Sunday, September 12, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"The pandemic is to force you to get the vaccine.

The vaccine is to force you to get the vaccine passport.

The vaccine passport is to force you to get the social credit score.

The social credit score is to force you to use the universal digital currency.

The universal digital currency is entirely controlled by the government.

The government can now deny you food, water, medicine, housing and travel…

Unless you fully obey.

You are now a digital slave.

Thank you for your voluntary compliance.

Have a nice day."


"Ol’ White Joe was back on TV yesterday issuing threats to his countrypersons. We are in thrall to a pandemic disease, you understand, this organism called COVID-19 and some 80 million of us have not availed ourselves of the magical vaccine required to prevent the transmission of said organism. We must take the vaccine in order to protect the people who already got the vax — many of them more than one shot — from catching COVID-19.

Hold on now… you say they got multiple doses of the vax but they can still catch the disease? Yes, they can, evidently. OK… well… what kind of vax is it that doesn’t keep you from catching the disease? Oh, a most excellent vax! And you must take it, or lose your income, forfeit your useful position in this economy, give up all the normal routines of existing in a free society.

Then… this is no longer a free society? Oh, but it is… as long as you take as many vaxes as we can force you to take… and by the way, don’t badmouth the vaxes. We will find out and we will deal with you. We’ll come for you. We’ll take away your access to banking. We’ll sic federal agencies on your case. You will become a non-person, perhaps an unperson! There, that’ll fix you!"

James Howard Kunstler  

"What gave the utter implausibility of the official [911] narrative away to everyone who has ever served in a high government office is the fact that 'the world’s only superpower' suffered the most embarrassing defeat at the hands of a few Saudis armed only with box cutters, and there was no outcry for an investigation how the entirety of an annual trillion dollar military/security complex totally failed, every single part of it. 

Never in world history had a superpower experienced such a total defeat, and there was no outcry from the White House, Congress, the Pentagon, the media for an investigation.  Indeed, there was active resistance to any investigation.  People too stupid to see what this means are too stupid to justify their existence."

Paul Craig Roberts

"Look at Washington’s, now Biden’s, foreign policy. The Russians and Chinese work on a trade route over the Arctic to have a shorter route than through Suez. Biden hyperventilates, Views With Alarm, and sends warships to Confront Russia. How do you confront a trade route ? No end upset with China; Biden gets a pack of poodle countries to send warships to deter Beijing in the Indian Ocean. Deter it from what? What do they think China is going to do to the Indian Ocean? Poison it? Drain it? Now we have all sorts of poodleties driving warships around the Black Sea, to Send a Message to Russia. Why not Western Union? Gmail? Little boys saying, 'Nya nya nya.' Really. They are just like teen-age gangs with their stupid turf wars.

Now we have Biden, a leftover Cold Warrior who performs the three duties essential in a President, obeying Israel, protecting Wall Street, and shoveling money into the arms industry. Joe could be done in software as a senior project at a good high school and no one would know the difference. Think of the savings. Instead of flying expensively to foreign countries, he could be emailed. But he won’t allow remittances to Cubans because he wants to starve them. What did the lady say about the banality of evil? The man, if he quite is one, makes me sick."

Fred Reed

"America’s mainland has never been attacked, but the 'elite' manipulators at the top of the power pyramid, with help from the selected political class, have waged aggressive war for 94% of our history. Taxation, the theft and raping of the people, has reached heights never imagined, and all money and monetary policy has been designed so that the few control all wealth through a central banking cartel. This could never be more apparent than it is at this very time, as trillions upon trillions of dollars are being created out of thin air to bolster the wealth and power of those that are intent on controlling this entire society.

All this and much more corruption, freedom destruction, torture, mass imprisonment, and murder continue on unabated, while the people go to the polls to guarantee that their masters stay in power. They fight tooth and nail to get their ‘chosen’ ruler, spewing hate toward one another, never once realizing that this system has been rigged since minute one, and that both sides always win, and the people always lose."

Gary D. Barnett

"The Covid policy is so counterfactual and so contradicted by all evidence that conspiracy theorists who see a darker agenda at work are gaining credibility.  When a vaccine has proven itself not to protect but to cause unprecedented deaths and illnesses, how can any intelligent person arrive at the conclusion that more vaccine is the solution?

Why the desperate rush to force the unvaccinated to accept the vaccine?  Fear was the instrument for the original vaccine push.  Shame and guilt are the instruments for the second push. Is the game plan to get the world vaccinated before the deaths and illnesses from the vaccine can no longer be ignored?"

Paul Craig Roberts

"Power’s not a chalice. It’s a hammer. And it only does one thing. Power smashes. The subtext of all power is extortion. It’s always the threat of force, of imprisonment, the threat of death. Always."

Adam Skelter 

"Only through history does a nation become completely conscious of itself.

Accordingly, history is to be regarded as the rational self consciousness of the human race."


