Thursday, December 28, 2017

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Loyalist, leftist logic: The local protection racket, the state protection racket, and the federal protection racket fails to protect, so lets allow an occupation by armed, foreign goons to make things better.

He envisions “soaring military spending and protracted overseas engagements as the ticket to American domestic safety and prosperity.”

So creating more terrorists, making us poorer, and destroying still more individual liberty is considered “putting America First.” 

Such a warped vision reminds me of a relevant  historical quote:

“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
Benito Mussolini

Just like a “temporary tax” all other “temporary” Regime abuses wind up turning permanent.

Even a temporary return to "constitutional law" is a quickly vanishing mirage.

She can voluntarily pay more than she “owes” but that’s not good enough for your typical, loyalist sociopath- She wants the guns of the state to force her fellow “rich" subjects to may more.

It seems that arming a neo-Nazi regime next door and hostile towards a nuclear power is somehow keeping you “secure.”

Or is it all necessary for your DC Masters to give a theft cut?

A country suffering the death of millions is now considered merely a “bloody nose.”

All workers from North Korea must return home to have their “nose bloodied.”

They’re chomping at the bit and foaming at the mouth in anticipation of a war in Europe with Russia.
We’re probably only a couple “joint military exercises” away from witnessing such an event.

The “logic” is that the new tax cuts will increase economic activity, meaning more money for The parasitic Regime to steal and therefore spend on more war making. Being rational, you probably never thought of war making as "economic activity."

So how do you fight the “Deep State” by giving them pay raises? Why not cut their pay and encourage them to leave?

The Emperor and his Regime continue to be exposed as slaves to the Zionist Jews. The agreement is to counter “Iranian actions.’ These actions amount to nothing more than a sovereign state (Iran) taking actions to protect itself against dangerous, openly hostile, western predators.

They sold oil to a neighbor without the permission of The Regime. How dare they!

Some good news for the resistance:

Such terrorists are caught withholding evidence- a common ploy of these goons.

Ain’t “treason” a wonderful thing?

Laugh at them. Despise them. Let the energy created fuel your continuing resistance. 

The US regime has a long history of false flag events. Yet, the Regime Media continues, to this day, to pooh pooh any mention of such recent events as “conspiracy theories.” 

Maybe they and their clueless readers and listeners are finally coming around.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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