Thursday, November 14, 2019

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

There’s still more killin’ to be done in Yemen. This shipment has occurred despite what’s termed “Congressional outrage.”

Aren’t you glad you vote for a Congress Critter to look out for you?.....

Big Brother’s ‘Internal Passports’ are on the Way

It’s futile to resist the DC Borg…

You’ll need to accept being “hacker bait.” It's for your own "security."

They would rather spend billions feeding the parasites that walk on through…

They’ve come up with a new term to keep you afraid- “Nuclear breakout.”

Make sure to thank a veteran this week for his selfies, not his “service.”

What’s another $52 TRILLION? Right?

You must “accommodate” the “world’s ambition.”

And he’ll happily point a gun at your head to make you comply.

And here we thought only Comrade Bernie was the lunatic extremist.

I would guess that drone strikes against offenders is next…

“If we want that thar oil, we gonna take it, by God!”


Which, of course, offers still another reason to destroy that depraved, mob-ruling tyranny known as “democracy.”

It’s going to cost $10.4 million to “repair” an animal burial site.

How do you “repair” such a site? Put the bones back into the ground?

Congratulations to the pagan aborigine tribes for sharing the same ineptness, depravity and irrationally we usually only witness from the DC Demons.

They completely ignore their power to manipulate search results.

Their “mission” is not yet “complete.”

I’m guessing there are still a few goat herders who refuse to bow to the DC King.

They were considering deploying the far superior Russian anti-aircraft technology which would prevent The DC Demons from bombing their country in the future.

They’re convinced by the parents who are even more evil than the guy who killed their kids!

What other kinds of information will they begin to ban?

Some good news for the resistance

President of Texas Nationalist Movement Interviewed by Atlantic Magazine

It’s a reasonably fair interview of Daniel Miller. Just ignore the usual nonsense about counting Social Security payments as “federal funds” being paid to Texas and the blather about the US Constitution providing “no means of secession.”

Below, Daniel talks to a curious Irishman.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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