"Artifices of deception are almost everything you read and hear. Because, as is always the case with Socialists, rules are for thee and not for me. The elites manipulate your mind against your best interest from cradle to grave. They convince you to eat foods and take medicines that will harm you and your children. They create wars of human sacrifice under benevolent terms like patriotism. They set up a Gestapo and call it 'homeland security.' And anybody not desensitized knows that the 'Patriot Act' was the codification of a war on the American people and human liberty.

We are now face-to-face with a modern star chamber. Patriotism is the cover. The American flag is the symbol."

Bob Livingston

"Would you have believed a month ago that the Taliban would be in Kabul with perhaps 10,000+ American hostage and $80 billion+ of American weapons, while world leaders call Hillary Clinton for advice, the White House ignores phone calls, Biden is back in his basement in Delaware eating ice cream, and the illegitimate President of the US and illegitimate Vice President play chicken with each other for days on who will address the compliant media first?

Me neither.

My point is this — a lot can change in a month."

Allan Stevo

"The center left has long congratulated itself for its principles of inclusion and tolerance of diversity. Except that not a word of it is true. Financial exclusion based on political opinions is unbearably cruel, an attempt to deny people and institutions material sustenance solely for failing to adopt regime ideology. It’s the kind of thing civilization once prided itself for having left behind after the age of the late medieval religious wars. As it turns out, nothing has changed."

Jeffrey Tucker

"Everyone once took for granted that the goal was to seize the federal apparatus and impose their vision on the country.

How about just abandoning this crazy, inhumane task?

Why not admit the differences are irreconcilable, and simply go our separate ways?

Is this not obviously the most humane solution?

Or is there some expectation that somehow, down the road, we'll all be reconciled?


I'm serious about that question: how would this ever happen?

To the contrary, it's only going to get worse.

Pointlessly forcing these irreconcilable parties to continue along in this way is what normal people would call 'extremist.'

Radical decentralization and secession, on the other hand, is what our betters call 'extremist.' Yet these are the obvious and humane solution.

I realize that the idea of secession is not to be found on the 3x5 card of allowable opinion -- but then nothing sensible ever is."

Tom Woods

"The US empire is without exception the single most corrupt and destructive force on this planet, and it’s not even close. It is the very last institution on earth that should be in charge of deciding what online content is true and what is 'disinformation'. Absolute dead last, without exaggeration.

Depraved institutions which lie constantly and have killed millions and displaced tens of millions just since the turn of this century should not be the Ministry of Truth for the world’s online communication systems. This should be extremely obvious to everyone."

Caitlin Johnstone

"The common assumption when it comes to autocracy or oligarchy is that people are 'stupid' and easily manipulated into following compelling personalities that make promises they never intend to keep. This is a foolish oversimplification of reality. In truth, the level of manipulation needed to lure a majority of people into dictatorship is so complex that it requires an advanced understanding of human psychology.

In our modern era, people cannot merely be ordered to submit at gunpoint, at least not right away.  They must be tricked into conforming, and not only that, they must be made to think that it was their idea all along.  Without this dynamic of self-censorship and self-enslavement, the population will eventually rebel no matter how oppressive the regime.  A thousand-year tyranny cannot exist unless the people are conned into supporting it.

And this is where we find the true key to totalitarianism. It only thrives because there is an inherent portion of any given society that secretly loves it and wants it to exist. We might call these people useful idiots, but it is more than that. They are not completely unaware of what they are doing; they understand to some extent that they are helping in the destruction of other people's freedoms, and they revel in it. Sure, there are elitists and globalists that levy root conspiracies and seek out more and more control, but they could not accomplish much of anything without the aid of an army of sociopathic aberrations that live among us."

Brandon Smith

"A nation can survive its fools, it is said — but not its traitors.

Yet we have long suspected the opposite…

That is, a nation can survive its traitors. But it cannot survive its fools.

That is because a nation’s fools infinitely outnumber a nation’s traitors.

Please answer this question:

How many traitors occupy the District of Columbia?

Now answer this question:

How many fools occupy the District of Columbia?

The ratio must run 9,000:1 — against the traitors.

Being a fool is no crime of course. We would presently languish behind the bars if it were, serving a long, long sentence

A great portion of the population would be with us. But our legal status renders fools no less dangerous.

A fool with a bad idea in his head is a menace. He is the equal of a baby with a loaded gun in his hand..."

Brian Maher

"I understand, I sense that you're tired. But you have not yet really suffered the terrible trials of the 20th century which have rained down on the old continent.... You're tired, but the Communists who want to destroy your system are not; they're not tired at all."

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

"Portland boycotting Texas is a complete joke. A city led by depraved officials allows lawlessness, putting their citizens in grave danger. A boycott will hurt them, not us. Texas' economy is stronger than ever. We value babies and police, they don't.

It's comical that Portland mayor Ted Wheeler is worried about Texas when his city defunded the police and he had to ask citizens to 'take back the city.' Texas is solidly prolife and Texans support law enforcement. Meanwhile, Portland is a dumpster fire and Texas is thriving."

Texas Lt Gov Dan Patrick

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