“Where politicians flourish, long history has harshly taught us, people and their liberty wither. Where the state is god and the "public interest" worshipped, individual man will be found bleeding upon the altar.”
Karl Hess
Karl Hess
“If the government is exempt from the requirement it imposes upon other plaintiffs, by what authority did it gain such exemption? Did it bestow it upon itself? And if so, are we supposed to take that seriously?”
Paul Hein
Paul Hein
“We can have politics or we can have peace. We can’t have both.”
Thomas L Knapp
Thomas L Knapp
“There is absolutely no moral case, much less constitutional case, for Congress forcibly using one American to serve the purposes of another American, a practice that differs only in degree from slavery, which we all should find morally offensive.”
Walter E. Williams
Walter E. Williams
“The Copenhagen Climate Conference is sort of like a modern Council of Trent, attempting to determine which sciency-sounding assertions are divinely inspired and therefore worthy of being canonized and which email hackers can be excommunicated as grievous heretics.”
Garry Reed
Garry Reed
“The trouble is there aren't really any climate scientists and nobody really knows what is going on. Real science requires an ability to reproduce results and disprove an assertion. If there's no way to prove that a hypothesis isn't so, it's not really science. It's just guesswork. Nobody can prove much of anything related to the earth's climate. You can't do a controlled experiment. All you have is cogitation and conjecture.”
Bill Bonner
Bill Bonner
“Be aware, my grandchildren, you may find yourselves beset by people-pushing gangs of sociopaths who have ambitions over the very ownership of your lives. They will likely cajole and coerce you into minimizing your "carbon footprint" on this planet. But to give in to their importunities is to abandon the creative and joyous nature of life itself. Continue to direct your energies over what is yours to own, and make your footprints as grand and glorious as your imaginations are capable of generating.”
Butler Shaffer
Butler Shaffer
“'We The People,’ my ass. In setting itself over and above the rest of us, government has also set itself apart from the rest of us. In developing its own interests and priorities distinct from — and often opposed to — those of the people whom it allegedly serves, government has relinquished any rightful claim on the people’s loyalty.
Remember this, and remember it well: Government serves itself first and foremost. We’re an afterthought at best and, more often than not, an obstacle to be overcome. Government is inherently an alien institution and its employees are at all times an occupation force. It’s about time we recognized that and started treating them accordingly.”
Thomas L. Knapp
Remember this, and remember it well: Government serves itself first and foremost. We’re an afterthought at best and, more often than not, an obstacle to be overcome. Government is inherently an alien institution and its employees are at all times an occupation force. It’s about time we recognized that and started treating them accordingly.”
Thomas L. Knapp
From the Darkness:
“State dinners are part of the symbols of our democracy, like the White House itself, like the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem. And when people are making fun of those things, when they’re doing what these people did, that’s an insult to awful all of us. And if these people go to jail, that will be just fine with me.”
CBS News chief Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer, on Tareq and Michaele Salahi’s “crashing” of a White House state dinner.
CBS News chief Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer, on Tareq and Michaele Salahi’s “crashing” of a White House state dinner.
"You call it 'ClimateGate.' I call it 'E-mail-theft-gate,'"
Barbara Boxer
Barbara Boxer
"As president Obama and I have said repeatedly, our government will not again turn our back on this country or the region. We will fight by your side until the Afghan forces are large enough and strong enough to secure the nation on their own. Whether it's three years or two years or four years remains to be seen."
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates
"We avoided the depression many feared. Our work is far from done."
B. Obama, calling for a major new burst of federal spending Tuesday, perhaps $150 billion or more.
B. Obama, calling for a major new burst of federal spending Tuesday, perhaps $150 billion or more.
“To paraphrase Shakespeare, it’s sound and fury signifying nothing. I haven’t read all the e-mails, but the most recent one is more than 10 years old. These private exchanges between these scientists do not in any way cause any question about the scientific consensus. But the noise machine built by the climate deniers often seizes on what they can blow out of proportion, so they’ve thought this is a bigger deal than it is.”
Al Gore, denying the fraud that is his climate scam.
Al Gore, denying the fraud that is his climate scam.
“So that now, sixty four years after the Holocaust, the Nazi disdain for the book has become the feel-good Hi-Tech campaign to rid the world of books in place of massive easily controlled centralized repositories of book texts downloadable on little hand-held devices and from which a text can be disappeared with the click of a mouse: in Nazi terms, a dream come true.”
Alan Kaufman, explaining his disdain for the Google Kindle.
Alan Kaufman, explaining his disdain for the Google Kindle.
"We must begin by acknowledging the hard truth that we will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes," he said. "There will be times when nations -- acting individually or in concert -- will find the use of force not only necessary but morally justified."
B. Obama, justifying war while accepting a “peace” prize.
[Why the pessimism? What happened to “Yes We Can?”]
B. Obama, justifying war while accepting a “peace” prize.
[Why the pessimism? What happened to “Yes We Can?”]
“I ask you, why don’t you follow the example of France and Germany and declare Holocaust denial not only indecent but illegal? In those countries, Holocaust deniers go to jail.”
Elie Wiesel urging Hungary’s leaders to behave more like the Nazis that persecuted him.
Elie Wiesel urging Hungary’s leaders to behave more like the Nazis that persecuted him.
“A planetary law, such as China's one-child policy, is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days.”
Diane Francis, Financial Post (who admits to having two children)
Diane Francis, Financial Post (who admits to having two children)
“If President Obama has to send (more) troops into Afghanistan to fight evil, I’ll pull for our guys to win, and I won’t apologize for it. I’m an American, and I do pull for our team to fight evil.”
Toby Keith, country disco singer, before performing at a concert in Oslo for the Nobel “Peace” Prize.
Toby Keith, country disco singer, before performing at a concert in Oslo for the Nobel “Peace” Prize.
I'm so glad to see that you've put Toby Keith on your evil list. Can't stand that guy.
TK is the epitome of, and the spokesman for, the ignorant, boot licking, flag worshipping, nationalistic, Boobus, hayseed.
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