I visited the rally Friday afternoon, October 7, at the Dallas Federal Reserve building at 2200 North Pearl St., Dallas, TX (All photos by Roger Young).
The Dallas Fed is a huge complex rising out of the north Texas prairie. It takes up an entire city block. Why does it need so much space just to produce counterfeit digital money?:
The numbers are small when I first arrive….
Fencing was strategically placed to corral and control the state’s restless and disobedient livestock….…and to aid in closely monitoring their activities:
No surprise here- Ron Paulians appeared to be the dominant force among the participants….
…..though Todd, an anarchist from Denton, TX joined the group…..
….and expertly stated his case toward a stateless society:
The message was conveyed to passing motorists by way of concisely worded signs:
….and passionate, informative speech:
Many passers by showed interest and curiosity:
Some messages were composed on site:
Families were prevalent among the demonstrators:
Even the very young showed their concern about their future….
….and even Johnny Law is approached with the message:
Many lively and thought provoking discussions can be heard among the participants:
Need proof the that the “Federal” Reserve is private? As late afternoon approaches, the numbers start to swell:
No one states the case against the Fed better than Alex Jones (watch here and here):As the light starts to disappear and twilight approaches, the message remains on track….
….and the enthusiasm grows.....
…..and the watchers watch closer:
Darkness is imminent, but the protest continues…..
….with sovereign individuals becoming ever more defiant……
…..while looking for that elusive peace:

Great photos! Thanks so much for sending me the link.
Debbie McKee
Dallas End The Fed
Thanks, Debbie. I believe I met you when you pulled me off my "loft."
Keep up the good work!
Excellent Pictures.
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