Thursday, July 26, 2018

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Emperor to Have War Parade

The $12 million cost is just a “planning figure.” Assume that the cost will increase by factors of ten or more by November.

Remember when such parades and this, this, and this were laughed at and even despised?

Emperor Threatens More War Against China

He considers it “the right thing” to significantly increase your cost of living to serve his cronies.

The Emperor raises taxes on his subjects (through tariffs on Chinese goods) which inspires the Chinese to counter with tariffs of their own against American farm products. So now The Regime wants to hit their subjects again by using their stolen money to pay subsidies directly to American farmers who are losing business to the Chinese!

Put another way- The Emperor starts a war with China that hurts (exploits) the many for the benefit of a few. He then further taxes those who are hurting to benefit (through subsidies) only a small part of this group that is hurt by his war.

Does anyone else see how insane that is and that it makes far more sense just to eradicate tariffs altogether?

State intervention in commerce always creates problems, prompting even more interventions to (supposedly) fix those very same, newly created problems. These secondary interventions create even more problems and before you know it, you’ve created a complicated maze of beneficiaries and victims. And whomever has the most political power and greatest claim to victimhood are the winners. Everyone else wind up being the losers.

Another family wiped out, even more “terrorists” created.

Expect even more Regime created tragedy in the near future as the bombs are dropping at a record rate.

It’s 1953 all over again.

And the Regime just winks at the problem.

You have to figure that getting pregnant and making burritos is probably the only "skills" they women have to offer.

It’s past time for these two scams (anchor babies and asylum) to end!

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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