Monday, August 31, 2009
Let’s Enlighten KayBay

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Quotes of the Week

Thomas L. Knapp
John Taylor Gatto
Justin Raimondo
Nick Monahan
Don Cooper
Tom Burghardt
Any resistance to the growth of government is good, but how much better if it were based on the nature of man and the nature of government, and not on some annoying details.”
Paul Hein
Bill Bonner
Garry Reed
Marc Stevens
George Kennan
Alex R. Knight III
Anonymous idiot writing for the NY Times
Arthur Frommer
Dick Cheney
Jim Wallis, “Sojourners”
A motion by the Federal Reserve to Manhattan Chief U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska to delay enforcement of her Aug. 24 decision that the identities of borrowers in 11 lending programs must be made public by Aug. 31
Image Review of the Week

"All the idols made by man, however terrifying they may be, are in point of fact subordinate to him, and that is why he will always have it in his power to destroy them."
Simone de Beauvoir
How I spent my summer vacation……#8- Create my own, personal torture squad:
School is open! No excuse for not knowing the rules.....
.....and taking directions:
Nosey state agents- a worldwide epidemic:
Mate and pet. Two of a kind- noisy and obnoxious:"The silent monster is full of restrained power; resolute in its onward sweep,.....

.....impervious to danger, it looks a menacing engine of destruction,.....
.....steady to its goal, and certain of its mission."
Patrick MacGill
One man’s music is another man’s refuse:
Really? We can decide our climate? Yes, We Can!
Oh, awright. Let’s do it for Teddy:
Whatever it takes- Go where you must to claim your individual sovereignty:

