Sunday, September 19, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Biden’s speech and mandates are an open call to the very thing I said right after the election, Civil War. He’s trying radicalize the unvaxxed to become violent. To push back at the bully pushing them.

These are the words of a bully and a tyrant, no doubt. They are also the words of a senile old man overseeing a decrepit den of soulless emotionally-stunted vampires terrified of losing potency.

They are, ultimately, the ravings of a group of oligarchs so saturated with their own power and decadence that their actions now look more like the tantrums of spoiled, narcissistic children rather than sober and competent managers of a society.

Since they are acting like children, we should treat them as such.

They believe there are 'Rules for thee, but not for me.' Anarcho-Tyranny."

Thomas Luongo

"Secession is not perfect, there will never be a perfect process to decentralize political power closer to the people. There will be hurdles; I am not Pollyannaish about this idea. But it will be a giant step away from the current trajectory that may very well lead to either totalitarianism or bloodshed. It is a hopeful idea, based on real data points. And it calls into question the very essence of a central authority over a vast, diverse, pluralistic society.

Secession along very well defined fault lines gives both sides what they want, to live as they say they want. A discussion about secession, in the end analysis, is a discussion about why cultural and political homogeneity matter when it comes to building a society. The last eighteen months proves this point."


"Separatism is in the air in America and we should celebrate it. Discarding the starry-eyed fantasy of unity is the first step in acclimating Americans to the idea of radical decentralization. People are already fleeing blue states and sorting themselves out in states with like-minded individuals. Realistically speaking, this will be a drawn-out process marked by stumbling blocks along the way, but it must start somewhere."

Jose Nino

"Our universal vaccination campaigns worked just well enough to speed up the evolutionary processes that are always and everywhere optimising Corona.

It is impossible to believe that this failure was not foreseen.

The scientists who developed the vaccines knew for sure how things would play out. That’s why they concluded the trials after three or four months and vaccinated their controls. It’s why they have been talking about boosters from the very beginning. It’s why, if you listened carefully, you never heard Zero Covid sloganeering coming from Team Vaccine. Only the comparative morons on Team Lockdown ever talked like that.

Our politicians and our new public health dictators, on the other hand, remained oblivious to the limited potential of the vaccines. They continue to insist on universal vaccination and green passes, while it is obvious that these will do nothing to influence the course of the pandemic."

Alex Berenson

"Militaries at bottom are amoral. Afghans know of the torture operations at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. Americans seem to dismiss such things as minor. They are not. Afghans seeing Moslems lying in pools of blood at Abu Ghraib, or being paraded around naked in hoods, are going to want to kill someone. Guess who."

Fred Reed

"Contemporary practitioners of artificial order 'pretend that their plans are scientific and that there cannot be disagreement with regard to them among well-intentioned and decent people,' not unlike the planners of various totalitarian regimes over the last century. However, Mises warned that 'there is not such a thing as a scientific ought. Science is competent to establish what is. It can never dictate what ought to be and what ends people should aim at.' Since the importation of Chinese artificial order, novice dictators of formerly open societies have been imposing fixed values that not only lie well beyond the limits of a state’s action according to liberal thought, but also exceed the scope and purposes of science. Moreover, they refuse to accept that 'men disagree in their value judgments.'

The idea that Western countries could successfully import and apply an artificial order that took the People’s Republic of China more than seven decades to master was not only misguided, it also exposed the poverty in the thinking, judgment, knowledge, policymaking, caring, and imaginations of Western leaders and their handpicked medical experts, who have taken it upon themselves to violate the fundamental principles of liberalism, democracy, and human rights. After more than eighteen months, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that the artificial order imported from China has eliminated the virus, nor has it improved the social and economic conditions or the healthcare systems in formerly 'open societies'."

Birsen Filip

"There are people that are driven by success, by merit, by hope, by prosperity, by faith, by optimism, by love and by honor. And then, there are people driven by fear. There are hundreds of various fears, but only a few ways to react to any of them. Infiltrators respond to fear with a desperate need to micromanage their environment; they believe that if they can dictate people and events to a certain degree, they can eliminate unexpected outcomes and be free of fear. But life does not work this way and it never will.

The level of influence these people seek is so far beyond them that it can never be attained. That is to say, they will never be satisfied until they get more. Their fears will always haunt them because fears cannot be dealt with from without, they can only be dealt with from within.

Furthermore, the things they fear often revolve around their own narcissism and are of their own making They fear failure, but they rarely work hard enough to succeed. They fear exposure, but only because they constantly lie. They fear conflict, but only because they are weak in body and character. They fear death because they believe in nothing greater than themselves. They clamor for dominance of their surroundings because they wrongly believe that they can cheat fate and the consequences of their own terrible choices."

