Sunday, September 5, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"There is no greater argument to be made for Texas Independence than the ongoing disaster at our southern border. The federal government has broken its contract to protect our State and country from invasion, and Texas taxpayers are shouldering the burden. The question everyone should be asking is this: 'If Texas is paying to protect the border, why do we need a federal government?' 

Why are you paying tax dollars to a federal government? Taxes represent a contractual agreement for services. What services are you receiving? Certainly not the border protection promised by the Constitution of the United States. Not only is the federal government failing to do its job by protecting the borders, but they are going to great lengths to stop us from doing that very same job. 

Do not be deceived — this is an invasion."

Sarah Weis

"There is a persistent habit among many Americans to repeat the narrative that all wars will be won if only the politicians listen to the generals, and 'let the generals do their job.' One still hears this today from those who still engage in wishful thinking about the Vietnam War and who still cling to the idea that the war could have been won if only the military 'experts' had been in charge. In actual experience, however, the lost war in Afghanistan is what we get when we listen to the generals."

Ryan McMaken

"Regardless of 'the science,' or rather because of it, the covid regime is post-totalitarian. 'The science' has proven itself to be ideological. Although continually discredited—by the exaggeration of the virus’s lethality, by the suppression of known cures so as to usher in a state of emergency and the mRNA vaccines, by the underreporting of vaccine deaths and injuries, by the institution and reinstitution of failed and unscientific lockdown and masking mandates, and more—'the science' is wielded by authorities as if a matter of fact and a matter of course, just as Marxist ideology was wielded by Soviet communists. And, as under communism, even those who know the truth are compelled to live within the lie."

Michael Rectenwald

"I have my own suspicions of the jab and its true purpose and safety, but lets not forget that the jab is at the very least a stepping stone to the vaccine passports. The passports are the key to everything. Without the passports, medical tyranny cannot be established. Without the passports they have no leverage over the population to dictate the fundamental aspects of our lives. They NEED the passports in order to get their 'Great Reset. Without a 'papers please' social credit system in place, their Reset will fall apart.

It is therefore imperative above all else that the vaccine passports are never allowed to take root. The program must be stopped and destroyed."

Brandon Smith

"I agree that in recent years 'political correctness' has turned into some sort of infectious mental disease. There are some hopeful signs, however, that the infectious agents, i.e. the incubators of such ideas, have overplayed their hands by now. The doctrine has reached such levels of absurdity in the meantime, that even the most docile people are regularly put into a state of disbelief and an increasing number of people actually begins to consider the whole shebang as nothing but a cruel joke. Even if the peak of mental insanity may have been reached, however, to really defeat the disease its root cause, i.e. its fundamental intellectual error, must be identified and eliminated.

The fundamental error, propagated relentlessly by the ruling elites all across the Western world is its egalitarian world view. They do not recognize, or rather they do not want to recognize what should be obvious to anyone with eyes to see: that every person is unique, different and unequal to all other persons, and that the same is true for every group of persons as compared to any other group. Moreover, each of these naturally different people and groups of people is faced with and must act under different external circumstances that they have inherited from and that have been shaped by their various different ancestors. Given this point of departure, then, it should be expected as perfectly normal and natural that the outcome of all this should be different as well: that is, that the achievements, the successes or the failures, of different people and different groups of people in life should be different, too."

Hans-Hermann Hoppe

"'Our diversity is our strength.'

But is that cliche true? Where is the scientific, historical or empirical evidence for the proposition that the greater the religious, racial, tribal and ethnic diversity of a nation, the stronger it becomes?

To put it mildly, this is not a universally held belief."

Pat Buchanan

"See what you think of my theory about why media and government today are promoting more lockdowns. What developed last year was a huge split between red and blue states. The red states opened, and the blue ones stayed closed. The red states now have growing economies, a huge influx of residents, and a happy life. Meanwhile, the blue states are generally losing residents, and revenue, and their lives, still under lockdown threat. 

This is a problem mainly when you have a federal government that is entirely controlled by the blue-state party. Biden and so on are deeply resentful. They want new restrictions to be federally mandated entirely for the purpose of punishing Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, South Dakota, and so on, and override their rights. 

Please read that again! This is the reality of politics today. It’s about revenge!"

Jeffrey Tucker

"Most conservative Christians abhor libertarianism because they see it as promoting a permissive lifestyle from abortion to taking drugs. Yet, what they fail to understand is that the restrictive, prohibition-oriented state that they are trying to create (and also preserve) is much more likely to take away all liberties than a state that gives people permission to live as they wish (within the boundaries of not doing harm to others and engaging in peaceful exchange)."

