ridiculous ideal checks and contrivances? But, sir, we are not feared by foreigners; we do not make nations tremble. Would this constitute happiness, or secure liberty?"
Patrick Henry

"Those of us that attempt to tell the truth, and to expose the lies of the state, strive to help free the masses from the servitude they accept without question. These mostly unaccepted and unappreciated attempts to help those who continually refuse to help themselves are frustrating, but are necessary in order to change this false worship. What is to be gained by attempting to convince those who act as subjects of the state, who continue to obey the state’s mandates, who continue to support state terrorism and murder, and who continue to call for others to be imprisoned if they defy the state’s fraudulent laws? When reason and logic have disappeared, when authority is voluntarily accepted, what incentive remains for those who want only the truth when they are faced with a populace that not only hides from the truth, but also shuns it at every level? The incentive is education so that freedom for all can be gained."
Gary D. Barnett

"Overall, it should be evident that the Constitution was a counterrevolutionary reaction to the libertarianism and decentralization embodied in the American Revolution. The Antifederalists, supporting states’ rights and critical of a strong national government, were decisively beaten by the Federalists, who wanted such a polity under the guise of democracy in order to enhance their own interests and institute a British-style mercantilism over the country. Most historians have taken the side of the Federalists because they support a strong national government that has the power to tax and regulate, call forth armies and invade other countries, and cripple the power of the states. The enactment of the Constitution in 1788 drastically changed the course of American history from its natural decentralized and libertarian direction to an omnipresent leviathan that fulfilled all of the Antifederalists’ fears."
Murray Rothbard

"The US, increasingly over time, has turned into a rogue bully; it’s no longer either loved or admired. It’s not even respected, just feared – but only the way you might fear a nasty 250-pound drunk. It has this gigantic hammer – the US military; it makes everything look like a nail to them. It’s bankrupting the country, staggering around, picking fights and making enemies everywhere.
The US Government’s attitude towards Iran is especially stupid. I’m not a fan of the theocrats in Tehran – they’re a disaster in every way. But they’re absolutely no threat to America. We’ve never had a single instance of an attack by Iranians against Americans. The US populace, however, has been made to think they’re a threat because of a massive forty-year-long propaganda campaign. They’re no more of a threat than was our ex-ally Saddam Hussein. Or, for that matter, Gaddafi in Libya or Assad in Syria. Iran is a threat to no one – not even Israel. And even if it was, Israel is not our problem."
Doug Casey

"The defining feature of an empire is its military. It uses armed force to rule over other nations. Then, as the empire ages and degenerates, the army typically shucks its civilian control and looks out for No. 1. That is, it ceases to serve the homeland at all; it serves only itself.
That is the real explanation for the Pentagon’s misadventures in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
How many ordinary citizens would have been willing to sacrifice their children… or their money… to stomp on the Shiites, or the Sunni, or the Druze, or the Zoroastrians, the Kurds, the Wahabi, the Pashtuns, Punjabis, Balochs, Gilaks, Kawliya, Lurs, Mandeans, Mazanderani, Nawar, Tats, or any of the other strange tribes around the Mideast?
The homeland had no dog in any of those fights. Who were the good guys? Who were the bad guys? Who knew? Nobody…
But the Deep State didn’t need to know. The War on Terror brought the military and its contractors billions of dollars. It brought stock options, consulting gigs, think-tank sinecures, promotions, medals, and fancy houses in Northern Virginia."
Bill Bonner

"The ruling socialists are entirely uninterested in the individual person and the freedom of that person. They are entirely anti-spiritual and godless. They are not at all interested in a person’s real spiritual being and act as if it doesn’t exist. Although promising otherwise, socialism actually aims to dehumanize the human being."
Michael Rozeff

"Conservatives in five states are serious about secession from neo-Stalinist governments, such as the one in Virginia, now that it is completely controlled by Demo-Bolsheviks (thanks in part to financing by the likes of billionaire totalitarians George Soros and Michael Bloomberg).  In doing so these conservatives are repudiating the chief mantra of the Lincoln Cult, that his waging of total war on the Southern states 'ended once and for all' the debate over whether the American union was voluntary and whether secession was legal.  Lincoln’s position, and the position of all card-carrying members of the Lincoln Cult, especially the 'Straussian' neocons, is that the American union never was voluntary.  It is more like the Soviet Union, held together by threats of force, violence, and the waging of total war on civilians.  That was Lincoln’s theory of the American founding.  He may have used pretty words like the 'mystic chords' of a 'perpetual union,' but the real meaning was a coerced union held together by the mass murder of hundreds of thousands and the bombing and burning of entire cities.  It is little wonder that among Lincoln’s literary admirers were Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler."
Tom DiLorenzo

"Socialism is not about providing needed services to those who cannot receive them otherwise, nor is it about raising the living standards of the poor, despite socialist claims to the contrary. Socialists do not create goods and services; they commandeer them for political purposes, and such things are useful only as a means of putting and keeping socialist politicians in power."
William L. Anderson

"The financial fascist system of central banking and corporate oligarchy leads to socialist welfare state, and the socialist welfare state leads to the surveillance state, and the surveillance state leads to the martial law state, and the martial law state leads to full-on global governance; an endless elitist empire."
Brandon Smith

"Be vigilant in your own use of language and then you will always recognize when someone is trying to deny you your natural rights. Here are three important phrases you will need to recognize if you want to maintain your liberty:
As I mentioned, beware of the phrase 'it's your __ Amendment right.' Our rights don't come from the Constitution or its amendments. They are natural. The Constitution elaborates on what privileges the government is granted by us to perform what little governance it is allowed, and codifies what rights are natural to us and cannot be infringed upon. It is not the other way around.
Beware of the phrase 'equal rights.' It always means 'special privileges for a select few above and beyond our natural rights.' Everyone is already equal under the law and protected by it. Tiny special interest groups do not need even more specific super-rights above and beyond those of the rest of us. We all already have these rights, naturally.
Beware of the phrase 'public space.' This code phrase is used by governments to deny your freedom and make you think there are places where citizens have no rights, and are only allowed to behave the way the government allows in that area that is definitely owned by citizens, and not the government."
Bob Livingston

"We really need a class action to be filed and taken to the Supreme Court against socialism. It is an affront to everything else the Constitution stands for. You cannot have Equal Protection of the Law if you are allowed to discriminate based on what someone earns. If it is illegal to discriminate against gender, race, or religion, then why is it suddenly OK to hate someone because they have more than you?
If the Ten Commandments prohibits socialism, then this not only violates the Equal Protection of the Law, but it violates the First Amendment and the foundation of Judaeo-Christian beliefs. When will lawyers stand up for the people and simply use GoFundMe to raise money, for surely they will not donate their time even to save their own ass."
Martin Armstrong

"In the Western World today, the only people who suffer are those who tell the truth. Look at Julian Assange, Manning, Edward Snowden, and the other persecuted truth-tellers allegedly protected by whistleblower laws who were sent to prison and left without a livelihood despite the law that protected them. What more evidence do you need that the Western World is lawless?
Today the Western World is based not on TRUTH but on LIES.
A world based on lies is a false world, and that is what the Western World is today. It is a LIE."
Paul Craig Roberts

"These united States have always been an abusive relationship where the subject population is the battered wife.
Divorce may be the only viable option.
Train like your life depends on it."
Bill Buppert

"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves."
Henry David Thoreau

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