Brandon Smith

"When you mix politics and science, you get politics."

John M. Barry

"There is no safety in submission to damn fools, regardless of their pompous titles."

James Bovard

"It’s all hard to take, but we might as well recognize what has happened to freedom in the US. It is barely hanging on in many places, and protected in a fragile state in places with good governors and voting populations who keep them in check, so long as it lasts. 

Look, I really despise reporting on such things. I’m a happy and optimistic person by nature and my writing has always reflected that. But we need also open our eyes and ears to what is happening here. The politicians who gave us lockdowns are refusing to admit their culpability in the great public health disaster in modern times. Instead, they are seeking scapegoats for their own failure. That is you. That is me. It is the people vs many of our governments. Something has to give."

Jeffrey Tucker

"The political establishment has been telling us for the past twenty years that it wants to overthrow the Afghan institutions that have evolved over the past centuries and rebuild or 'nation build' the entire country in their image.

Now, they are telling us that they want to overthrow the American institutions that have evolved over the past centuries (the Constitution, the nuclear family, religion, free-market capitalism, traditional morality, the ideas of liberty and a free society) and 'build back better,' Senile Joe’s campaign slogan, sometimes also referred to as 'The Great Reset.'  The results of their previous twenty years of efforts of building Afghanistan back better are currently on display at the Kabul airport.  Only a moron would expect anything different in the U.S. or anywhere else.

The spectacle of senile, confused, mumbling, staring-into-space, drooling, tripping and stumbling old Joe Biden, who was the biggest joke and clown in Washington over the past half century, demanding to be empowered to rebuild all of American society is the biggest farce in the history of farces, even worse than the farce of the Soviet Union."

Tom DiLorenzo

"Our foreign policy elites, the State Department, the Pentagon, and most of our national political class apparently have learned nothing. Not with Vietnam, not with Bosnia, not with Somalia, nor with Iraq, Syria, and now Afghanistan. With each disaster it is simply on to the next involvement, the next venture which puts Americans on the ground, dying in some remote desert or forlorn oasis, with the major corporate suppliers of military hardware and weaponry continuing to amass fortunes, while our boys perish, lose limbs, and suffer conditions that will mark them—and their families—for life. And all in the name of 'democracy' and “human rights'."

Boyd D. Cathey

"I have come to the conclusion that America might have a chance if we replace white liberal/progressive/left anti-Americans in the blue states with Hispanics and Asians.  President Lincoln wanted to send all the blacks to Central America or to Africa.  I say let’s keep the blacks and send the white liberal/progressive/left to some other geographical location. The trouble is how in good conscience could we inflict such a plague on another country."

Paul Craig Roberts

"Freedom always needs more. Freedom needs brave business owners to stay open and maskless, despite government edicts. Freedom needs parents to keep showing up at school board meetings, to demand an end to COVID restrictions and mandates.

Most of all, freedom needs patriots, in the best sense of the word, to do what people in Europe and Australia are doing: come out in the street in great numbers. Over and over.

Not by the thousands. By the millions.

For as long as it takes.

The enemies of freedom have to feel the heat. They have to see that the people can’t be forced beyond a certain point.

Whether we like it or not, whether we know it or not, the day is coming when, not the minority, but the majority of us will know we are living under tyranny.

Not just insanity; tyranny.

We will know it in ways that are undeniable.

Some of us already know it.

We’re all living through a test of faith. Each individual; and whatever he/she has faith IN. How deep is that faith? How strong?"

Jon Rappoport

"The state’s motives and extensive confiscation of the minds of men through the political, medical, pharmacological, technological, and especially the communication mediums, have allowed its monopoly on power and control to expand exponentially. Because of the success of this premeditated coup, the supplanting of desired information in the subconscious of the common man in order to gain control has been accomplished without blatant violence, and rather by voluntary consent of the ruled. This is the most effective manner of gaining control over large numbers of people, at least until brute force can be levied without much resistance.

In essence, American society, as is the case with most all western societies today, have become programmed to not only think the way they are informed to think, but to act the way they are told to act. This is a conditioned response to outside stimulus through massive propaganda campaigns administered by those nefarious individuals and entities intent on controlling entire populations."

Gary D. Barnett

"Science vs Public Health: how to tell the difference.

If there are no treatment risks discussed, no trade offs acknowledged, no mention of costs, no room for reasoned dissent, unexpected levels of certainty, and an extraordinary level of moral condemnation backed by censorship…"

Eric R. Weinstein

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