William Anderson

"John Locke knew, though only a very few today will remember, that the word power comes from the Latin posse, which simply means 'to be able.'

No, my friend, power originates from within the individual, just like society arises from the individual that chooses to convene with others. This ability of the individual to accomplish what needs to be done, to survive, is what society is based on Government should be a reflection of that, not the exercise of it.

Standing up for yourself and what you believe in is right and true. There is no need to hide!

If you cede your power and your individualism to the group, to the state, as I have written to you before, the price is a terrible one. You relinquish your power and individuality at the price of your life."

Bob Livingston

"Voting for men to have the freedom to do as they will (and suffer any negative consequences for doing so) as long as they don’t violate the personal or property rights of others is not voting for evil. It is voting to punish them for doing so that is voting for evil."

Laurence Vance

"It is never enough to place all blame on the ruling class, regardless of the evil present, unless one is innocent, enlightened, and powerless to protect and stand up for self and truth. So long as the common man bows to power because he assumes that it may be of some good use, he has acquiesced his soul for an unsustainable and baseless self-interested goal. This attitude is not one of morality and proper purpose, but one of egocentrism, indifference, and greed. It is easy to lay blame at the feet of politicians, until one realizes that tyrants could never survive and prosper without the consent of the governed. Accepting this legitimate reality can be the impetus for achieving a free existence."

Gary D. Barnett

"My side, the right side of history, accuse the other side of being like the Nazi’s (they are) or like Stalin (they are) or like Mao (they are). We try to appeal to their remaining conscience, but sadly, there does not seem to be much left. Their fear of a 97% – 99.8% survivable pathogen has done them in, they’ve crossed over to the dark side, sacrificing their conscience along the way. They have lost their humanity and have become the predator, hunting down the unclean, verminous, squalid, untouchable unvaccinated.

So, while hoping there might be shred of decency left in the minds of the supporters of government force against innocent people, and in the spirit of charity, I have a favor to ask, a plea really. 

Since for the moment, you hold all the power in government, media, and entertainment, can you at least tell us how far you intend to go? Like, are you okay with murdering us? Or, perhaps you just want us put in camps, like the sub-humans you apparently believe we are.

I’d like to get my affairs in order if you would be so kind to us sub-humans."


"Just as democracy has long been whatever people in power want it to be, so has liberalism become a cheap intellectual cover for the most heinous of policy aims. Less a consistent intellectual foundation, it is aesthetic, indicating support for a regime that wraps itself up in concerns about 'human rights' while escalating devastating military warzones around the world.

Ultimately, it wasn’t 'fascism' or 'Russia' that normalized lockdowns, mandates, and massive whirlwind profits to politically connected cronies in the West—it was the alleged defenders of 'liberal democracy.' The same coalition of intellectuals, corporate media, and political leaders responsible for the progressive revolutions of the twentieth century.

Any rhetorical value that once came from appealing to the façade of 'liberal democracy' should now be dead. The technocratic class is just another group of imposers—and those who reject their narrative become the imposed upon."

Tho Bishop

"COVID will go down in history as more than just another mass hysteria. It’s likely to be classed as an episode of mass psychosis. It’s the Salem witch trials times a million. It is even bigger than the Great Cultural Revolution in China. The public has been convinced that a dangerous—but relatively minor—virus is going to wipe out the planet, and now, on top of the virus, we have to deal with experimental vaccines, which are likely to be made mandatory, either directly or indirectly.

Vaccine mandates amount to lighting a stick of dynamite in a nitroglycerine factory. That’s true politically, economically, and perhaps medically."

Doug Casey

"When fact check websites claim they check facts, what they mean is that they check whether statements are in compliance with the existing narrative.  If the statements contradict or take issue with the official narrative, the statements are ruled to be wrong or conspiracy theories.  

In other words, the standard of whether a statement is correct is whether it complies with the existing narrative.  

Fact checkers never check the official narrative.  

This means that fact checkers are merely enforcers of the narrative."

Paul Craig Roberts

"Inserting needles and chemicals into people without their consent is violence.

Depriving them of their basic human rights because they won’t give consent is also violence.

Those who promote either should be ashamed."

Thomas Massie

"Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper."

George Orwell

"Now you… want to draft my daughter and just 'trust you' not to put them into combat? All of DC – all of it – can go straight to hell."

Chip Roy

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