Sunday, January 26, 2020

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"The mission of campus diversity officers is self-perpetuating. Affirmative action (i.e., racial and ethnic preferences in admissions) leads to grievance studies. Increased recognition of LGBTQ rights requires ever-greater accommodation by the rest of the student body. Protecting 'vulnerable' groups from 'hate speech' and ‘microaggressions’ requires speech codes and bias-response teams (staffed by diversocrats). Complaints must be investigated and adjudicated (by diversocrats). Fighting 'toxic masculinity' and combating an imaginary epidemic of campus sexual assault necessitate consent protocols, training, and hearing procedures — more work for an always-growing diversocrat cadre. Each newly recognized problem leads to a call for more programs and staffing."
Mark Pulliam

"One wonders just how far spineless college administrators will go when it comes to caving in to the demands of campus snowflakes who have been taught that they must be protected against words, events and deeds that do not fully conform to their extremely limited, narrow-minded beliefs built on sheer delusion. Generosity demands that we forgive these precious snowflakes and hope that they eventually grow up. The real problem is with people assumed to be grown-ups — college professors and administrators — who serve their self-interest by tolerating and giving aid and comfort to our aberrant youth. Unless the cycle of promoting and nursing imaginary grievances is ended, diversity bureaucracies will take over our colleges and universities, supplanting altogether the goal of higher education."
Walter Williams

"Politicians and bureaucrats have so skillfully imposed the word 'democracy' that the crowd has total confusion of groupism and individual liberty. Democracy by all definitions is mob rule or groupism. It is anathema to individual liberty. Democracy does not equal human liberty. Democracy precisely means the manipulated mob. Mobs are never spontaneous.
Watch that word democracy. It is the charade for criminal politics. It's hard to believe how writers who pretend to oppose big government endear this most deceptive word. They are either a part of the system or victims of the system's brainwash. In any case, they are perpetuating the deception.
When you see or hear anyone use the word democracy implying human liberty, you should suspect treason whether the use is intentional or otherwise."
Bob Livingston

"Deception by the government and media are ever present. Propaganda and lies are constant. Disinformation is the rule, and honesty is almost non-existent. The only way to combat this insanity is to believe nothing and question everything in order to find the truth. Most are conditioned to not question authority, to accept what they are told, and to go with the herd, but most are always wrong. To escape the chains of the mindless hoard and find the truth, one must walk alone. Only then will light replace the darkness, and the truth be exposed."
Gary D. Barnett

"Twenty years into the 21st century, and what do we have to show for it?
Government corruption, tyranny and abuse have propelled us at warp speed towards a full-blown police state in which egregious surveillance, roadside strip searches, police shootings of unarmed citizens, censorship, retaliatory arrests, the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, indefinite detentions, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, police brutality, profit-driven prisons, and pay-to-play politicians have become the new normal."
John Whitehead

"Gun rights are unalienable, stemming directly from unalienable rights to life, liberty and property. The worth of the latter depend on their defense, and defense means the right to own guns. Self-defense is an unalienable right.
Gun rights do not come from government. They do not come from a constitution. They do not come from the Second Amendment.
No constitution, state or federal, and no local law can rightly abridge gun rights."
Michael Rozeff

"Do insurers owe the public [medical] coverage? No. The fact is that nobody owes you, or anybody else, anything. If you don’t qualify for a policy, that’s unfortunate. You also may not qualify for joining an athletic team. Or getting into a school. Or working for a certain employer. Or a thousand other things. I’m sorry. But tough. Your choices are to either do something to improve your circumstances or, if you can’t, find an alternative. One person’s bad luck doesn’t constitute a mortgage on another person’s life."
Doug Casey

"Yes, in the year 2020, we still have millions of Americans who quite literally believe the Earth is flat… like a disc floating in space. They also believe the sun and moon are discs, and that satellites don’t exist, and that gravity isn’t real.
At least the Flat Earthers aren’t fascists who demand we give up combustion engines or something, like AOC. Mostly, the Flat Earth movement is all about a 'thought experiment,' but they aren’t dangerous like Leftists who want to murder children and collapse entire economies. If we had Flat Earthers in congress instead of climate lunatics, we’d actually be better off, come to think of it. And elections would be far more entertaining."
Mike Adams

"The American people are so stupid, having demonstrated their unlimited capability for utter and total stupidity by buying in to the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s 'weapons of mass destruction,' 'Assad’s use of chemical weapons,' 'Iranian nukes,' 'Russian invasions,' 'Russiagate,' ad infinitum, that the Deep State and their media whores take for granted that the dumbshit Americans will equally accept the latest lie.
America is already in the trash bin of history.  Most other countries will say, 'good riddance'."
Paul Craig Roberts

"Unfortunately, all big institutions lean toward the tyrannical.
Tyranny is efficient. 
Bigness without tyranny is inefficient. 
If a state wants to become bigger and more bureaucratic, all it has to do is make the masses believe its perpetual growth is for the common good. 
So it must pull on the heartstrings… and simultaneously create an enemy.  
(Oldest trick in the book.) 
And, of course, the enemy is anyone who opposes the behemoth’s exponentially growing belly. 
And, don’t forget; it also must capture kids while they’re young and impressionable… hampering them with debt and (eventually) funneling them into the state as a form of 'debt forgiveness.' 
(See: indentured servitude.)"
Chris Campbell

"Leftist culture has become increasingly erratic and unhinged, informed by elements of a new social justice fanaticism; a kind of religious fervor where faith in ideological gatekeepers is more important than reason or facts. The majority of the left, while not necessarily part of the 'woke' religion, is still influenced by SJW rhetoric. Delusional notions of 'patriarchy' and 'inherent racism' and 'inherent sexism' are woven into the Democrat mindset. They see oppression everywhere, and victim group status has become the social currency they use to acclimate to a fantasy world where entitlement is the solution to all the world's ills."
Brandon Smith

"'Anything peaceful' is libertarianism for juveniles; if you want liberty, you have to consider society, culture, secondary consequences and the like."
Bionic Mosquito

"Libertarianism is the theory of what people’s rights should be.  It rules out the state; and, to the unfortunate extent the state exists, libertarians hold that the state should, to the greatest extent possible, refrain from violating people’s rights.  Beyond this, libertarianism mandates nothing to the state.  Libertarians don’t have to hold that the state must grant marriage licenses to couples of the same sex."
Lew Rockwell

"Since, according to libertarian theory, there should be no government property since it is all derived from coercion, how does any principle whatever of government property use follow from libertarian theory?  The answer is, it doesn’t.  on the question of what to do with government property, libertarians, apart from calling for privatization, are set adrift, I short, with nothing but their common sense and their attunement to the real world, of which libertarians have always been in notoriously short supply."
Murray Rothbard

"The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement."
Bill Buppert

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