Sunday, September 16, 2018

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"According to the [Supreme] Court, justice is what the Court says it is, not what exists as an implication of ownership. According to [Lysander] Spooner and libertarians, justice is not what the Court says it is. Justice is rooted in 'mine and thine'. Justice is discovered by examining what’s mine and what’s thine.
Conservatives who are being disallowed from distributing their 'leaflets' in cyberspace are tempted to make the airport concourse case against the owners of the cyber fora. Perhaps a Court will decide in favor of the conservatives. Maybe so, but it won’t address the real problem, which is rejection of 'the science of mine and thine' in favor of vague, irrelevant and changeable considerations and tests devised by the Court."
Michael Rozeff

"Democracy is a faith, a state religion, a state of mind. It is the progressive destruction of the person — the individual. It is covered and masked with benevolence, philanthropy and brotherhood.
Democracy is the opposite of what is commonly believed. It is 'democratic' tyranny and mob rule, a camouflage for despotism. Its goal is nothing less than universal slavery.
Democracy is the polish, the refinement and the finished perfection of all the tyranny and despotism of history. It is the culmination of that perfect slave state where men and women give their minds, spirits, production and children over to the state. We are reduced to automatons and commercial units. We are government statistics.
Democracy is an organized system of political, moral and social control. It is the evolution and fulfillment of all systems gone before. It is the New World Order to perfection for the ruling international elite. It is the master strategy of taking human liberty and individualism and transferring them to the group herd that clamors for authoritarianism."
Bob Livingston

"I wish I had some good news. I wish I could say that the U.S. wasn’t increasingly enamored of open socialists as leaders. I wish I could say that the policies of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her allies were just wild-eyed fevered dreams from the fringes, never to be implemented. Furthermore, I wish I could say that Trump was turning this debt thing around… However, I honestly can’t. When both parties (even on Trump’s watch) run-up relatively the same deficits, when Bernie Sanders places second in his party’s presidential primary, when both parties adjust their rhetoric to accommodate radicals, and when the Universities (at tax-payers expense) churn-out more good Marxists than seminaries churn-out good pastors, it is illogical to assume that Socialism and the resulting economic collapse are not the future of the Union."
Ryan Thorson

"If you try to create one-size fits all solutions to problems in a geographically and culturally diverse nation of 325 million people, you tend to make everyone unhappy. This is particularly true within the extremely polarized political space that characterizes America in 2018. In such an environment, centering important decision-making in D.C. devolves into a national winner takes all battle between opposing forces fighting for the power to impose their vision on tens of millions of others who want nothing to do with it."
Michael Krieger

"If US intelligence agencies weren’t torturing people, they wouldn’t have to lie about torturing. If US intelligence agencies weren’t surveilling US citizens, they wouldn’t have to lie about their surveillance programs. If US intelligence agencies weren’t constantly committing horrific atrocities to protect the interests of the powerful from the powerless, everyone would trust them and you’d stop seeing all these ridiculous conspiracy theories about what those agencies have been up to.
Call me crazy, but I’ve got this wild notion that maybe if highly secretive defense and intelligence agencies weren’t inflicting unspeakable acts of depravity and degradation upon humanity all the time from behind the veil of government opacity, humanity would be less paranoid about them."
Caitlin Johnstone

"The only real revolution is in the enlightenment of the mind and the improvement of character. The only real emancipation is individual. The only real revolutionists are philosophers and saints."
Will Durant

"Whenever politics is involved in public discourse, with the goal of creating political minorities or any other form of mascot identity group, one of the key motivations is to get funding by the taxpayers. Whenever people are forced to give up a part of the fruit of their labor for something they do not even want to have or for the benefit of another group, it automatically and predictably creates conflict and division. This is of course the mechanism of the old Marxist doctrine of constant class struggle. It just continues under a different name. By imposing this strategy on us, we only see collective groups and the individual does not count for anything – despite the fact that the smallest minority is the individual. Nevertheless, this divisive strategy keeps us busy fighting amongst each other and leaves no time or energy to question why we are fighting in the first place and who is really benefiting from it? So distracted we are by symptoms, we forget about the disease itself."
Claudio Grass

"Yes, socialism is a hate crime but EVERY political gambit is a hate crime against humanity. All politics is based on using officially flagged threats and instantiated violence to achieve its ends. From democracy to republics to socialism to communism and everything fetid idea in between, the all slow roll or quickly accelerate to putting humans on huge plantations subject to eventual cajoling, fining, kidnapping maiming and death for any unfortunates who either resist out of ignorance or moral agency.
…and the state has done an extraordinary job of convincing most free range humans on Earth that they either comply or suffer the consequences of the whim of the psychopaths and their active agents in society."
Bill Buppert

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