Sunday, December 16, 2018

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"While both Democrats and Republicans try to talk-up the positives of this election, and while we prepare for the disfunction of the next two years, there is no better time for the states to finally accept that the Union, as it currently operates, doesn’t really work and is not likely to begin doing so in the near future. Instead of preserving the continuity of a government that protects the life, Liberty, and property of its citizens, it alternates between growing radical governance and a slightly moderating opposition that constantly acquiesces to the new-normal as defined by their opponents. And whereas Texas consistently chooses to uphold the values of the founders, enough of the other states choose the values of Marx and other progressives to keep the Union on the razor’s edge of insolvency and social chaos. And since the GOP is only semi-effective in resisting the growing assimilation of Marxist ideas into the federal government, maybe it’s time Texas run its own affairs, according to the will of Texans. If the U.S. is destined to hobble down the road to red-ruin (as seems likely), then maybe now is a good time to amicably part ways and continue down the path of fiscal responsibility, Liberty, and restrained governmental power. Sadly, the road we’re currently taking doesn’t get any better from here."
Ryan Thorson

"Socialism and its evil twin, democratic socialism, are disguised systems of stealing the wealth and production of the producers of wealth with spurious laws under the legitimacy of the vote. Stealing or taking from producers and transferring it to nonproducers is very sophisticated and concealed class warfare. It is a philosophy of envy, racism, weakness, ineptitude and collectivism. It is groupism, the hidden strategy to get the masses to give their minds over to the state."
Bob Livingston

"Collectivism is nurtured and grows out of group ideology. These ideological transgressions provide the easier way, and human nature is attracted to this concept of false security and laziness. Ideological thought is normally very attractive to specific social situations, and therefore is sought by large numbers of people banding together in society. Once these large numbers of people accept the group ideology, a disease of sorts is established. Ignorance and malevolent behavior are the result of this sickness. This disease affects the souls of the masses involved, and the masses are the creators of the state. In other words, the state is a product of those who create it out of loyalty to the group, and the ensuing destruction is collectively endorsed. Whether this consent of the group is implied or explicit matters not, as the consequences remain the same."
Gary D. Barnett

"That all political questions are property issues is too blunt a proposition for those who like to delude themselves with the idea that the American political system is premised on the protection of private property. For this reason, the state’s intrusions upon 'property' are kept hidden behind such phrases as 'environmentalism,' 'pollution,' 'women’s rights,' 'waste disposal,' 'war on drugs,' 'mandatory vaccinations,' 'children’s rights,' 'climate change,' and numerous other programs that transfer decision-making from owners to government officials."
Butler Shaffer

"Preserving the right to free speech is vital to preserving liberty. All who value freedom should fight efforts to outlaw 'hate speech.' 'Hate speech' laws may initially be used to target bigoted and other truly hateful speech, but eventually they will be used to silence all critics of the welfare-warfare state and the authoritarian philosophies that justify omnipotent government. To paraphrase Ludwig von Misses, libertarians must fight hate speech—including the hate speech emanating from Washington, D.C.— with the 'ideas of the mind'."
Ron Paul

"One of the great lies about American politics is that Republicans genuinely subscribe to a substantial set of core convictions that make the GOP different from Democrats.
Day by day, their meaningless stands on cosmetic diversionary issues such as immigration, same-sex marriage, or the 'war on drugs' have merged until little distinction remains. They are now but factions in the one true political party in America — the Incumbent Party. Despite all posturing and pretense, their only real dispute concerns whose clients will get the loot. . . and whose the bill."
Charles Burris

"It is not necessary to confront the tyrant. What needs to be done is removing the foundation of tyranny. Tyranny does not rest on force but on submission. To get rid of the tyranny, people must stop their voluntary servitude. It is not the tyrant who puts himself into his position and stays in it but the people who submit to him. It is the people who feed the monster. People must stop to offer sacrifices, devotion, and idolatry, and the tyrant will fall on his own."
Antony P. Mueller

"One might suggest that all ballots offer an 'abstain' or 'none of the above' option. Even if no further steps were taken — such as requiring a run-off in cases where 'abstain' won the a majority — the option of voting against everyone could do wonders to illustrate the lack of legitimacy that political candidates truly have. This of course, is how we ought to interpret the vote of every eligible voter who prefers to not vote at all. Every non-vote is essentially a none-of-the-above vote, and many people choose to express their opposition to the candidates in this way."
Ryan McMaken

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