Thursday, February 13, 2020

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

It’s looking like the culprit is…Their good ol’ ISIS buddies!

DC’s message to Iran: “Sorry we assassinated your general. Even the best of us make mistakes, right?”

Since they’re Shi’ites, the DC war goons consider them “Iranian proxies” and an “immediate security threat.”

Of course, this is just another example of scapegoating to excuse the failure of a depraved, dying, irrelevant empire.

So much for the idea that unregulated immigration is a “remedy”’ to economic stagnation.

The DC Demons will become your new telecommunications provider to fight their nonsensical war against China.

Recent history tells me they’ll be very shortly re-deployed to another, newly created, war zone.

He’ll never get a trial, so we’ll never really know if he’s “terrorist.”

Ten bucks says this guy (if he even exists) shows up somewhere alive in a couple months. The DC Regime is counting on you not noticing.

Is there anyone easier to fool than a US loyalist?

They demand censure of the truth telling coming from Iran.

“The Federal Reserve is doing what no responsible central bank is supposed to do, and effectively funding the growth in the debt at well below free-market interest rates via monetary creation on a massive scale—without admitting that it is doing so … This is all about funding the fast growing national debt at lower rates than what rational investors would accept in a free market.”

How many times does this happen and the victim fears retaliation for reporting it?

So, you now have 49,000 new DC parasites grabbing at your wallet.

Ask yourself, "How is my life better now?"

Don't forget- "Cuts" are merely reductions in the rate of increase, NOT real cuts.
None of the parasites suckling at the DC teat will experience a real cut.

Remember this when DC’s hired killers demand more tribute to “protect” you.

And, as usual, they lie about it.

The paper learns the hard way that the degree of their “independence” depends on where the funding comes from.

Yet, at the same time, they whine about threats against them!

“We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.”
Mikey Pompeo, former Chief Spy Goon

They kill thousands with their invasion and occupation, then kill thousands more when they try to clean up their mess.

And all for your “security” and to protect The DC Regime’s “interests.”

The DC Death Cult believes they have “neglected” the Arctic and now favors “aggressive involvement and militarization.” 

God help us.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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