......and time to cuddle up with a good book:

“Terrorism is violence, ......

......or the threat of violence, ......

......calculated to create an atmosphere of fear and alarm, ......

......through acts designed to coerce others into actions they otherwise would not undertake. ......

......or into refraining from actions that they desired to take. ......

......All terrorist acts are crimes. ......

......Many would also be violations of the rules of war, if a state of war existed. ......

......This violence or threat of violence is generally directed against civilian targets."
The definition of terrorism according to a December. 1999 report to the President and to Congress of the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism involving Weapons of Mass Destruction:

Climate con men on parade:

"Children are remarkable for their intelligence and ardor, ......

......for their curiosity, ......

......their intolerance of shams, ......

......the clarity and ruthlessness of their vision"
Aldous Huxley

Fraud - noun;
An act of deception carried out for the purpose of unfair, undeserved, and/or unlawful gain, esp. financial gain.
Such an act injurious to another.
One who performs such an act:
Hypocrisy- noun;
The claim, pretense, or false representation of holding beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not actually possess:
All figured out. How “we” win the Afghanistan war:
One of at least two uses for written constitutions:
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