Sunday, March 7, 2010

Image Review of the Week

Universal behavior - young male curiosity........

......and performing tricks for the master:

“How does one react to the recognition that life is priceless, but a price should be put upon it for the purpose of deciding whether to make war? It can only be with outrage.”
Sam Bostaph

Ignore the state’s indifference- keep pushing....... its shield of resistance will soon crack:

The Shrub just keeps makin’ “history":

Obama swears in some new cabinet members:

What every responsible state hater should have in his garage:

Despite your conviction for change, ...... ballots backed by bullets......

......will not release you from your cage:

Are pink tights next?

"Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known."

Oscar Wilde

A reminder- shoe throwing is not target specific:

Stick with the real thing. A successful life’s journey requires a sturdy steed:

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