Climate kooks resort to ordering the weather to stop misbehaving:
You’ve put your finger on the problem:
Tis the season- Time to vacation with a friend:
Good start. Next step- join a militia.

Looking for a dress with the right seat size:

Killing disobedient livestock is exhausting work:

The First Death Panel? Obama strangles Native American- Film at 11:00.
"Death hath a thousand doors to let out life: I shall find one."
Philip Massinger
Obamacare- May the bloodletting begin:
After 200 years- his mug is just as ugly and his coin even more worthless:

Just waiting for you to step out of line..... they can close in and swarm:

And water it deep to insure its future health:
Lenin and Stalin can’t resist those Freedom Fries:
A prelude to Obamacare:
"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe."
Lao Tzu
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