Thursday, September 9, 2021

DC Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Invasion of Texas Border to Worsen in Coming Months

“We’re going to continue to see these historic numbers month in and month out.”

DC Regime to Build New Border Facilities…on the Afghan/Tajikistan Border

Any interest in building facilities "to respond to security threats" on the Texas border?

Nah, not interested.

Regime to Turn American Military Bases into Camps for Afghan Invaders

50,000 of them!

5000 are on their way to Indiana.

They’re sending them to swing states to change the political demographic.

Over half of the invaders are already receiving financial support extorted from tax slaves- Probably more generous than you can ever hope for.

They’ll be enriching our culture with child brides.

The human traffickers expect you to shell out big bucks for their "services."

The Regime can’t even figure out who most of these people are!

Some, outright lie about their identities.

2000 Venezuelans and Haitians Invade West Texas

Many patiently wait to be chauffeured by the "Border Patrol."

Regime’s Fake 'Border Patrol' Deploys Emergency Beacons to Assist Border Invading Criminals

We certainly wouldn’t want them to experience any discomfort while they invade our country…

18,000 Trafficked Children Released into Texas and America

You’re paying more than $6 million/day to feed and house them.

Regime Clown-in-Gown Declares Immigration Law 'Racist'

“The actual decision was somewhat narrower than that description only because it just concerned striking down one particular statute as it applied to one criminal defendant before the court; but if the reasoning of the decision is correct and is applied by other courts and taken to its logical conclusion, it would essentially mean that all restrictions on immigration are unconstitutional because they have a disparate impact on racial minorities.”

Regime Clown-in-Gown Rules in Favor of Asylum Scammers

It’s your fault that waiting in Mexico is dangerous…

Pedophile-in-Chief Scrubs all Evidence of his Afghanistan Incompetence

“Biden officials recently directed federal agencies to scrub their websites of official reports detailing the $82.9 billion in military equipment and training provided to the Afghan security forces since 2001.”

Pedophile-in-Chief Lies About Rescuing Americans

“The State Dept didn’t do a damn thing for these people for 12 days except almost get them killed repeatedly. I know, because my office and the team on the ground led by Cory Mills & Rep. Mullin facilitated their escape every step of the way.”

Regime Gangster Pushing Reinvasion of Afghanistan

“It will be a cauldron for radical Islamic behavior.”

Your first attempt didn’t work, despite twenty years of trying.

But this time, it will work?

Regime’s Disease Goons Admit their Fake Vaccine Doesn’t Work

But they’re busy banning the evidence that proves their poison is creating the "variants!"

Regime’s Disease Goons Create New Accounting Fraud

If you’ve taken the poison and you die within fourteen days…you, uh, didn’t really take the poison. And it didn't cause your death.


Regime’s Disease Goons Begin Spreading More 'Variant' Fear Porn

Say hello to the hip, new entry… “Mu!”

And predictably, right behind come the medical parasites demanding more of your stolen money!

Exposed- Your Stolen Money Paid for 65 ‘Mad Scientist’ Studies at Chinese Lab

“White Coat Waste Project founder Anthony Bellotti appeared on Sky News Australia to talk about how taxpayer-funded research in China was ‘far more extensive’ than the public has been led to believe by Dr. Anthony Fauci and other public health bureaucrats owned by Big Pharma.”

Regime’s Head Quack Can’t Wait to Start Poisoning Children

He thinks it’s a "good idea."

Regime’s Head Quack Proven a Liar

“The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful.”

Regime May Return Persecuted Dissident to Jail for Looking at News on Phone

“Federal thugs are calling for Jensen’s pretrial release to be revoked, putting him behind bars pending trial, because he looked at videos from the Rumble alt-video platform in his garage at his own home.”

Regime Controlled Media Spreading More Fear Porn About 'Extremists'

Is another Gestapo designed false flag in the works?

Regime’s Security Goons Spread Fear Porn About 'Uprising' Within its Fascist Collective

The invisible "white supremacists" apparently support the Taliban…

Can they get any more comical and ridiculous?

Regime Gangsters Approve $24 Billion Jump in War Spending

After getting their butts whipped by Afghan goat herders, they certainly will need more of your stolen money "to keep pace with a rising China and a re-emerging Russia."

Exposed-DC-Led Terrorism has Killed Nearly One Million People

It’s also cost more the $8 trillion.

Exposed-Regime Goons Involved in Killing Robert Kennedy

“Yet even after over 50 years, high government officials like Vice President Kamala Harris are still trying to cover up the truth about his murder.”

Regime Gangsters Authorize Kidnapping and Enslaving of Women 

Hurray! Females are now equally enslaved with males!

DC Regime Adds 3000 Operatives

3000 more sociopaths will now be sticking their noses in your business and their sticky fingers into your wallet!

Emperor’s Second Banana Interfering in State Election

The Pedophile-in-Chief is expected to make an appearance, as well.

DC Regime Harasses Russia

“The United States strongly condemns the September 4 detention of the Deputy Chairman of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis…”

Perhaps Russia should respond with the same type of action in response to DC’s indefinite imprisonment of Jan. 6 dissidents!

More Evidence Regime’s Gestapo Funding Fake Terror Groups

“Today the FBI are working hard to further discredit themselves. In particular, they seem to have developed a problem with financially supporting cults, and even encouraging terrorism where it did not necessarily exist.”

Regime’s Archive Describes US Constitution as ‘Harmful Language’

“The alert now appears on many pages on the website, and links to a page entitled “NARA’s Statement on Potentially Harmful Content.”

Regime Communist Gangsters Want to Tax Plastic

Your evil plastic must be held "accountable" for harming "minority [non-white] and low-income communities."

Plastic is racist!

Loyalist Communists Want to Invade Texas

“You Deputize Doctors! You federalize doctors. You create, through an executive order, an ARMY of federal doctors, who are going to go into Texas…”

Bring it on! Let the cockroach extermination begin!

Some good news for the resistance:

Regime Leaves Propaganda Artists in Afghanistan

I’m sure the local head choppers will find good use of their skills.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a "US?"

Isn’t it time for Texians to practice "DC-distancing?"

Secession, anyone?

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