Thursday, July 18, 2019

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Border Invasion Never Stops

DC offers more empty promises.

The Regime offers more resistance to a submarine hauling plant material than against the invading hordes. If the sub was full of illegals instead of non-state approved plants, they would have been offered a multi-ship escort to the nearest port where they would have received a water cannon salute and a hot meal.

Instead of saving our stolen money with more deportations, they instead send millions of it to the invader’s shithole origin.

Regime Gangsters respond with ridiculous assertions, helpful advice to criminal invaders, inept prosecutions, and promises of at least 700% more invaders!

Loyalists are more concerned about their ugly war rag than they are defending their border!

Yes, that’s how The DC Regime fights crime- They tell the criminals in advance when they’re coming so they can flee or hide…

Knock, knock. No one’s home.

Doing whatever they can to keep the rude parasites fat and happy.

Their “constituency” obviously isn’t the people who voted for them and pay their salaries.

Their previous theories have long ago been thoroughly debunked, yet they continue with the fear mongering.

These people have no shame.

And no, it’s not even the War Department.

Why is it the tax slave’s responsibility to pay for security of these ships belonging to multi- billion-dollar shipping companies?

All this will do is further increase tensions in the Gulf until the DC Demons get the war they so crave.

And most certainly, more and more lying is part of the plan.

She therefore wants to hire more bureaucrats to meddle in your life.

Supporting the parasites cost the most- even more than Social Security and the War Department.

It’s the perfect crime of hypocrisy.

He doesn’t mind these creatures destroying your community and looting your wallet but there’s no way he’ll tolerate them smelling up his headquarters.

They’re desperately trying to save their ever more archaic, ever more worthless dollar. And they’ll use whatever violence is necessary.

Money talks in the Land of the DC Demons- a cool million from Dow for the Emperor's coronation...

Some good news for the resistance:

“Countries that stockpile gold create a foundation of stability for their monetary systems.”

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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