.....while others contemplate their foolishness:
At least one clunker makes it out alive:
A helping hand to lead you to bondage:
"Flu View" - the newest cable channel:
Take heed - the warning signs are everywhere:
The state’s half-assed salute to a full fledged psychopath:
“I believe it is time to bring impeachment proceedings, not against the politicians, but against the ordinary people who are not living up to their obligations to see to it that their children do not live under tyranny.”
Butler Shaffer
Motorcades for Royalty:
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
“Reason” Without Adequate Information = Arrogant Ignorance
The other kind (what I call the Fundamentalist) not only does not believe in the existence of a GSBC but unequivocally and categorically denies any possible existence of such a being. [Please note: this discussion is not examining the accuracy, validity or content of any religious dogma that claims specific knowledge of a GSBC.]
Though professional logicians will claim that you CAN prove a negative (though never 100% conclusively), the Fundy’s claim of absolute infallibility in this particular case (involving the existence of an entity somewhere in the universe) would require an individual have all the knowledge of the universe. The only reasonable claim they can make is that made by the doubters- who see no evidence of a GSBC within the parameters of their existing knowledge, perception and reason.
Why bring this up? Recently I viewed this video offered by The League of Reason:
I find it ironic that the fascinating facts about the universe presented in this video originate from an atheist organization. Why? Because at least a couple of these facts should give atheists (particularly, Fundys) reason (no pun intended) to pause and reflect.
Less than 5% of all material and energy is directly detectable.
Yikes! As I understand it, all material within the universe is either matter OR energy. In other words, if this fact is true, we cannot presently detect (let alone see, measure or quantify) 95% of the universe! Mankind is completely clueless about 95% of the universe, yet boldly makes absolute claims about what and what does not exist? How is that rational?
Less than one octillionth of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible to our eyes.
Yikes, again! The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation- radio waves, microwaves, terahertz radiation, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays. According to Wikipedia, “EM radiation carries energy and momentum that may be imparted to matter with which it interacts.”
Obviously, EM provides a lot of information regarding the design and physical characteristics of the universe. Since virtually all of it is not visible to the eye, it appears there’s a lot of measuring and data interpretation yet to do before man can even begin to understand the nature, complexity and relevance of this phenomenon.
Cosmogony challenges the limits of human understanding.
I’ll say. So wouldn’t it be prudent to maintain an atmosphere of humbleness and modesty when making such universal, all-encompassing claims? Do Fundys really want to risk being cast as flat earth/earth-centric pre-Copernican misfits after any future, mind blowing discoveries? Shouldn’t Fundys at least pen a small asterisk after their incredible assertions when their admitted knowledge of the universe is the equivalent of a fart in a hurricane? Shouldn't Fundys base their unbelief, in part, on faith- as any honest believer in a GSBC does?
Even more mind blowing is this fascinating video:
Not only does man know virtually nothing about a universe he can’t even come close to adequately examining and measuring- but it turns out that there may be multiple universes (multiverses), including parallel universes just out of reach of our senses and perception. If these theories prove to be true, what fascinating discoveries await? What new knowledge will be gained to revolutionize our understanding of matter and energy? What new possibilities will arise? What theories, hunches, and past “superstitions” may be proven correct? What previously held dogmas (secular and religious) will be proven false? How will the very reality of our existence be changed?
My advice- by all means, continue reaching for the stars. Continually question and seek and formulate your personal truths. Just don’t allow your assertions or convictions to become unalterable dogma. Keep an open mind, feed your head, and prepare yourself for possible revelations of facts that may surpass your imagination.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hypocrite on Parade
You may have seen this video posted recently at the LRC Blog. It shows a self-described Marine Corp vet speaking to his congressman at a town hall meeting about health care. Although his assertions concerning the Obama plan and Nancy Pelosi’s ignorance about Nazis are accurate, the gentleman seems characteristically confused about the US Constitution.
He claims he “swore an oath to defend my Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.” He also claims to have “kept his oath.” The gentleman seems to have a very selective memory as pertains to his participations in illegal, unconstitutional war(s). The gentleman also seems completely unaware that, as a slave of the military, he has absolutely no power, constitutional or otherwise, to “defend” that useless piece of paper.
By his participation in the US military, he voluntarily and actively defended this very same rouge regime that he now whines about interfering with his health care! I guess things look a little different from the other side of the gulag fence.
The truth is, it is his participation in the enforcement wing of the tyrannical US Government that offers them the protection to project their illegitimate power (in this case, health care) over unwilling subjects. The truth is, the gentlemen voluntarily (along with others) defended this regime as it daily violated the US Constitution. The truth is, this gentlemen willfully followed all orders from his civilian and military masters as they trampled upon the constitutional rights of their “constituents.” This is “keeping his oath?”
Outrage rings hollow when expressed by hypocrites.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Learn About the Creature

1) It is incapable of accomplishing its state objectives.
2) It is a cartel operation against the public interest.
3) It is the supreme instrument of usury.
4) It generates our most unfair tax.
5) It encourages war.
6) It destabilizes the economy.
7) It is an instrument of totalitarianism.
This book gives an accurate assertion why all these reasons are true and then some. Understand the root cause of the state’s threat to your liberty. Read this book.
Dissent is Rising Among US Crusaders

This is a quote from one of the more recent US soldiers who refuse to deploy and fight in the growing list of US created wars. Quite by accident I came across this recent article that reveals a number of small ways soldiers are resisting in addition to going AWOL, refusing orders and even suicide. The concept of “search and avoid” is new to me and an ingenious way to stay alive. Hiding out in Iraqi houses and drinking tea is another good one. The piece is well worth a read.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Quotes of the Week

Jeff Snyder
John Hasnas, Associate Professor of the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University
Michael Barnett
Robert Higgs
Kent McManigal
Barry Obama, defending his Afghanistan Crusade
Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Paul Krugman, a so-called economist
Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV speaking to Obama science czar, John P. Holdren
Image Review of the Week

Millions head toward Obamacare.....

.....but how many survive?

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom.....

.....and the enemy of growth."
John F. Kennedy
Coming soon, from Government Motors:
Is it “Game Over” for the tax eaters?

The Amerikan way. Torture while comfortable.....

.....and indifferent:

"Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you."
Wayne Dyer
Whatever the standard of measurement- it’s still slavery:
"Voting is a civic sacrament."
Theodore Hesburgh
How many are targeted for removal?